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You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid monotonous work, chances are you’ll end up boring, stupid and monotonous. Work is a much better explanation for the creeping cretinization all around us than even such significant moronizing mechanisms as television and education  (Significant Quotes) In the theatre we reach out and touch the past through literature, history and memory so that we might receive and relive significant and relevant human qualities in the present and then pass them on to future generations  (Significant Quotes) Cruelty to animals is one of the most significant vices of a low and ignoble people. Wherever one notices them, they constitute a sign of ignorance and brutality which cannot be painted over even by all the evidence of wealth and luxury  (Significant Quotes) Humility bids us to take ourselves as we are; we do not have to be cosmically significant to be genuinely significant  (Significant Quotes) To play piano is a significant part of my life, my existence. It fulfills a very physical and spiritual need for me  (Significant Quotes) Food is a central activity of mankind and one of the single most significant trademarks of a culture  (Significant Quotes) Even though probably the majority of homosexuals are not oriented towards young people, there is a significant number that are, especially the men... male homosexuality has historically been not adult to adult it has been adult to teenager  (Significant Quotes) Adolescents sense a secret, unique greatness in thems.elves that seeks expression. They gesture towards the heart when trying to express any of this, a significant clue to the whole affair  (Significant Quotes) Were it necessary to bring a majority into a comprehension of the libertarian philosophy, the cause of liberty would be utterly hopeless. Every significant movement in history has been led by one or just a few individuals with a small minority of energetic supporters  (Significant Quotes) Habits of thinking need not be forever. One of the most significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years is that individuals choose the way they think  (Significant Quotes) Changers are characters who alter in significant ways as a result of the events of your story. They learn something or grow into better or worse people, but by the end of the story they are not the same personalities they were in the beginning. Their change, in its various stages, is called the story’s emotional arc  (Significant Quotes) The motivations of a scientist are always mixed and complex... every medical student has the desire to do good in the world. Making a small contribution to that effort is really in a sense the last significant thing that I want to do with my life  (Significant Quotes) We want everyone to prepare themselves for the reality that we are not going to be able to recover significant numbers of people  (Significant Quotes) There are significant moments in everyone’s day that can make literature. That’s what you ought to write about  (Significant Quotes) The underlying principles of sound investment should not alter from decade to decade, but the application of these principles must be adapted to significant changes in the financial mechanisms and climate  (Significant Quotes) Light is my inspiration, my paint and brush. It is as vital as the model herself. Profoundly significant, it caresses the essential superlative curves and lines. Light I acknowledge as the energy upon which all life on this planet depends  (Significant Quotes) We make pictures. At the end of the day, we create something potentially significant that did not exist at the beginning of the day. We go forward, despite the uncertainty. Because this is an act of love and passion, which defies reason and prudence  (Significant Quotes) The club continued to make significant player decisions without involving me. In the end, such a breach of trust and confidence meant that I had no option but to leave  (Significant Quotes) The costs can’t be borne by smaller counties particularly, so if the crime occurs in a large county you might be charged with the death penalty, in a smaller county you’re not. That raises some significant questions about fairness  (Significant Quotes) The timing and characteristics of state intervention affect not only organizational tactics and strategies, but the content and definition of interest itself... Some scholars have directly stressed that state interventions create corporatist forms... the formation, let alone the political capabilities, of such purely socioeconomic phenomena as interest groups and classes depends in significant measure on the structures and activities of the very states the social actors, in turn, seek to influence  (Significant Quotes) The number of hypotheses and theories about climate change are numerous. Quite naturally they have caught the public attention, as any proof of past climactic change points to the possibility of future climate change, which inevitably will have significant implications for global economics  (Significant Quotes) There is no strong evidence to prove significant human influence on climate on a global basis. The global cooling trend from 1940 to 1970 is inconsistent with models based on anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. There is no reliable evidence to support that the 20th century was the warmest in the last 1000 years  (Significant Quotes) Our species in general had grown accustomed to pain and adversity through millennia of struggle... we were only recently evolving the ability to let ourselves feel good and have things go well for any significant period of time  (Significant Quotes) A person who hasn’t grieved a significant loss has unfinished business inside and can cause others great grief as a result  (Significant Quotes) As in creating some significant work the artist first experiences something akin to dream awareness that becomes clarified in the creative process itself, so we must first have a vision of the future sufficiently entrancing that it will sustain us in the transformation of the human project that is now in process  (Significant Quotes) If you step back from it and really think about what the mass media does on a global scale, the most significant thing it does is coordinate behaviour  (Significant Quotes) Because men have a history, it is difficult for them to imagine what it is like to grow up without one, or the sense of personal expansion that comes from discovering that we women have a worthy heritage. Along with pride often comes rage – rage that one has been deprived of such a significant knowledge  (Significant Quotes) Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent  (Significant Quotes) If history is any indication, we should assume that any technology that is going to have a significant impact over the next 10 years is already 10 years old!  (Significant Quotes) We experience life as a continuity, and only after it falls away, after it becomes the past, do we see its discontinuities. The past, if there is such a thing, is mostly empty space, great expanses of nothing, in which significant persons and events float  (Significant Quotes)
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