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I’m showing the boss what I can do. I was bought as a striker and I always believe I am a striker  (Showing Quotes) I’m really not interested in showing me or playing me. My gift as an actor, given to me, is to be able to become other people  (Showing Quotes) An expert knows the subject very well. A model teaches by showing instead of just telling  (Showing Quotes) Showing gratitude for the good things you have is the most powerful happiness boosting activity there is  (Showing Quotes) Showing a greater fondness for their own opinions than for truth, they sought to deny and disprove the new things which, if they had cared to look for themselves, their own senses would have demonstrated to them  (Showing Quotes) He’s not pointing to anybody, he’s showing off how high he can count!  (Showing Quotes) I could croak with no warning, and the only tragedy anyone would experience would be showing up on the last day of my estate sale simply to discover that all remaining items had copious amounts of dog hair on them  (Showing Quotes) Selling your life to sit in a box and work for a machine. An uncaring machine that demands productivity that doesn’t understand you and doesn’t want to understand you... There’s no natural behaviour. Everyone is wearing clothes they don’t want to wear. Everybody is showing up and doing something they don’t want to do. They have no connection to it. That’s the problem with our society  (Showing Quotes) If somebody is strong and showing good performances and perfect in the thing you are doing, there are people who want to disturb you  (Showing Quotes) When I photograph, I try to use my instincts as much as possible. It is when pictures are unconsidered and irrational that they come to life; that they evolve from showing to being  (Showing Quotes) Me being a shy kid, very closed off, showing vulnerability in a character was sort of a safe space on stage. It’s always been in my toolbox, there for me when I need it  (Showing Quotes) The fate of the worm refutes the pretended ethical teaching of the proverb, which assumes to illustrate the advantage of early rising and does so by showing how extremely dangerous it is  (Showing Quotes) Studies have been done showing that there really are gender differences, that women do bring more congeniality and compromise to the table  (Showing Quotes) How are we going to make painters by lecturing to them? We are going to make questioners, doubters, and talkers. We are going to make painters by painting ourselves, and by showing the paintings of others. By working frankly from our convictions, we are going to make them work frankly from theirs  (Showing Quotes) Whether you like me or you don’t, I still dig showing up for work  (Showing Quotes) There are always reasons for people’s behaviour, and it’s easy just to dismiss them and assume that we already know their story, especially if they’re no good at showing their emotions. Life gives you all these knocks, it’s so easy to form a shell to protect yourself. I’ve done it myself  (Showing Quotes) I really don’t have a problem showing the ugly side of people. If that means my wearing no makeup, that’s fine. To me, that’s beautiful  (Showing Quotes) Our thoughts really do create our lives. They’ve done a lot of research showing if you’re an optimistic, positive person you will be a healthier person than if you’re a sad, depressed, negative person  (Showing Quotes) I’m always showing pictures off. I have to be careful who I show them to because of who I am, obviously, but I’m a proud father  (Showing Quotes) Any image I have, it’s just what I do, but it comes off as being very pretentious. When you’re a bit in the public astigmatism, anything you do seems like you did it so somebody would see you do it, like showing up at the right parties  (Showing Quotes) When I show a film at a festival, I am showing myself. Everything is at stake for me  (Showing Quotes) Video artists being at the low end of the totem pole economically, one of the ways we survive is to go around showing work and giving these talks  (Showing Quotes) Keep showing up for your side of the job and give genius a chance to do its part  (Showing Quotes) I can’t thank you enough for showing up. It’s not the same without you  (Showing Quotes) I wish to be of service to the artists of our own day, by showing them how a small beginning leads to the highest elevation, and how from so noble a situation it is possible to fall to utmost ruin, and consequently, how these arts resemble nature as shown in our human bodies  (Showing Quotes) The less manifest the work, the stronger: as though a secret law demanded it always be hidden in what it shows, thus showing what must remain hidden, only showing it, in the end, by dissimulation  (Showing Quotes) The fundamentalist violence is, so is it, an attempt to increase the stakes, i.e. to discourage the potential desertions by showing that defection will cost them dear, that those who adopt other values will be persecuted or even killed  (Showing Quotes) In my work, I try to reach and speak to that innocence, showing it the fun and joy of living; showing it that laughter is healthy; showing it that the human species, although happily ridiculous sometimes, is still reaching for the stars  (Showing Quotes) A president just can’t make much showing against congress. They lay awake nights, thinking up things to be against the president on  (Showing Quotes) The teacher will perform miracles. Not just to delight and amuse people, but showing them that miraculous occurrences indicate that there is something more  (Showing Quotes)
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