Simone Weil Quotes

Text Quotes
Evil is neither suffering nor sin; it is both at the same time, it is something common to them both. For they are linked together; sin makes us suffer and suffering makes us evil, and this indissoluble complex of suffering and sin is the evil in which we are submerged against our will, and to our horror (Simone Weil Quotes)
At the bottom of the heart of every human being, from earliest infancy until the tomb, there is something that goes on indomitably expecting, in the teeth of all experience of crimes committed, suffered, and witnessed, that good and not evil will be done (Simone Weil Quotes)
When a man’s life is destroyed or damaged by some wound or privation of soul or body, which is due to other men’s actions or negligence, it is not only his sensibility that suffers but also his aspiration toward the good. Therefore there has been sacrilege towards that which is sacred in him (Simone Weil Quotes)
Mathematics alone make us feel the limits of our intelligence. For we can always suppose in the case of an experiment that it is inexplicable because we don’t happen to have all the data. In mathematics we have all the data and yet we don’t understand. We always come back to the contemplation of our human wretchedness. What force is in relation to our will, the impenetrable opacity of mathematics is in relation to our intelligence (Simone Weil Quotes)
The appetite for power, even for universal power, is only insane when there is no possibility of indulging it; a man who sees the possibility opening before him and does not try to grasp it, even at the risk of destroying himself and his country, is either (Simone Weil Quotes)
The afflicted are not listened to. They are like someone whose tongue has been cut out and who occasionally forgets the fact. When they move their lips no ear perceives any sound. And they themselves soon sink into impotence in the use of language, because of the certainty of not being heard (Simone Weil Quotes)
Do not allow yourself to be imprisoned by any affection. Keep your solitude. The day, if it ever comes, when you are given true affection, there will be no opposition between interior solitude and friendship, quite the reverse. It is even by this infallible sigh that you will recognize it (Simone Weil Quotes)
One can never really give a proof of the reality of anything; reality is not something open to proof, it is something established. It is established just because proof is not enough. It is this characteristic of language, at once indispensable and inadequate, which shows the reality of the external world. Most people hardly ever realize this, because it is rare that the very same man thinks and puts his thought into action (Simone Weil Quotes)
All the natural movements of the soul are controlled by laws analogous to those of physical gravity. Grace is the only exception. Grace fills empty spaces, but it can only enter where there is a void to receive it, and it is grace itself which makes this void. The imagination is continually at work filling up all the fissures through which grace might pass (Simone Weil Quotes)
Those who keep the masses of men in subjection by exercising force and cruelty deprive them at once of two vital foods, liberty and obedience; for it is no longer within the power of such masses to accord their inner consent to the authority to which they are subjected. Those who encourage a state of things in which the hope of gain is the principle motive take away from men their obedience, for consent which is its essence is not something which can be sold (Simone Weil Quotes)
Beauty captivates the flesh in order to obtain permission to pass right through to the soul... When the feeling for beauty happens to be associated with the sight of some human being, the transference of love is made possible, at any rate in an illusory manner. But it is all the beauty of the world, it is universal beauty, for which we yearn (Simone Weil Quotes)
The number 2 thought of by one man cannot be added to the number 2 thought of by another man so us to make up the number 4 (Simone Weil Quotes)
We should have with each person the relationship of one conception of the universe to another conception of the universe, and not to a part of the universe (Simone Weil Quotes)
If a young girl is being forced into a brothel she will not talk about her rights. In such a situation the word would sound ludicrously inadequate (Simone Weil Quotes)
The full expression of personality depends upon its being inflated by social prestige; it is a social privilege (Simone Weil Quotes)
The struggle between the opponents and defenders of capitalism is a struggle between innovators who do not know what innovation to make and conservatives who do not know what to conserve (Simone Weil Quotes)
We should desire neither the immortality nor the death of any human being, whoever he may be, with whom we have to do (Simone Weil Quotes)
God’s love for us is not the reason for which we should love him. God’s love for us is the reason for us to love ourselves (Simone Weil Quotes)
To desire friendship is a great fault. Friendship should be a gratuitous joy like those afforded by art or life. We must refuse it so that we may be worthy to receive it; it is of the order of grace (Simone Weil Quotes)
Meditation on the chance which led to the meeting of my mother and father is even more salutary than meditation on death (Simone Weil Quotes)
Although people seem to be unaware of it today, the development of the faculty of attention forms the real object and almost the sole interest of studies (Simone Weil Quotes)
The essential characteristic of the first half of the twentieth century is the growing weakness, and almost the disappearance, of the idea of value (Simone Weil Quotes)
Culture is an instrument wielded by teachers to manufacture teachers, who, in their turn, will manufacture still more teachers (Simone Weil Quotes)
I didn’t find this memoir of these two eccentric people so different from doing my memoirs of De Sade or Simone Weil. My parents in their own way are as odd as Sade (Simone Weil Quotes)