Shut the door of that house of pleasure which you hear resounding with the loud voice of a woman

Shut the door of that house of pleasure which you hear resounding with the loud voice of a woman
Saadi, also known as Sheikh Saadi Shirazi, was a Persian poet and prose writer from the medieval period. He is considered one of the greatest Persian poets and his works have had a lasting impact on Persian literature and culture. Saadi's writings often contain moral and ethical teachings, as well as reflections on human nature and the world around him.The quote "Shut the door of that house of pleasure which you hear resounding with the loud voice of a woman" can be interpreted in various ways within the context of Saadi's works. In his writings, Saadi often emphasizes the importance of self-control, moderation, and avoiding temptation. This quote can be seen as a warning against indulging in worldly pleasures and distractions that may lead one astray from the path of righteousness.
Saadi frequently discusses the dangers of succumbing to desires and urges that can cloud one's judgment and lead to moral decay. The loud voice of a woman in this quote may symbolize the seductive allure of worldly pleasures and the temptation to engage in sinful behavior. By shutting the door to such distractions, one can focus on leading a virtuous and fulfilling life.