Simone Weil Quotes

Text Quotes
A mind enclosed in language is in prison (Simone Weil Quotes)
Life does not need to mutilate itself in order to be pure (Simone Weil Quotes)
Nothing is less instructive than a machine (Simone Weil Quotes)
The future is made of the same stuff as the present (Simone Weil Quotes)
The highest ecstasy is the attention at its fullest (Simone Weil Quotes)
To get power over is to defile. To possess is to defile (Simone Weil Quotes)
To be a hero or a heroine, one must give an order to oneself (Simone Weil Quotes)
We must prefer real hell to an imaginary paradise (Simone Weil Quotes)
Punishment is a vital need of the human soul (Simone Weil Quotes)
Two forces rule the universe: light and gravity (Simone Weil Quotes)
True definition of science: the study of the beauty of the world (Simone Weil Quotes)
Every sin is an attempt to fly from emptiness (Simone Weil Quotes)
Compassion directed toward oneself is true humility (Simone Weil Quotes)
Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity (Simone Weil Quotes)
The only great spirit of our time (Simone Weil Quotes)
Fire destroys that which feeds it (Simone Weil Quotes)
The entire universe is nothing but a great metaphor (Simone Weil Quotes)
Beauty is a fruit which we look at without trying to seize it (Simone Weil Quotes)
The need for truth is more sacred than any other need (Simone Weil Quotes)
Religion as a source of consolation is an obstacle to true faith (Simone Weil Quotes)
Official history is believing the murderers at their word (Simone Weil Quotes)
Distance is the soul of beauty (Simone Weil Quotes)
To be always relevant, you have to say things which are eternal (Simone Weil Quotes)
Expectant waiting is the foundation of the spiritual life (Simone Weil Quotes)
The work of art which I do not make, none other will ever make (Simone Weil Quotes)
Truth is one, but error is manifold (Simone Weil Quotes)
On reaching a certain degree of pain we lose the world (Simone Weil Quotes)
There is only one fault, only one: our inability to feed upon light (Simone Weil Quotes)
Time’s violence rends the soul, by the rent eternity enters (Simone Weil Quotes)
Power... is the supreme end for all those who have not understood (Simone Weil Quotes)