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Signed Quotes

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When it comes to giving advice, never do so unless you’ve first received a request in writing, signed by a lawyer.  (Signed Quotes) Singing was always quite a private thing... I don’t think my own mum even heard me sing until after I signed with Sony just out of high school!  (Signed Quotes) We all understand what we signed up for, but then again, you don’t want this to be a game that puts people in wheelchairs at age 40.  (Signed Quotes) When I was little, my dad was in the Air Force. He introduced me to Neil Armstrong, and Neil Armstrong signed my moon book. I had a little moon book, which I still have somewhere, and he signed it, and he died. It’s true.  (Signed Quotes) Al Qaeda is not a nation-state and it has not signed the Geneva Conventions. It shows no desire to obey the laws of war; if anything it directly violates them by disguising themselves as civilians and attacking purely civilian targets to cause massive casualties.  (Signed Quotes) Since President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, the gap between men and women’s earnings has narrowed by less than a half-cent per year. At this rate, American women will have to wait until 2062 to bring home the same salary as their male counterparts.  (Signed Quotes) I’ve done some really weird gigs. The ones where no one turned up - they’re probably not the interesting ones to talk about. I played some pretty random ones in L.A. I signed to play all-R  (Signed Quotes) I grew up listening to everything, and when I got signed to a record deal out of Nashville, that was my introduction to what was happening in country music.  (Signed Quotes) My years with Aretha Franklin have been very special, as were the years making records with Dionne Warwick. Other highlights include working with Janis Joplin, who was the first artist I ever signed, as well as Patti Smith and Alicia Keys.  (Signed Quotes) In Iraq and Afghanistan, our soldiers signed up intentionally. That’s a huge difference from the largely conscripted army of my era.  (Signed Quotes) In 1922 everything changed again. The Eskimo pie was invented; James Joyce’s Ulysses was printed in Paris; snow fell on Mauna Loa, Hawaii; Babe Ruth signed a three-year contract with the New York Yankees; Eugene O’Neill was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Drama; Frederick Douglass’s home was dedicated as a national shrine; former heavyweight champion of the world Jack Johnson invented the wrench...  (Signed Quotes) We had this budding baby band going and we hadn’t reached that development we wanted to reach before we got signed to a major label.  (Signed Quotes) I’ve just become obsessed with ballroom dancing. I signed up for the introductory course, which was like a four-week thing. By the end of it, I was hooked. I love it. It’s sort of flirty, but it’s not sexual. I can’t quit until I’ve got it down and I can really dance. I’m there four or five times a week.  (Signed Quotes) My first and only experience in baseball, the coach signed me up; he didn’t tell me there’s a thing called the curveball. I didn’t know that. So the ball’s coming at me and I start backing out, and then it broke inside. And the umpire says, ‘Strike one!’ And I’m saying, ‘How is that a strike? It almost hit me!’  (Signed Quotes) I wanted to weave a green thread through the Conservative party; that’s my job, and I signed up imagining that I would be in a very small minority within my party, possibly even on my own, battling away on these issues.  (Signed Quotes) I am so not a pageant girl, but I signed up for the Miss Junior Florida contest because I thought it would be good experience.  (Signed Quotes) My mom is very excited for the fact that I got signed and, of course, being a mom, she’s going to be a little worried.  (Signed Quotes) Stephen Colbert used to be my friend. I even signed the poor baby’s cast when he hurt his hand.  (Signed Quotes) I’ve been working with Disney all these years doing voice work, and now I’m signed with Disney Fine Arts, doing ‘Beauty and the Beast’ oil paintings. So it’s been an ongoing wonderful job.  (Signed Quotes) I am going into the adult market because they don’t care what label you are signed to or who you know.  (Signed Quotes) The thing that I did not like about being signed to a label was I unable to have control over what I wanted to do.  (Signed Quotes) Elevated levels of confidence are omnipresent among history’s greatest overachievers. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most famous men in the world even before he signed the Declaration of Independence once lamented about humility, I cannot boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue.  (Signed Quotes) The best part of being signed by a major label was having the support of a big company behind me and the ability to meet new artists and producers.  (Signed Quotes) The Cubs gave me a chance to play. They signed me as a free agent and brought me to the Major Leagues. The first day I walked into Wrigley Field was one of the best days of my life. And I owe them an awful lot.  (Signed Quotes) I think the best thing I ever did was, years before I got the ‘Late Night’ show, when I first got out to Los Angeles to be a television writer, the first thing I did was I signed up to take improvisational classes... And I studied that for years, and I really loved it.  (Signed Quotes) Doing things in my day was simple: you either signed to a big label or you signed to a very small label, and you worked with that one, and then they eventually signed you on to a big one.  (Signed Quotes) Kanye didn’t sign me to hold my hand and walk me through my career. He signed me because he believed in me as an artist and gave me a co-sign. I didn’t see that at first. I saw it as him about to hold my hand, and I’m about to be the biggest artist because he’s the biggest artist, you know?  (Signed Quotes) I got a signed document from Bullock’s saying that they had such-and-such drawings on consignment. Of course, nobody bought any of them, but otherwise, I was a big success: I had my drawings on sale at Bullock’s!  (Signed Quotes) The economic misery: who passed NAFTA? You know, Bill Clinton signed that with Hillary’s [Clinton] support.  (Signed Quotes) In 2007, my life changed forever. I signed on Tashan, a full-on glamorous masala movie, with two of the hottest and fittest actors around: Akshay Kumar and Saif Ali Khan. And me, rising out of the sea like a Bond girl, wearing nothing but a green bikini. I had nightmares of how my love handles would be on display for the whole world to see.  (Signed Quotes)
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