Sickness Quotes

Text Quotes
Sickness, insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and they have followed me throughout my life (Sickness Quotes)
I think the United States is sick. It suffers from the sickness, the disease of being the victor and it needs to cure itself from this disease (Sickness Quotes)
Let all thy joys be as the month of May and all thy days be as a marriage day: Let sorrow, sickness, and a troubled mind Be stranger to thee (Sickness Quotes)
In sickness the soul begins to dress herself for immortality. And first she unties the strings of vanity that made her upper garments cleave to the world and sit uneasy (Sickness Quotes)
Experience enables me to depose to the comfort and blessing that literature can prove in seasons of sickness and sorrow (Sickness Quotes)
Sorrow has a name, and its name is loneliness. Sorrow has a shape, and its shape is absence. Sorrow is a sickness like any other (Sickness Quotes)
I don’t know why you call it morning sickness, because I was sick all day and night! (Sickness Quotes)
Making love in the morning got me through morning sickness. I found I could be happy and throw up at the same time (Sickness Quotes)
Save for minor ailments and accident, my battalion is practically immune from sickness; colds come and go as a matter of course, sprains and cuts claim momentary attention, but otherwise the health of the battalion is perfect (Sickness Quotes)
The worst part about pregnancy would definitely have to be my nausea. I don’t know why it’s just called morning sickness because morning sickness never just happened in the morning for me and it’s not happening just in the morning for my sister (Sickness Quotes)
For man also, in health and sickness, is not just the sum of his organs, but is indeed a human organism (Sickness Quotes)
The safest and most suitable form of penance seems to be that which causes pain in the flesh but does not penetrate to the bones, that is, which causes suffering but not sickness (Sickness Quotes)
Cases of sickness made up a very small percentage which in my opinion was normal. However, propaganda pamphlets dropped from aircraft were telling the workers to feign illness, and detailed instructions were given to them on how to do it (Sickness Quotes)
Sickness is the first warning that we have made a wrong judgement. A healthy person is never unhappy (Sickness Quotes)
That was the worst of being poor, you couldn’t give the right things in sickness (Sickness Quotes)
A human being sheds its leaves like a tree. Sickness prunes it down; and it no longer offers the same silhouette to the eyes which loved it, to the people to whom it afforded shade and comfort (Sickness Quotes)
The perfect way is without difficulty, for it avoids picking and choosing. Only when you stop liking and disliking will all be clearly understood. Be not concerned with right or wrong, for the conflict between right and wrong is the sickness of the mind (Sickness Quotes)
For paradise we long. For perfection we were made... This longing is the source of the hunger and dissatisfaction that mark our lives... This longing makes our loves and friendships possible, and so very unsatisfactory. The hunger is for... nothing less than perfect communion with the... one in whom all the fragments of our scattered existence come together... we must not stifle this longing. It is a holy dissatisfaction. Such dissatisfaction is not a sickness to be healed, but the seed of a promise to be fulfilled... The only death to fear is the death of settling for something less (Sickness Quotes)
My teacher said once that every man faces seven enemies in his lifetime. Sickness, hunger, betrayal, envy, greed, old age, and then death (Sickness Quotes)
Our society tends to regard as a sickness any mode of thought or behavior that is inconvenient for the system and this is plausible because when an individual doesn’t fit into the system it causes pain to the individual as well as problems for the system. Thus the manipulation of an individual to adjust him to the system is seen as a cure for a sickness and therefore as good (Sickness Quotes)
I think its a sickness to grieve too much for those who never cared a fig for you (Sickness Quotes)
Fear sucks. Because you never know when it will attack. Sometimes it sneaks up behind you, giggling like your best girlfriend from seventh grade. Then it whacks you on the back of the head, takes you straight to your knees before you realize what hit you. Other times you can see it coming, just a dot on the horizon, but you’re like a canary in a cage. All you can do is hang in there and hope you don’t get motion sickness and puke all over the newspapers (Sickness Quotes)
When it’s new and important, you have to rest in between times. And anyway, even when I like a person there is a weariness that comes. I can be with someone and everything is fine and then all of a sudden it can wash over me like a sickness, that I need the quiet of my own self. I need to unload my head and look at what I’ve got in there so far. See it. Think what it means. I always need to come back to being alone for a while (Sickness Quotes)
It is not good for all our wishes to be filled; through sickness we recognize the value of health; through evil, the value of good; through hunger, the value of food; through exertion, the value of rest (Sickness Quotes)
Every sickness has an alien quality, a feeling of invasion and loss of control that is evident in the language we use about it (Sickness Quotes)
A will to be unkind is like a sickness. It can be healed or driven out. But to be unkind because you are thoughtless is the worst kind of blindness: difficult to cure, because you cannot see the fault even as you commit it (Sickness Quotes)
I am aware of myself. And, of course, the only things that are aware of themselves and conscious of their individuality are irritated eyes, cut fingers, sore teeth. A healthy eye, finger, tooth might as well not even be there. Isn’t it clear that individual consciousness is just sickness? (Sickness Quotes)
Never think that war is a good thing, grandchildren. Though it may be necessary at times to defend our people, war is a sickness that must be cured. War is a time out of balance. When it is truly over, we must work to restore peace and sacred harmony once again (Sickness Quotes)
I am sick of death and worst of all this sickness feeds on itself, the more afraid I am the more I am afraid the more I flee the more I am afraid the more I am haunted (Sickness Quotes)
Some people are attracted to sickness, to the kind of madness where sparks fly off the head, to the incoherence of despair, masked by nervous energy, which winds up looking like bewildered joy (Sickness Quotes)