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I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one  (Shown Quotes) This absolute lack of objectivity might be said to resemble nothing so much as the lack of objectivity these same people had shown during Stalin's life, when they had been so supremely worshipful of his mind and strength of will, of his foresight and genius. Their hysterical worship of Stalin and their total and unconditional rejection of him sprang from the same soil  (Shown Quotes) Leadership means that a group, large or small, is willing to entrust authority to a person who has shown judgement, wisdom, personal appeal, and proven competence  (Shown Quotes) I like you and your book, ingenious Hone! In whose capacious all-embracing leaves the very marrow of tradition 's shown; and all that history, much that fiction weaves  (Shown Quotes) While many congregations are less than vibrant, my experience has shown that where the Word is taught, the Spirit of the Lord is present  (Shown Quotes) History has shown us, that you can't allow the mass extermination of people, and just sit by and watch it happen  (Shown Quotes) We've shown the world that New York can never be defeated, because of its dynamic and diverse population and because it embodies the spirit of enterprise and the love of liberty  (Shown Quotes) There sat a woman, whose wet tresses rolled on to the floor in waves of gleaming gold, cast back from such a form as, erewhile shown to one poor shepherd, lighted up troy town  (Shown Quotes) Scientists announced today that they have discovered a cure for apathy. However, they claim no one has shown the slightest interest in it  (Shown Quotes) Today's stock market actually hates technology, as shown by all-time low price/earnings ratios for major public technology companies  (Shown Quotes) One must have faith in the best in men and distrust the worst. One must allow the best to be shown so that it reveals and prevails over the worst. Nations should have a pillory for whoever stirs up useless hate, and another for whoever fails to tell them the truth in time  (Shown Quotes) Men are not flattered by being shown that there has been a difference of purpose between the Almighty and them  (Shown Quotes) I am sure it is one's duty as a teacher to try to show boys that no opinions, no tastes, no emotions are worth much unless they are one's own. I suffered acutely as a boy from the lack of being shown this  (Shown Quotes) The sweetness and generosity and politeness and gentleness and humanity of the French had shown me how lovely life can be if one takes time to be friendly  (Shown Quotes) If God has shown us bad times ahead, it's enough for me that He knows about them. That's why He sometimes shows us things, you know - to tell us that this too is in His hands  (Shown Quotes) Judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment  (Shown Quotes) Let's say that people tend to see in themselves what we see in them. The grander our vision, the grander their willingness to access and display the part of them we have shown them  (Shown Quotes) The emotions I feel are no more meant to be shown in their unadulterated state than the inner organs by which we live  (Shown Quotes) People resent being shown that they don't approach the complexities of the problem - they don't know what exists beyond the surface ripples  (Shown Quotes) He who does not make his words rather serve to conceal than discover the sense of his heart deserves to have it pulled out like a traitor's and shown publicly to the rabble  (Shown Quotes) The doctor should be opaque to his patients and, like a mirror, should show them nothing but what is shown to him  (Shown Quotes) Helped are those who love the entire cosmos rather than their own tiny country, city, or farm, for to them will be shown the unbroken web of life and the meaning of infinity  (Shown Quotes) One should always look to the end of everything, how it will finally come out. For the god has shown blessedness to many only to overturn them utterly in the end  (Shown Quotes) Against their wills what numbers ruin shun, purely through want of wit to be undone! Nature has shown by making it so rare, that wit's a jewel which we need not wear  (Shown Quotes) If I was to show the Latter Day Saints all the revelations that the Lord has shown unto me, there is scarce a man that would stay with me, they could not bear it  (Shown Quotes) Though wrong the mode, comply; more sense is shown in wearing others' follies than our own  (Shown Quotes) It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress  (Shown Quotes) If you have to tell someone how bad you want it, then you haven't shown them how hard you already work for it  (Shown Quotes) Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing, only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness; So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another, only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence  (Shown Quotes) By heaven, he echoes me, as if there were some monster in his thought too hideous to be shown  (Shown Quotes)
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