Simon Cowell Quotes
Text Quotes
The end of the animal trade would leave more time to trap or beat to death pop star wannabes (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I have always hated celebrities lecturing people on politics. So forgive me. But I am passionate about this country. I am equally passionate about the potential of the people who live here (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I met someone the other night who’s 28 years old, and he hasn’t worked a day since he left college because he’s pursuing a dream he’ll never, ever realize: He thinks he’s a great singer. Actually, he’s crap (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I suggest we bring some normality back to this country and say if you are carrying a knife, there must be zero tolerance. If it was up to me, everyone caught with a knife would get an automatic ten year sentence (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I think that by ignoring the show you’re ignoring the audience who put you there (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I think you have to judge everything based on your personal taste. And if that means being critical, so be it. I hate political correctness. I absolutely loathe it (Simon Cowell Quotes)
If you’ve got a big mouth and you’re controversial, you’re going to get attention (Simon Cowell Quotes)
If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning (Simon Cowell Quotes)
Not everybody is perfect, and I don’t think we should be looking for perfect people (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I’ve always been petrified of working for a boss who I didn’t like but who I was in fear of, because I wanted my salary (Simon Cowell Quotes)
At 20, you’re cocky and you think you can rule the world, and you get it all wrong (Simon Cowell Quotes)
Choosing how you vote should not be a snap verdict based on a few minutes of television (Simon Cowell Quotes)
Every show I’ve ever, you know, produced, essentially it’s the show I want to watch myself (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I couldn’t think of anything worse than being in an unhappy marriage. It worries me because I’ve seen it destroy people (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I’m obsessed with cleanliness for myself, so I will take a bath three times a day, sometimes a steam twice a day in addition to that (Simon Cowell Quotes)
The minute you start assuming that the audience is very happy to see the same show again, you’re dead (Simon Cowell Quotes)
There’s no need for me to get married. I live with someone; we’re happy; end of story (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I don’t like kids that are pushed into things by stage mums, but when I can see they are having a good time, they’re excited and enjoying the process, then I think it’s wrong to discriminate (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I hate belongings. I hate clutter. It really bothers me because I can’t think properly. If you’ve got distractions in front of you, your mind goes nuts (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I love producing shows. And so when you’re on a show where other people are making decisions you don’t necessarily agree with it, after a while you start to feel like a passenger (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I think if you’re an unhappy person, you’re always going to be an unhappy person. You’re probably going to be less unhappy if your business is doing well, if I’m being honest (Simon Cowell Quotes)
I think of stress as the creator of cancer and heart attacks, like a tiny little ball you feed. I believe that one of the reasons I’ve never got ill is that I’m not stressed (Simon Cowell Quotes)
If I went to a psychiatrist, it would be a long session. I’ve always thought that I do have a number of issues that probably need dealing with, because I am quite odd in some ways (Simon Cowell Quotes)
Money brings you security and choice. You can make decisions in a different way if you have a lot of money. But when you have nothing, you have a naivety, and a more fearless attitude because you have nothing to lose (Simon Cowell Quotes)
Of course I have an ego, but you have to have an ego. You have to be incredibly competitive. I can get competitive at times, way too much, and it becomes a little bit obsessive (Simon Cowell Quotes)
My life honestly isn’t as weird as people think it is. I work longer hours, maybe I have a bit more money, but fundamentally, I’m not really that different (Simon Cowell Quotes)
Praise a stranger with a few nice words and he becomes a stranger that calls you a friend (Simon Cowell Quotes)
Harshness to me is giving somebody false hopes and not following through. That’s harsh. Telling some guy or some girl who’ve got zero talent that they have zero talent actually is a kindness (Simon Cowell Quotes)
It simply works. You do it twice a year. Who cares? And it balances my smoking and drinking (Simon Cowell Quotes)
Women say hello and then put their hands down my trousers. I thought it was my hand they were supposed to shake (Simon Cowell Quotes)