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Similes Quotes

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Thou hast the most unsavoury similes  (Similes Quotes) In argument similes are like songs in love; they describe much, but prove nothing  (Similes Quotes) Similes prove nothing, but yet greatly lighten and relieve the tedium of argument  (Similes Quotes) Each reader discovers for himself that, with respect to the simpler features of nature, succeeding poets have done little else than copy his similes  (Similes Quotes) By using stale metaphors, similes and idioms, you save much mental effort, at the cost of leaving your meaning vague, not only for your reader but for yourself  (Similes Quotes) Metaphors, similes, puns - all manner of metonymy - I’m interested in language that cannot be parsed by a machine - language that can only be understood through acculturation.  (Similes Quotes) One has to regard a man as a Master who can produce on average three uniquely brilliant and entirely original similes to every page.  (Similes Quotes) Stripped of its plot, the ‘Iliad’ is a scattering of names and biographies of ordinary soldiers: men who trip over their shields, lose their courage or miss their wives. In addition to these, there is a cast of anonymous people: the farmers, walkers, mothers, neighbours who inhabit its similes.  (Similes Quotes)