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Every man has his moral backside which he refrains from showing unless he has to and keeps covered as long as possible with the trousers of decorum  (Showing Quotes) Kisses are like grains of gold or silver found upon the ground, of no value themselves, but precious as showing that a mine is near  (Showing Quotes) If you do something too good, then, after a while, if you don’t watch it, you start showing off. And then you’re not as good any more  (Showing Quotes) Feeling unsure and lost is part of your path. Don’t avoid it. See what those feelings are showing you and use it  (Showing Quotes) I’m always asking friends what new music they’re into, and I love showing people new talented artists  (Showing Quotes) Youth as glimpsed by its elders is a story that comes from afar, showing itself as either lovely to look at or a torment to endure  (Showing Quotes) Christ, in the parable of the vine dressers, has taught us a sublime lesson of justice, by showing that to the things which are not our own, we can have no just claim  (Showing Quotes) I was showing early symptoms of becoming a professional baseball man. I was lying to the press  (Showing Quotes) We do recognise the need to move towards the publication of information showing the progress made by pupils from one stage of their education to another  (Showing Quotes) For the past few years, I was the more visible Asian performer, and I think it gave young girls a kind of role model showing it’s possible to actually reach success doing movies  (Showing Quotes) I always market research my books before I hand them in by showing them to five or six close friends who I trust to be honest with me, so they are very heavily re-written already  (Showing Quotes) I think I might actually die of showing off. It’ll be on my headstone - ‘Cause of Death: Showing Off. ‘  (Showing Quotes) I was a student at Columbia College, actually, in the Architecture school. Paul would drive in from Queens, showing me these new songs. I can’t remember us working it out  (Showing Quotes) I was ecstatic they re-named ‘French Fries’ as ‘Freedom Fries’. Grown men and women in positions of power in the U. S. government showing themselves as idiots  (Showing Quotes) Major labels didn’t start showing up really until they smelled money, and that’s all they’re ever going to be attracted to is money-that’s the business they’re in- making money  (Showing Quotes) The commonality between science and art is in trying to see profoundly - to develop strategies of seeing and showing  (Showing Quotes) The people I used to have around me from Nashville was showing love to the Cash Money clique on the strength of Buck trying to make it; making sure Buck gets to where he gots to go  (Showing Quotes) Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path  (Showing Quotes) It’s not my vision when I cover a woman’s face with a chador. I got the idea from a ‘National Geographic’ photo. I’m just showing their plight in the world  (Showing Quotes) In Hollywood you can’t even smoke in a bar anymore and yet in the movies they’re always showing people smoking. I don’t get it  (Showing Quotes) I feel I’ll take on the responsibility of showing the world a whole different kind of Latin woman  (Showing Quotes) I’m going to write a whole pilot and see if anyone’s interested, and if not then I’ll just live out the tortured life instead of showing it on TV  (Showing Quotes) Apple is in a position they’ve been in a lot of times before. They’re like Moses showing the way to the promised land, but they don’t actually go there  (Showing Quotes) I believe you can frighten people without showing their heads caved-in  (Showing Quotes) I don’t really have an issue with showing certain parts of my body. I’d rather not, but it’s not a big deal. Growing up in Sweden, it’s natural over there  (Showing Quotes) Moreover, we are showing a dismaying tendency to recast God in Man’s image  (Showing Quotes) If we prove capable of showing a pioneering commitment, we shall create a commmunity listened to around the world  (Showing Quotes) And there goes Juantorena down the back straight, opening his legs and showing his class  (Showing Quotes) The most common mistakes are showing people your product- don’t show them your product, it’s sort of like telling them bout a feature  (Showing Quotes) My sound has changed. It’s still hiphop, but it’s more of like a rock/hip-hop show. It’s high energy, stage diving, pyrotechnics, girls showing their breasts. It’s crazy party atmosphere  (Showing Quotes)
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