Sickness Quotes

Text Quotes
Eastern medicine is not about curing your sickness. It’s about keeping you well. (Sickness Quotes)
Millions do not now have protection or security against the economic effects of sickness (Sickness Quotes)
Trying to suppress or eradicate symptoms on the physical level can be extremely important, but there’s more to healing than that; dealing with psychological, emotional and spiritual issues involved in treating sickness is equally important. (Sickness Quotes)
Health is relative. There is no such thing as an absolute state of health or sickness. Everyone’s physical, mental, and emotional condition is a combination of both. (Sickness Quotes)
All rights and laws are still transmitted, Like an eternal sickness to the race. [Ger., Es erben sich Gesetz and Rechte Wie eine ew’ge Krankheit fort.] (Sickness Quotes)
If Cancer is the chastening tool of God, then doctors who are fighting cancer are fighting against the work of God. If a preacher or a Christian believes the sickness is a means of chastening, then he should never pray for relief from the sickness, but rather pray that the cancer will continue to grow until the chastening is completed. (Sickness Quotes)
I suppose it is that sickness and weakness are selfish things and turn our inner eyes and sympathy on ourselves, whilst health and strength give love rein, and in thought and feeling he can wander where he wills. (Sickness Quotes)
What you do with your eyes in some cases is a matter of life and death. To look at focus on the sickness brings death. To look at focus on God’s Word brings life. (Sickness Quotes)
To array a man’s will against his sickness is the supreme art of medicine (Sickness Quotes)
If sickness brought glory God, Jesus would have spread disease, not healed it (Sickness Quotes)
What is sickness? What is health? Both are distractions. Put them both aside and go forward. (Sickness Quotes)
Romance isn’t measured by how viral your proposal goes. The Internet age may try to sell you something different, but don’t ever forget that viral is closely associated with sickness - so don’t ever make being viral your goal. (Sickness Quotes)
God is glorified through healing and deliverance, not through sickness and suffering (Sickness Quotes)
You’re so lucky you never had morning sickness. It’s horrible. Like a hangover without the good time. (Sickness Quotes)
[T]he more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer . . . [taking] away from before their eyes the greatest of all inducements to industry, frugality, and sobriety, by giving them a dependence of somewhat else than a careful accumulation during youth and health for support in age and sickness. (Sickness Quotes)
Under the law established by the possessor of the greatest number of devices, sickness and the sick will flourish. (Sickness Quotes)
Sickness begets chaos, which, through hard work and a touch of grace, leads to growth and resurrection. (Sickness Quotes)
I think America’s obsession with guns and with violence in media and society is a horrible sickness. (Sickness Quotes)
In life, you’re going to have a lot of problems. Everybody’s got problems. Some is worse than others. Some is sickness. Some, like me, you’ve got problems that you don’t like that come up. But you’ve got to handle them. (Sickness Quotes)
All you can do is hang in there and hope you don’t get motion sickness and puke all over the newspapers. (Sickness Quotes)
I want Thy plan, O God, for my life. May I be happy and contented whether in the homeland or on the foreign field; whether married or alone, in happiness or sorrow, health or sickness, prosperity or adversity -- I want Thy plan, O God, for my life. I want it; oh, I want it. (Sickness Quotes)
As an adult, it’s hard for me to remember my mother before her sickness. But if I go back into childhood, I can access that. (Sickness Quotes)
Scaring someone’s the hardest thing to do, and that’s why most of these scary movies are not scary. They’re sick, but not scary. There’s a lot of sickness out there, of people who then sit there and watch it, which I think is absolutely dismaying. (Sickness Quotes)
I’m beginning to have morning sickness. I’m not having a baby, I’m just sick of morning. (Sickness Quotes)
Jesus, in His earth walk, was the will of God in action. If you want to know what God thinks about sickness - look at Jesus! He went about healing the sick! (Sickness Quotes)
The health benefits of paid sick days policies are obvious. They prevent the spread of disease. But the impact is wider. If a working mom or dad loses a job because of sickness, the family may slip into poverty. (Sickness Quotes)
Don’t probe darkness to understand light. Don’t dwell on sickness to be healthy. Don’t indulge in thoughts of lack to have supply. (Sickness Quotes)
In heaven we will sing free of all the shame, sickness and sorrow that we encounter in the here and now. (Sickness Quotes)