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Find the simplest model that is not a lie is the key to better software design  (Simplest Quotes) A calculating engine is one of the most intricate forms of mechanism, a telegraph key one of the simplest. But compare their value  (Simplest Quotes) My stories are very compact. I want them to say the most complex things in the simplest way  (Simplest Quotes) Sometimes, I find that just the simplest, cleanest things that are intelligently performed are funniest to me  (Simplest Quotes) Camp life is demanding, and even the simplest daily routine becomes a chore in a climate with 90 per cent humidity, not to mention the bugs  (Simplest Quotes) The simplest way for me to look at the law of attraction is if I think of myself as a magnet, and I know that a magnet will attract to it  (Simplest Quotes) A big hole in a poor child’s shoe is the simplest evidence to condemn the society he lives in  (Simplest Quotes) Dogs are often happier than men simply because the simplest things are the greatest things for them!  (Simplest Quotes) Without intention, all these postures, these breathing practices, meditations, and the like can become little more than ineffectual gestures. When animated by intention, however, the simplest movement, the briefest meditation, and the contents of one breath cycle are made potent  (Simplest Quotes) If it’s sin, that’s good news! Sin is the simplest thing in the world to deal with  (Simplest Quotes) Any person claiming to be a baseball fan who does not also claim to have invented the quickest, simplest and most complete method of keeping score probably is a fraud  (Simplest Quotes) It’s amazing what can happen if you just put your arm around somebody. It’s the truest thing and the simplest thing that does the most good a lot of times and I hope that we can all just reach out to each other  (Simplest Quotes) There is a great temptation with songs, melodies and lyrics to overcomplicate them but in fact, you find that the most enduring melodies are often the simplest  (Simplest Quotes) The grandest and simplest things contain worlds within worlds. Seeing them is a matter of the right point of view, and your painter’s eye is the special portal to such sights  (Simplest Quotes) One of the simplest things about all facts of life is that to get where you want to go, you must keep on keeping on  (Simplest Quotes) Reconnaissance memoranda should always be written in the simplest style and be purely descriptive. They should never stray from their objective by introducing extraneous ideas  (Simplest Quotes) The quickest, simplest, and most powerful way I know to handle any emotion is to remember a time when you felt a similar emotion and realize that you’ve successfully handled this emotion before  (Simplest Quotes) When you are not following dharma, then you will not be at peace. You will not be happy. The simplest things will seem to be endless obstacles  (Simplest Quotes) It is the simplest things in life that hold the most wonder; the color of the sea, the sand between your toes, the laughter of a child  (Simplest Quotes) A girl’s coquetry is of the simplest, she thinks that all is said when the veil is laid aside; a woman’s coquetry is endless, she shrouds herself in veil after veil, she satisfies every demand of man’s vanity, the novice responds but to one  (Simplest Quotes) It is better to adopt the simplest explanation, even if it is not simple, even if it does not explain very much. A bright light is not necessary, a taper is all one needs to live in strangeness, if it faithfully burns  (Simplest Quotes) The simplest and most practical lesson I know is to resolve to be good today, but better tomorrow  (Simplest Quotes) Drawing is the simplest way of establishing a picture vocabulary because it is an instant, personal declaration of what is important and what is not  (Simplest Quotes) No one can mock your meagre achievements or inability to accomplish the simplest of tasks, if they remain figments of your imagination. You can revel, again and again, in the glory of a fairy tale doomed never to appear in reality  (Simplest Quotes) When anything is present to the mind, what is the very first and simplest character to be noted in it, in every case, no matter how little elevated the object may be? Certainly, it is its presentness  (Simplest Quotes) Love scenes, if genuine, are indescribable; for to those who have enacted them the most elaborate description seems tame, and to those who have not, the simplest picture seems overdone  (Simplest Quotes) Embellishment is an irresistible and consuming impulse, going back to the beginnings of human history.... Probably the strongest motivating force is the simplest: the inability of almost everyone to ever leave well enough alone  (Simplest Quotes) If you’re at the sink washing the cup, wash the cup. Don’t worry about everything else.... We forget to appreciate the simplest moments of the day, the sublime in the ordinary  (Simplest Quotes) The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanation of complex facts... Seek simplicity and distrust it  (Simplest Quotes) A song has to be hummable and memorable at it simplest form, and that’s what bass does for me. I feel like the glue to everything  (Simplest Quotes)
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