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Because I was crazy and because my parents wanted me out of their hair, they put me in an all-day acting class... so they wouldn’t have to deal with me, probably. And it just so happened there agents auditing the class, and I ended up getting signed.  (Signed Quotes) What makes a good client, to me, is one that signed on for the strategy as well as the execution, not just the end product.  (Signed Quotes) People always said that I hated punk, and that really wasn’t true. It was glossed over for many years that I was the guy who found the Tubes and signed them to A  (Signed Quotes) It’s amazing to me that, in the 42 years since President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law, women today still receive fewer wages than men for the same work.  (Signed Quotes) I’ve been performing my whole life. My mom signed me up for a theater program when I was five - I was the evil queen in ‘Once Upon a Mattress.’  (Signed Quotes) I am pleased that the President has signed an Executive Order this week requiring federal agencies to disclose information about prices and quality of healthcare services.  (Signed Quotes) When the peace treaty is signed, the war isn’t over for the veterans, or the family. It’s just starting.  (Signed Quotes) I’m warning you with peace and love I have too much to do. So no more fan mail. Thank you, thank you. And no objects to be signed, nothing. Peace and love, peace and love.  (Signed Quotes) I am State Senator Russell Pearce, the author of SB1070, which was signed by Governor Jan Brewer. Fear mongering and misinformation is the tool of the Left against this common sense legislation.  (Signed Quotes) I’m not very charismatic or telegenic. I feel bad for the kids waiting three hours in line for their book to be signed.  (Signed Quotes) I feel proud that I have been counted worthy to have blood shed by a traitor, and to suffer torture at the hands of those who have undertaken to trail our Flag in the dust. Signed, Yours as Ever, Franklin M. Haven.  (Signed Quotes) I’ve signed autographs as Natalie Portman. I was at a Film Festival party where someone asked if I was her, and I didn’t want to embarrass them, so I signed the autograph as her. I hope she doesn’t mind.  (Signed Quotes) My first attempt at real music was when I was 13. My first signed band was when I was 21; that failed. I got another deal at 26; that failed, and then I was broke.  (Signed Quotes) You might think otherwise, but it doesn’t naturally follow that because a law has been passed by Congress and signed by the president, said law actually has to be implemented.  (Signed Quotes) One time I went into a restroom and a girl followed me in. I signed an autograph for her in the sink. It was pretty funny because she was in a guy’s restroom and she wasn’t embarrassed at all.  (Signed Quotes) Sammy Sosa? Everybody knew who Sammy was, paid attention to Sammy. I had already signed in pro ball when he had the great homer year with Mark McGwire in 98. But I followed it, and I was proud of him because he was my countryman. There are a lot of great ballplayers from the Dominican, and he’s one of the best.  (Signed Quotes) Norm Smith personally came and signed me up to the Melbourne Football Club. The fact that I then played cricket for Melbourne Cricket Club - the footy club didn’t like it that much.  (Signed Quotes) I’ve never had a particular skill. I can’t cook, dance, play an instrument, speak a foreign language. This used to worry me. I’d think, when I’m grown up, at 18, then I made it 21, it will be clear what role I should have in life. It never happened. I never signed on the dotted line as the sort of adult my father wanted.  (Signed Quotes) It’s a great day for Sarah Palin. She was hired as a commentator for Fox News. She signed a multi-year contract, which means she’ll probably quit after a year.  (Signed Quotes) One of the first things I said when I signed on for the show was No hugs! Full House was all based on hugs.  (Signed Quotes) What’s funny is my mom took me to the theater for the first time when I was six years old, and I was just amazed by it. I just said, ‘Hey Mom, can I do this too?’ And so she signed me up for little theater classes, and I remember my first audition for a play when I was seven years old was for ‘The Thankful Elf.’  (Signed Quotes) Justin Bieber is signed to Def Jam, and I don’t believe in touching nothing that ain’t mine. I want someone to give me the same respect - don’t touch nothing that’s mine. I still want what I want. But Justin Bieber is definitely a friend of a family. Me, Drake, Wayne. We rock with the little homie, so he a part of us in heart.  (Signed Quotes) When I was at Brown, I wanted to write the great American novel, but I was too scared to take a creative course. I signed up for one, got in, and just didn’t have the courage to go. I was a tremendously shy person, almost pathologically shy. The thought of peers critiquing my work - oh, God.  (Signed Quotes) When I got signed as a songwriter, I immediately thought, ‘Oh, no one sees me as an artist because I don’t look good enough.’ So I shut down the whole idea.  (Signed Quotes) When I signed up for Google Plus, it recommended 500 people for me to invite. You know, and once I invited those 500 people I got another 500 people. So it has a huge install base that it can start from.  (Signed Quotes) When I signed up for Google Plus, my reaction after playing around with it for a little bit was like, ‘Huh, I think Facebook should be scared.’ In part, because it’s a really elegant product. It’s very fast.  (Signed Quotes) I signed Jay-Z because he was on fire. I wasn’t a genius. The record was great. I put it on The Nutty Professor soundtrack and we signed him.  (Signed Quotes) I wrote one book, signed with a good agent, and sat back and waited for the phone to ring. I was sure that the great news would come at any moment. Four books later, I finally got that call.  (Signed Quotes) Don’t worry, Alan. At least you’ll be able to play close to a great team. (to Alan Ball, who’d just signed for Everton)  (Signed Quotes) We have signed with Artemis Records. Originally they were our distributor for ‘Group Therapy’. My former manager (Chip Quigley) started a record label (Recon Records) and had Artemis Records as their distributor. Unfortunately, the way the label was run meant that it didn’t turn out the way that we thought it was going to be. We simply got into something that was different to what we initially thought  (Signed Quotes)
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