Silence Is Quotes

Text Quotes
Silence is one of the hardest kind of arguments to refute. There is no good substitute for wisdom; but silence is the best that has yet been discovered (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is the foundation of truth. Words are most meaningful when they emerge from silence and when they are received by a quiet mind (Silence Is Quotes)
When you have nothing to say, say nothing; a weak defense strengthens your opponent, and silence is less injurious than a bad reply (Silence Is Quotes)
The correction of silence is what kills; when you know you have transgressed, and your friend says nothing, and avoids your eye (Silence Is Quotes)
To let friendship die away by negligence and silence is certainly not wise. It is voluntarily to throw away one of the greatest comforts of the weary pilgrimage (Silence Is Quotes)
Nature’s silence is its one remark, and every flake of world is a chip off that old mute and immutable block (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is the great teacher and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is as full of potential wisdom and wit as the unshown marble of great sculpture. The silent bear no witness against themselves (Silence Is Quotes)
The time comes when silence is betrayal. That time has come for us today... some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak (Silence Is Quotes)
Reading a good book in silence is like eating chocolate for the rest of your life and never getting fat (Silence Is Quotes)
The voice that arises out of the silence is something no one can imagine until it is heard. It roars when it speaks, it lies to you and convinces you, it steals from you and leaves you without a single word of comfort (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is not silent. Silence speaks. It speaks most eloquently. Silence is not still. Silence leads. It leads most perfectly (Silence Is Quotes)
You are all searching for the silence of the mountain. But you’re looking for something outside. This silence is accessible to you right now, inside the center of your own being (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is a learned practice that requires far more than just not talking. Not talking is not silence; it’s just not talking (Silence Is Quotes)
We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has taken us a lifetime to learn... for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together... this is the great paradox (Silence Is Quotes)
At the heart of silence is prayer. At the heart of prayer is faith. At the heart of faith is life. At the heart of life is service (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is the root of everything. If you spiral into its void a hundred voices will thunder messages you long to hear (Silence Is Quotes)
Good writing can be defined as having something to say and saying it well. When one has nothing to say, one should remain silent. Silence is always beautiful at such times (Silence Is Quotes)
If we look at the world around us, we see that we are conditioned to not listen deeply. Because isn’t that what silence is? It’s a listening, a deep wordless listening (Silence Is Quotes)
The equivalent of external noise is the inner noise of thinking. The equivalent of external silence is inner stillness (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is a very concrete, practical, and useful discipline in all our ministerial tasks. It can be seen as a portable cell taken with us from the solitary place into the midst of our ministry. Silence is solitude practiced in action (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is said to be golden, but the best fools the world has ever produced had nothing to say on the subject (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is the necessary space around things that allows them to develop and flourish without my pushing (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence is the sea, and speech is like the river. The sea is seeking you: don’t seek the river. Don’t turn your head away from the signs offered by the sea (Silence Is Quotes)
I like not only to be loved, but also to be told that I am loved. I am not sure that you are of the same mind. But the realm of silence is large enough beyond the grave. This is the world of light and speech, and I shall take leave to tell you that you are very dear (Silence Is Quotes)
We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has taken a lifetime to learn. It seems only the old are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content. The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. It is a waste, for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. This is the great paradox (Silence Is Quotes)
My desires are foolish. The things I want are better kept to myself. The hand of silence is steady. The hard blade of silence is clean like night. The code is absolute. Silence is eternal and patient. Silence never makes a fool of itself like I have so many times (Silence Is Quotes)
The world is quieter now. It is never quiet, but it can get quieter. What strange creatures we are, to find silence peaceful, when permanent silence is the thing we most dread. Nighttime is not that. Nighttime still rustles, still creaks and whispers and trembles in its throat. It is not darkness we fear, but our own helplessness within it. How merciful to have been granted the other senses (Silence Is Quotes)
Nothing more enhances authority than silence. It is the crowning virtue of the strong, the refuge of the weak, the modesty of the proud, the pride of the humble, the prudence of the wise, and the sense of fools. To speak is to... dissipate one’s strength; whereas what action demands is concentration. Silence is a necessary preliminary to the ordering of one’s thoughts (Silence Is Quotes)
Silence must be comprehended as not solely the absence of sound. It is the natural environment for serenity and contemplation. Life without silence is life without privacy. The difference between sanity and madness is the quality of our thoughts. Silence is on the side of sanity (Silence Is Quotes)