Sick Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s nothing worse than walking into a hospital and seeing people sick and miserable and having a horrible treatment (Sick Quotes)
America is sick and tired of spending hour upon hour sitting in their automobile trying to get to work, trying to get kids to school, trying to get to a doctor’s appointment (Sick Quotes)
So certainly, if we can tell evil stories to make people sick, we can also tell good myths that make them well (Sick Quotes)
A man can take a little bourbon without getting drunk, but if you hold his mouth open and pour in a quart, he’s going to get sick on it (Sick Quotes)
But tell me, this physician of whom you were just speaking, is he a moneymaker, an earner of fees, or a healer of the sick (Sick Quotes)
When I get sick of what men do, I have only to walk a few steps in another direction to see what spiders do. Or what the weather does. This sustains me very well indeed (Sick Quotes)
One of the most sublime experiences we can ever have is to wake up feeling healthy after we have been sick (Sick Quotes)
Body and soul cannot be separated for purposes of treatment, for they are one and indivisible. Sick minds must be healed as well as sick bodies (Sick Quotes)
I’m a sick man. and the more I see, the sicker I get. I’m so sick I think everybody else is sick and I’m the only healthy person. That’s bad off, isn’t it? (Sick Quotes)
Man is sick and nations have gone mad. You would not even tolerate for one moment the conduct in an individual that is commonplace in the acts of some nations. You would lock up such a person (Sick Quotes)
How could anybody think this man was sick? All right, so he had funny dreams. That was better than being plain mean and hateful, like about one quarter of the people she had ever met (Sick Quotes)
Is there no hope? the sick man said, the silent doctor shook his head, and took his leave with signs of sorrow, despairing of his fee tomorrow (Sick Quotes)
Peter did not feel very brave; indeed, he felt he was going to be sick. But that made no difference to what he had to do (Sick Quotes)
I’m just sick of ego, ego, ego. My own and everybody else’s. I’m sick of everybody that wants to get somewhere, do something distinguished and all, be somebody interesting. It’s disgusting (Sick Quotes)
The cosmos is a gigantic flywheel making 10,000 revolutions per minute. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it (Sick Quotes)
Always do what you’re afraid to do. ... I will prove myself strong when they think I am sick. I will prove myself brave when they think I am weak (Sick Quotes)
I’m sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody. I’m sick of myself and everybody else that wants to make some kind of a splash (Sick Quotes)
Victim disarmament types are sick, sick people, who’d rather see a woman raped in an alley and strangled with her own pantyhose than see her with a gun in her hand (Sick Quotes)
If our bodies are sick, we seek to heal them. We do not give up. The same thing should be true of our marriages (Sick Quotes)
At the very dawn of history, the care of the sick was actually superior to what the great majority of mankind receive today when ill (Sick Quotes)
We live well enough to have the luxury to get ourselves sick with purely social, psychological stress (Sick Quotes)
I had a lot of other ideas, now and then, but every time I took a second look at one, it got sick and died (Sick Quotes)
We get sick because of something inside going wrong! We get well because of something inside going right! (Sick Quotes)
I am sick of this way of life. The weariness and sadness of old age make it intolerable. I have walked with death in hand, and death’s own hand is warmer than my own. I don’t wish to live any longer (Sick Quotes)
To see rich land eaten away by erosion, to stand by as continual cultivation on sloping fields wears away the best soil, is enough to make a good farmer sick at heart (Sick Quotes)
I think people are sick and tired of all the abuse songs, and drug addiction, we want to bring to world a big fat smile (Sick Quotes)
If you’re sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign (Sick Quotes)
So I remember both medicine, because I frequently sick, particularly with asthma for which there was no proper treatment then, and in religion I had a strong sense of there being a patriarchy (Sick Quotes)
Civil and political rights are critical, but not often the real problem for the destitute sick. My patients in Haiti can now vote but they can’t get medical care or clean water (Sick Quotes)
Even in high school, I’d tell my mom I was sick of swimming and wanted to try to play golf. She wasn’t too happy. She’d say, ‘Think about this.’ And I’d always end up getting back in the pool (Sick Quotes)