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Instead of showing up to let everyone know how great we are, show up to find out how great everyone else is  (Showing Quotes) Love after divorce is all about showing and sharing with my son what is good and right in life!  (Showing Quotes) Apology may start as a feeling, a desire to make matters right, but it requires a commitment to move that desire into practice, to actually take on the great courageous task of showing compassion to others  (Showing Quotes) Enjoyment is an art and a skill for which we have little talent or energy... your entire education has has deprived you of this capacity because it was preparing you for the future, instead of showing you how to be alive now  (Showing Quotes) Neapolitans are extremely empathetic, whereas the typical northern attitude is more about not showing or sharing your feelings  (Showing Quotes) All men are equally proud. The only difference is that not all take the same methods of showing it  (Showing Quotes) Socrates... brought human wisdom back down from heaven, where she was wasting her time, and restored her to man... It is impossible to go back further and lower. He did a great favor to human nature by showing how much it can do by itself  (Showing Quotes) We owe to genius always the same debt, of lifting the curtain from the common, and showing us that divinities are sitting disguised in the seeming gang of gypsies and peddlars  (Showing Quotes) What are we artists for? We are for showing you what you’ve wandered for to find the home of your spirit  (Showing Quotes) I don’t know about you, but I love showing my ass to a crew of 300 that I’ve been working with  (Showing Quotes) When you have characters talking about music in any way, especially about music someone doesn’t know, some people presume it’s about showing social capital and sneering at those who don’t have it  (Showing Quotes) If anyone asks for your autograph they’re showing you respect and give it back to them  (Showing Quotes) It is by teaching that we teach ourselves, by relating that we observe, by affirming that we examine, by showing that we look, by writing that we think, by pumping that we draw water into the well  (Showing Quotes) There are some persons in this world, who, unable to give better proof of being wise, take a strange delight in showing what they think they have sagaciously read in mankind by uncharitable suspicions of them  (Showing Quotes) Showing off seemed to me to be a highly valuable and necessary activity when I was 20  (Showing Quotes) In order to win you must be prepared to lose sometime. And leave one or two cards showing  (Showing Quotes) Everybody sees me as this sullen and insecure little thing. Those are just the sides of me that I feel it’s necessary to show because no one else seems to be showing them  (Showing Quotes) We believe in loving our brothers regardless of race, color or creed and we believe in showing this love by working for better conditions immediately and the ultimate owning by the workers of their means of production  (Showing Quotes) And with the rape, I was showing why the rape statistics are exaggerated, and saying that date rape was much more complex than the way feminists had portrayed it, as men oppressing women  (Showing Quotes) Telling lies and showing off to get attention are mistakes I made that I don’t want my kids to make  (Showing Quotes) I have my ideas, I have my music and I also just enjoy showing off, so that’s a big part of it. Also, I like to get up onstage and behave insanely or express myself physically, and the band can get pretty silly  (Showing Quotes) You see what power is holding someone else’s fear in your hand and showing it to them  (Showing Quotes) Everyone thinks I’m showing off when I talk, ridiculous when I’m silent, insolent when I answer, cunning when I have a good idea, lazy when I’m tired, selfish when I eat one bite more than I should  (Showing Quotes) Modern man, if he dared to be articulate about his concept of heaven, would describe a vision which would look like the biggest department store in the world, showing new things and gadgets, and himself having plenty of money with which to buy them  (Showing Quotes) Reason deserves to be called a prophet; for in showing us the consequence and effect of our actions in the present, does it not tell us what the future will be?  (Showing Quotes) The anxiety we have for the figure we cut, for our personage, is constantly cropping out. We are showing off and are often more concerned with making a display than with living. Whoever feels observed observes himself  (Showing Quotes) The real satisfaction which praise can afford, is when what is repeated aloud agrees with the whispers of conscience, by showing us that we have not endeavored to deserve well in vain  (Showing Quotes) You gave him an opportunity of showing greatness of character and he did not seize it. He will never forgive you for that  (Showing Quotes) The origins of disputes between philosophers is, that one class of them have undertaken to raise man by displaying his greatness, and the other to debase him by showing his miseries  (Showing Quotes) There is something vulnerable about showing your tattoos to people, even while it gives you a feeling that you are wearing a sleeve when you are naked  (Showing Quotes)
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