Silence is God's first language

God QuotesSilence QuotesLanguage QuotesFirst Language QuotesSilence Is QuotesSaint John Of The Cross Quotes
Silence is God's first language
Saint John of the Cross, a Spanish mystic and poet, is known for his profound spiritual insights and teachings on the nature of God and the soul. One of his most famous quotes is "Silence is God's first language." This statement encapsulates the essence of John's mystical theology and his belief in the power of silence as a means of encountering the divine.For John of the Cross, silence is not simply the absence of noise, but a state of inner stillness and receptivity to the presence of God. In the silence of the soul, one can hear the voice of God speaking directly to the heart. This divine communication transcends words and concepts, reaching the deepest part of the soul where God dwells.
John of the Cross believed that silence is the language of God because it is in silence that we can truly listen and be open to the divine presence. In the quiet of our hearts, we can experience a profound sense of peace and unity with God. This silence is not empty or void, but full of the presence of God, who speaks to us in the depths of our being.
In his writings, John of the Cross often used the metaphor of the dark night to describe the soul's journey towards union with God. This dark night is a period of spiritual purification and transformation, where the soul is stripped of all attachments and desires, leading to a deeper awareness of God's presence. In this darkness, the soul learns to surrender to God's will and trust in his guidance, even in the midst of uncertainty and doubt.
Through the practice of contemplative prayer and meditation, John of the Cross taught his followers to enter into the silence of God's presence and listen to his voice speaking in the depths of their souls. This silent communion with God is a source of strength and consolation, guiding the soul towards a deeper union with the divine.