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Today, not starting is far, far worse than being wrong. If you start, you’ve got a shot at evolving and adjusting to turn your wrong into a right. But if you don’t start, you never get a chance  (Shot Quotes) He asks me what happened to my leg. I told him I was shot by a shark. He doesn’t react. Doesn’t seem confused or amused or anything. Like getting shot by a shark is a perfectly natural thing in the aftermath of the arrival  (Shot Quotes) There was never any fear for me, no fear of failure. If I miss a shot, so what?  (Shot Quotes) The major difference between the big shot and the little shot is the big shot is just a little shot who kept on shooting  (Shot Quotes) People never fail to amaze me. They face the unimaginable with a shot of grace and a rush of adrenaline; they steel their nerves; they summon their cool or anger or faith or whatever it takes to pull them through, and they go on to live another day  (Shot Quotes) I went to play golf and tried to shoot my age, but I shot my weight instead  (Shot Quotes) We are all shot through with enough motives to make a massacre, any day of the week that we want to give them their head  (Shot Quotes) There is no room in your mind for negative thoughts. The busier you keep yourself with the particulars of shot assessment and execution, the less chance your mind has to dwell on the emotional. This is sheer intensity  (Shot Quotes) How did I end up right here wit you after all the things that I been through. It’s been one of those days you try and forget about take a shot and let it out  (Shot Quotes) Reverse the ball one time for a good shot, two times for a great shot, three times for a layup  (Shot Quotes) Know that a word suddenly shot from the tongue is like an arrow shot from the bow. Son, that arrow won’t turn back on its way; you must damn the torrent at its source  (Shot Quotes) The most successful people in this world recognize that taking chances to get what they want is much more productive than sitting around being too scared to take a shot  (Shot Quotes) It’s called the mysterious rhythm of life,... I can’t quite account for it. It’s probably an addiction, quite honestly. I need that shot of stage every two or three years  (Shot Quotes) As an elephant in the battlefield withstands arrows shot from bows all around, even so shall I endure abuse  (Shot Quotes) Patriotism is a passion which induces hot youth to rush forth to get shot and half shot, while sober, conservative age waves the flag and corrals the contracts  (Shot Quotes) I can’t even describe to anybody what it feels like to have my naked body shot across the world like a news flash against my will. It just makes me feel like a piece of meat that’s being passed around for profit  (Shot Quotes) Everybody has felt at one time or another that everyone else in the world had a better shot than they did, so when you engage that, you engage the reader, and I think you create a character that brings the reader more fully into the story  (Shot Quotes) We’ve got an engaging, edgy, vibrant, fun product,... It may or may not work, but we’re going to give it our best shot  (Shot Quotes) The only story that seems worth writing is a cry, a shot, a scream. A story should break the reader’s heart  (Shot Quotes) In order to hit a good golf shot at that moment in time when you’re standing over the ball, you must believe that golf shot is the most important things in your life  (Shot Quotes) I’ve got to formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot, success is my only option, failure’s not  (Shot Quotes) Who calls a shot like that? Who makes a decision like that? It’s a disturbing trend  (Shot Quotes) You hit a bad shot, you have to get over it right there and then so you can get focused on the next one  (Shot Quotes) My proudest accomplishment was that I never dropped a bomb, fired a bullet, or shot a missile  (Shot Quotes) Confidence is when you stand over a shot and know you’re going to make it because you’ve done it time and time again  (Shot Quotes) Death by evaporation. May the saltwater wind that gets shot out of a barreling wave blow me away like an old puffy dandelion into the sky  (Shot Quotes) Hemingway shot himself. I don’t like a man that takes the short way home  (Shot Quotes) The famous are balloons far up in the sky, to be envied for their quiet freedom or shot down as enemies  (Shot Quotes) In my experience, if you go to a hospital for any reason whatsoever, including to read the gas meter, they give you a tetanus shot  (Shot Quotes) It’s insane to me to ask anybody to be what they’re not. Know what you know the best, love the most. That’s always going to be the answer to the thing that you have the best shot at winning at  (Shot Quotes)
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