Silence Quotes

Text Quotes
I love my friends and family, but I also love it when they can’t find me and I can spend all day reading or walking all alone, in silence, eight thousand miles away from everyone. All alone and unreachable in a foreign country is one my most favorite possible things to be. (Silence Quotes)
Being alone in the dark - surrounded by silence, frightful. Thoughts breathe a life of their own; twisting and turning on each other as enemies unto themselves. (Silence Quotes)
We can’t underestimate the value of silence. We need to create ourselves, need to spend time alone. If you don’t, you risk not knowing yourself and not realizing your dreams. (Silence Quotes)
In American military cemeteries all over the world, seemingly endless rows of whitened grave markers stand largely unvisited and in silence. The gardeners tend the lawns, one section at a time. Even at the famous sites, tourism is inconstant. (Silence Quotes)
Some honor Cummings as the granddaddy of all American innovators in poetry and ascribe to him a diverse progeny that includes virtually any poet who considers the page a field and allows silence to be part of poetry’s expressiveness. (Silence Quotes)
Since 1994, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have considered it politically risky to offer a plan to fix America’s broken health care system. The American public, though, has paid the price for this silence as health care costs skyrocketed, millions went uninsured, and millions more grappled with financial insecurity and hardship. (Silence Quotes)
While doing work if the mind continues to be active let it be so, but there must be at the same time a capacity for silence. (Silence Quotes)
A painter’s got a canvas. The writer’s got reams of empty paper. A musician has silence. (Silence Quotes)
As weird as it might seem to some people, there is nothing I love more than an empty house and the sound of silence. (Silence Quotes)
You wind up creating from silence, like painting a picture on a blank canvas that could bring tears to somebody’s eyes. As songwriters, our blank canvas is silence. Then we write a song from an idea that can change somebody’s life. Songwriting is the closest thing to magic that we could ever experience. That’s why I love songwriting. (Silence Quotes)
But in the secret history of anger--one man’s silence / lives in the bodies of others (Silence Quotes)
Answer them critics with silence and indifference. It works better, I assure you, than anger and argument. . . . (Silence Quotes)
I want to be able to say what’s on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry, some special interest group deciding this is the time to silence a voice of dissent and attack affiliates, attack sponsors. I’m sort of done with that. (Silence Quotes)
I think we learn some of the greatest lessons in life from animals, whether it’s love, suffering, or the value of silence. (Silence Quotes)
I don’t mind being distracted. I don’t want to sit there in utter silence and type. If the phone rings, I usually answer it, speak for a few minutes and return to writing, or go for a walk in and out of the rooms. I don’t mind a break. (Silence Quotes)
Man seeks answers from afar Man has reached the moon reaching mars and distant planets but has not even gone into the silence of his being (Silence Quotes)
When political leaders fail to denounce anti-Semitic violence and slurs, the void is not only demoralizing to the victims, but silence actually enables the wrongdoing. Silence by elected officials in particular conveys approval - or at least acquiescence - and can contribute to a climate of fear and a sense of vulnerability. (Silence Quotes)
Most people don’t know how to appreciate the silence. They can’t help talking. (Silence Quotes)
I grew up in a wood cabin on Puget Sound in Manchester, Wash. My family taught me to appreciate the arts and the outdoors, and I still yearn for the absolute silence I experienced there when I was young. (Silence Quotes)
As an immigrant, I appreciate, far more than the average American, the liberties we have in this country. Silence is a big enemy of morality. I don’t want our blunders in history to get repeated. (Silence Quotes)
My kids have never seen me scream at anybody. They’ve never seen an argument. There’s never been even a cold silence. And those are things that I grew up with because my parents did end up divorcing. (Silence Quotes)
Why are deadly weapons being sold to those who plan to inflict untold suffering on individuals and society? Sadly, the answer, as we all know, is simply for money: money that is drenched in blood, often innocent blood. In the face of this shameful and culpable silence, it is our duty to confront the problem and to stop the arms trade. (Silence Quotes)
Silence isn’t golden and it surely doesn’t mean consent, so start practicing the art of communication. (Silence Quotes)
A fine work of art - music, dance, painting, story - has the power to silence the chatter in the mind and lift us to another place. (Silence Quotes)
Sometimes one is without the pleasure of playing. But when the silence of the audience is perfect, we recover that. (Silence Quotes)
We’re all torn between the desire for privacy and the fear of lonliness. We need each other and we need to get away from each other. We need proximity and distance, conversation and silence. We almost always get more of each than we want at any one time. (Silence Quotes)
It’s going to go away because we all need silence. We all need time to reflect and think. I am not at all pessimistic about this. (Silence Quotes)
I won’t discuss non-discussable things with her, like the sound of silence or the vertical dimensions of an awkward moment. Those sorts of things are best left unsaid, like the last time I told her I loved her. (Silence Quotes)
Awkward silences rule the world. People are so terrified of awkward silences that they will literally go to war rather than face an awkward silence. (Silence Quotes)
There is an awkward silence that overcomes you when cross paths with the person that kisses your heart the second that you meet them. It balances on the edge of unknown but always desired. (Silence Quotes)