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My mother is looking forward to it even more than me! I’ll be showing her the bright lights of New York.  (Showing Quotes) The British Airways steward announced that the in-flight movie would be Chariots of Fire. ‘Is that the only one?’ I asked. ‘We are also showing Gandhi,’ he replied. ‘Where do I have to sit to see it? I responded. ‘I’m sorry, sir, but Gandhi is only showing in first class.’ The irony seemed to escape him.  (Showing Quotes) I was always the new kid in school, I’m the kid from a broken family, I’m the kid who had no dad showing up at the father-son stuff, I’m the kid that was using food stamps at the grocery store.  (Showing Quotes) Clearly, there are things a runner does, intentionally or not, that disrupt team cohesion. And there are also things a runner doesn’t do that can cause problems: not trying, showing up late, skipping team-building activities, and ignoring the coach’s instructions.  (Showing Quotes) Directing your first film is like showing up to the field trip in seventh grade, getting on the bus, and making an announcement, ‘So today I’m driving the bus.’ And everybody’s like, ‘What?’ And you’re like, ‘I’m gonna drive the bus.’ And they’re like, ‘But you don’t know how to drive the bus.’  (Showing Quotes) Major labels didn’t start showing up really until they smelled money, and that’s all they’re ever going to be attracted to is money-that’s the business they’re in- making money.  (Showing Quotes) Showing leadership doesn’t mean every employee will run the organization; that would lead to chaos. Businesses do need someone to set the vision and then lead the team to it.  (Showing Quotes) I hope the business sense that artists like Jay-Z and Nelly are showing rubs off on the young players. I want somebody to stand up and say, Look, these kids got it going on. We want to be a part of them.  (Showing Quotes) One thing I do know, you can’t change hatred by showing those people that they’re wrong about us.  (Showing Quotes) It was part of the reason I almost didn’t go public with my diagnosis - I was embarrassed. I felt, ‘Oh, I’ve always talked about exercising. And I got cancer.’ And then I realized it’s a great example of showing that cancer can hit anyone at any time.  (Showing Quotes) If you look at television shows, which of course are fictional so you don’t expect them to be real, but they’re constantly showing career women who are also successful mothers and also look gorgeous. And we fall into believing that these fictional lives are somehow accurate depictions of what our real lives should be about.  (Showing Quotes) The people I used to have around me from Nashville was showing love to the Cash Money clique on the strength of Buck trying to make it; making sure Buck gets to where he gots to go.  (Showing Quotes) I think I might actually die of showing off. It’ll be on my headstone - ‘Cause of Death: Showing Off.’  (Showing Quotes) The dirty little secret of foreign correspondents is that 90 per cent of it is showing up. If you can find a way to get there, the story, the reporting, it’s the easiest you’ll ever do. ‘Cause the drama’s everywhere.  (Showing Quotes) My heavily-cleverly disguised low self-regard manifested itself in my constant showing off, my addiction for publicity, and my intolerable ‘me-me-me’ attitudes and actions. But it’s done, isn’t it? And no one can really change, can they? And, hey, it has been a lot of fun being the life-long irresponsible, snarky, nasty art scamp.  (Showing Quotes) You don’t accomplish a lot by changing people’s opinions by shoving facts down their throat. I think you change people’s opinions by opening your heart up and showing the parallels between you and another person. That’s how people’s ideas shift.  (Showing Quotes) A man whose every exertion is bent upon showing up the flaws in his wife’s character must be at least partially responsible for some of them.  (Showing Quotes) Showing the addiction and unusual sexual practices are ways of just outlining a much bigger character trait.  (Showing Quotes) While budgets are tight right now, there are schools across the country that are showing that it doesn’t take a whole lot of money or resources to give our kids the nutrition they deserve. What it does take, however, is effort. What it does take is imagination. What it does take is a commitment to our children’s futures.  (Showing Quotes) Through [my children] patience, they’re showing me how much they support what’s going on, because I’m having to do a lot of work right now.  (Showing Quotes) From a gameplay standpoint, I’ve said for years that hero, fiction, and tone have nothing to do with the idea that choices have consequences. And that’s really what I’m interested in. I care about you showing how clever and creative you are.  (Showing Quotes) Church History is the record of God’s gracious, wonderful and mighty deeds, showing how by his Spirit and Word he rules his Church and conquers the world.  (Showing Quotes) In 1893, Miss M. Roalfe Cox brought together, in a volume of the Folk-Lore Society, no less than 345 variants of ‘Cinderella’ and kindred stories showing how widespread this particular formula was throughout Europe and how substantially identical the various incidents as reproduced in each particular country.  (Showing Quotes) I had my first museum showing of my slide show in Rotterdam, in 1983. I love Rotterdam. I love harbour cities in general.  (Showing Quotes) People have got to show up, showing up at meetings, rallies, marches, City Council, courtrooms. You’ve got to show up.  (Showing Quotes) We have a tendency to sugar coat the Civil Rights movement by showing arm in arm and everyone singing ‘Kumbaya’. We don’t really always show the resistance from the government, the resistance from the status quo, from the majority to silence the movement.  (Showing Quotes) My friends and I were the class clowns in high school, so one day we were showing off at our seats, and I fell off my chair! I had to get stitches, and I had a bloody lip. I was trying so hard to be a cool class clown!  (Showing Quotes) I wanted to write at school - to write funny stories which the teacher might ask me to read out to the class. It’s all basically about showing off.  (Showing Quotes) Manners require showing consideration of all human beings, not just the ones to whom one is close  (Showing Quotes) What’s the fun in approaching something closed-minded? I’m very specific; if dialogue is too on-the-nose, or there’s a lot of telling and not showing, I’ll talk to my manager and let them know the problems I have with it. But, I always go in with fresh eyes. The first pass just needs to be about figuring out little things here and there.  (Showing Quotes)
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