Simon Sinek Quotes
Text Quotes
If you care, do something. If you don’t care, please stay out of the way of those who do (Simon Sinek Quotes)
We should never let reality interfere with our dreams. Reality can’t see what we can see (Simon Sinek Quotes)
The goal of life is not to have our lives mean something to ourselves. The goal of life is to have our lives mean something to others (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Truly effective and inspiring leaders aren’t actually driven to lead people; they are driven to serve them (Simon Sinek Quotes)
The next time someone starts listing all the reasons an idea won’t work or can’t happen, ask them to give 3 reasons it can (Simon Sinek Quotes)
What good is it to have a belly if there’s no fire in it? Wake up, drink your passion, light a match and get to work (Simon Sinek Quotes)
When you compete against everyone else, no one wants to help you. But when you compete against yourself, everyone wants to help you (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Trust doesn’t develop from always doing the right thing. Trust comes from taking responsibility when we do the wrong thing (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Work hard to seem infallible and others will work to find our flaws. Admit our shortcomings and others will work to help us be infallible (Simon Sinek Quotes)
A leader, first and foremost, is human. Only when we have the strength to show our vulnerability can we truly lead (Simon Sinek Quotes)
It doesn’t matter how much we know, it matters how clearly others can understand what we know (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Purpose does not need to involve calculations or numbers. Purpose is about the quality of life. Purpose is human, not economic (Simon Sinek Quotes)
The value of experimentation is not the trying. It’s the trying again after the experiment fails (Simon Sinek Quotes)
The true value of a leader is not measured by the work they do. A leader’s true value is measured by the work they inspire others to do (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Our vision is only actionable if we share it. Without sharing, it’s just a figment of our imagination (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Communication is not about speaking what we think. Communication is about ensuring others hear what we mean (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Look down from as high as possible. Look ahead as far as you can see. Then decide what to do (Simon Sinek Quotes)
A good leader takes care of those in their charge. A bad leader takes charge of those in their care (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Stand for people. Not a product or service or metric or number. If we stand for real, living, breathing people, we will change the world (Simon Sinek Quotes)
We must all try to empathize before we criticize. Ask someone what’s wrong before telling them they are wrong (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Average companies give their people something to work on. The most innovative organizations give their people something to work toward (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Leaders volunteer to go first into danger. Their willingness to sacrifice for us is the reason we’re inspired to follow (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Self confidence is the ability to exercise restraint in the face of disrespect and still show respect in response (Simon Sinek Quotes)
We last longer if we compete against ourselves for the good of others instead of competing against others for the good of ourselves (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Pure pragmatism can’t imagine a bold future. Pure idealism can’t get anything done. It is the delicate blend of both that drives innovation (Simon Sinek Quotes)
Authorities act with themselves in mind. Leaders act with others in mind. Authorities take. Leaders give. Authorities die. Leaders live on (Simon Sinek Quotes)
We learn most not from all of the things that go right. We learn most when everything goes wrong (Simon Sinek Quotes)
The value we provide most to others is the same value we appreciate most from others (Simon Sinek Quotes)
If a movement is to have an impact it must belong to those who join it, not those who lead it (Simon Sinek Quotes)
A group of followers has strength because of its numbers. A following has power because of its beliefs (Simon Sinek Quotes)