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People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves (Show Quotes)
If you want a man that respects the way you think then show more mind than ass (Show Quotes)
Instead of showing up to let everyone know how great we are, show up to find out how great everyone else is (Show Quotes)
I’m in the entertainment business, where you’re only as good as your last show (Show Quotes)
The show is not a history lesson or intellectual exploration. It is entertainment based on tension, irony and storytelling that is closely related to today’s life (Show Quotes)
You have to make something good. Just because all the hot actors show up and the money is there and the explosives are ready, it doesn’t matter (Show Quotes)
Maybe one way I am original is that at heart I really am a classical actor. I haven’t had my chance yet in the commercial world to show that. Movies aren’t really made about classical people so much any more (Show Quotes)
Actors are journeymen. We show up for work. We do the job and then we go. What goes on behind the scenes is what goes on behind the scenes (Show Quotes)
I learned in my early years in the theater that I would never become the guy on top. I’ll never create a show; I don’t have a brain expansive enough to see the whole picture, in a way that would behoove anyone (Show Quotes)
When a bad experience happens, you just chalk it up to the great fact that you just got five more jokes in the show (Show Quotes)
I learned a long time ago that the show you’re going to see isn’t the one you have in your head. As soon as you understand that, you’re going to enjoy it a lot more (Show Quotes)
People have to be free to investigate computer security. People have to be free to look for the vulnerabilities and create proof of concept code to show that they are true vulnerabilities in order for us to secure our systems (Show Quotes)
You can shoot a show and have it not air. It’s not real until it’s airing (Show Quotes)
People focus on the darker female characters in my books, but for every one of those, I can also show you an equally screwed up man that no one ever comments about, or a nicer woman that no one comments about (Show Quotes)
I think people really want to see the real because the world is portrayed at such a low level that if you come out with a real wholesome show, people don’t want to see that anymore (Show Quotes)
I am not a special person, I am not especially strong; I am not especially gifted. I simply do not like to show my weakness, and I hate to lose, so I am a person who tries hard. That’s all there is to me (Show Quotes)
Few children learn to read books by themselves. Someone has to lure them into the wonderful world of the written word; Someone has to show them the way (Show Quotes)
Let a slight snow come and cover the earth, and the tracks of men will show how little the woods and fields are frequented (Show Quotes)
If I haven’t had any long term psychological side effects from all the things I’ve already done on this show, this isn’t gonna hurt much more (Show Quotes)
To show the relativity of what’s good taste and what’s not is something I like to play with (Show Quotes)
In those perfect moments you find beauty you never knew existed. You find yourself and you friends all over again, you find something to fight for, something to love. Something to show the world (Show Quotes)
War with evil; but show no spirit of malignity toward the man who may be responsible for the evil. Put it out of his power to do wrong (Show Quotes)
People who pay greater respect to a wealthy villain than to an honest, upright man in poverty, almost deserve to be enslaved; they plainly show that wealth, however it may be acquired, is, in their esteem, to be preferred to virtue (Show Quotes)
What we create together is a relationship in which our work can show up as making a difference in people’s lives. I welcome the unprecedented opportunity for us to work globally on that which concerns us all as human beings (Show Quotes)
This mother needs happy, reputable children, and that one needs unhappy ones: otherwise she cannot show her kindness as a mother (Show Quotes)
I have stopped smoking now and then, for a few months at a time, but it was not on principle, it was only to show off; it was to pulverize those critics who said I was a slave to my habits and couldn’t break my bonds (Show Quotes)
I learned to just show up at the page and write down what I heard. Writing became more like eavesdropping and less like inventing a nuclear bomb (Show Quotes)
The only limit to the oppression of government is the power with which the people show themselves capable of opposing it (Show Quotes)
I can still stand on life’s narrowest footing: but who would I be were I to show you this art. Would you like to see a ropedancer? (Show Quotes)
There’s this big pie in show business, and you physically can’t eat the whole pie. If you give everybody a slice of pie, you will still have more than enough. The real trick is not to try to get the whole pie, but to keep the biggest slice (Show Quotes)