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When I write, I do it urged by an intimate necessity. I don’t have in mind an exclusive public, or a public of multitudes, I don’t think in either thing. I think about expressing what I want to say. I try to do it in the simplest way possible  (Simplest Quotes) I do disapprove of the modern attitude that you can’t do the simplest thing, like dying or being born, in your own house  (Simplest Quotes) What we’re all sort of trying to do in our lives is to make the simplest things work out the best  (Simplest Quotes) The simplest tool of the writer is repetition.... The simplest tool of the writer is repetition  (Simplest Quotes) It is just possible that the tensions in a novel of murder are the simplest and yet most complete pattern of the tensions on which we live in this generation  (Simplest Quotes) The simplest and most psychologically satisfying explanation of any observed phenomenon is that it happened that way because someone wanted it to happen that way  (Simplest Quotes) I was assailed by memories of a life that wasn’t mine anymore, but one in which I’d found the simplest and most lasting joys  (Simplest Quotes) Action in war is like movement in a resistant element. Just as the simplest and most natural of movements, walking, cannot easily be performed in water, so in war, it is difficult for normal efforts to achieve even moderate results  (Simplest Quotes) Of the significant and pleasurable experiences of life only the simplest are open indiscriminately to all. The rest cannot be had except by those who have undergone a suitable training  (Simplest Quotes) In painting, the most brilliant colors, spread at random and without design, will give far less pleasure than the simplest outline of a figure  (Simplest Quotes) All these constructions and the laws connecting them can be arrived at by the principle of looking for the mathematically simplest concepts and the link between them  (Simplest Quotes) The simplest way to make sure that we raise literate children is to teach them to read, and to show them that reading is a pleasurable activity  (Simplest Quotes) Even from the simplest, the most realistic point of view, the countries which we long for occupy, at any given moment, a far larger place in our actual life than the country in which we happen to be  (Simplest Quotes) You gave too much rein to your imagination. Imagination is a good servant, and a bad master. The simplest explanation is always the most likely  (Simplest Quotes) Come on back and we’ll see if you remember the simplest thing of all – how it is to be children, secure in belief and thus afraid of the dark  (Simplest Quotes) In the best, the friendliest and simplest relations flattery or praise is necessary, just as grease is necessary to keep wheels turning  (Simplest Quotes) The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful then a thousand heads bowing in prayer  (Simplest Quotes) The simplest and shortest ethical precept is to be served as little as possible... and to serve others as much as possible  (Simplest Quotes) You know that things aren’t going well for you when you can’t even tell people the simplest fact about your life, just because they’ll presume you’re asking them to feel sorry for you  (Simplest Quotes) In retrospect, perhaps the biggest reason my mother was cared for but not helped for twenty years was the simplest: Her functioning was not that necessary to the world  (Simplest Quotes) Every decent con man knows that the simplest truth is more powerful than even the most elaborate lie  (Simplest Quotes) Men best show their character in trifles, where they are not on their guard. It is in the simplest habits, that we often see the boundless egotism which pays no regard to the feelings of others and denies nothing to itself  (Simplest Quotes) Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11  (Simplest Quotes) Experience teaches, that men are often so much governed by what they are accustomed to see and practice, that the simplest and most obvious improvements... are adopted with hesitation, reluctance, and slow gradations  (Simplest Quotes) That experience is the parent of wisdom is an adage the truth of which is recognized by the wisest as well as the simplest of mankind  (Simplest Quotes) In war, while everything is simple, even the simplest thing is difficult. Difficulties accumulate and produce frictions which no one can comprehend who has not seen war  (Simplest Quotes) Like a great poet, nature produces the greatest results with the simplest means. There are simply a sun, flowers, water, and love  (Simplest Quotes) I think earning money is the simplest thing in the world once you learn how to do it. It’s like driving a car. It’s simple if you know how to do it  (Simplest Quotes) First the body has to become utterly relaxed, like a small child, then only start with the mind. Move scientifically: first the simplest, then the complex, then the more complex. And then only can you relax at the ultimate core  (Simplest Quotes) The best way is always the simplest. The attics of the world are cluttered up with complicated failures  (Simplest Quotes)
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