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Arithmetic starts with the integers and proceeds by successively enlarging the number system by rational and negative numbers, irrational numbers, etc... But the next quite logical step after the reals, namely the introduction of infinitesimals, has simply been omitted. I think, in coming centuries it will be considered a great oddity in the history of mathematics that the first exact theory of infinitesimals was developed 300 years after the invention of the differential calculus (Simply Quotes)
It’s not that we need to form new organizations. It’s simply that we have to awaken to new ways of thinking. I believe it makes no sense to spend a lot of time attacking the current realities. It is time to create the new models that have in them the complexity that makes the older systems obsolete. And to the extent that we can do that, and do that quickly, I think we can provide what will be necessary for a major breakthrough for the future (Simply Quotes)
I have been a photographer all my life... and have made photographs of many things and for many reasons. But one thing that becomes more and more apparent is that I am simply only as good as my next photograph. That’s the one that counts the most... For this reason I find it a delight to face a new day, and to develop that new roll of film. It’s a great way to live (Simply Quotes)
I can take all the negative energy and turn it into a positive simply by purging my soul through music. That’s how powerful music can be (Simply Quotes)
All creative work begins by doing something with the hands. Creation is simply a problem and design is the way out (Simply Quotes)
An educational activity which aims to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience, and by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information (Simply Quotes)
I think hope is not simply looking around and saying that everything’s great – that’s just ridiculous. For hope to have substance, it has to acknowledge the pain. But hope is saying that’s not the final story. It’s not saying pain doesn’t exist, but it’s saying there’s not a period at the end of that sentence. It’s still being written (Simply Quotes)
The theory of the determination of wages in a free market is simply a special case of the general theory of value. Wages are the price of labour (Simply Quotes)
I could croak with no warning, and the only tragedy anyone would experience would be showing up on the last day of my estate sale simply to discover that all remaining items had copious amounts of dog hair on them (Simply Quotes)
We all need support and friendship, regardless of circumstances. But where do people turn when friends and family are simply no longer there, or can’t help us through a difficult time, or need all our care and attention and can’t give us any in return? Thank goodness for befriending projects, who help fill the empty spaces where care, support and a listening ear need to be (Simply Quotes)
A second line is in effect a civil rights demonstration. Literally, demonstrating the civil right of the community to assemble in the street for peaceful purposes. Or, more simply, demonstrating the civil right of the community to exist (Simply Quotes)
Urbanization is not about simply increasing the number of urban residents or expanding the area of cities. More importantly, it’s about a complete change from rural to urban style in terms of industry structure, employment, living environment and social security (Simply Quotes)
We only truly discover who we really are in the face of tragedy and adversity, that being broken does not simply changes us, but reveals us! (Simply Quotes)
A random sequence is one that cannot be algorithmically compressed : the shortest description of a random sequence is simply the sequence itself (Simply Quotes)
We’re all flawed, but basically, effective managers are people whose flaws are not fatal under the circumstances. Maybe the best managers are simply ordinary, healthy people who aren’t too screwed up (Simply Quotes)
It’s easy: You simply follow the trail of your time, your affection, your energy, your money, and your allegiance. At the end of that trail you’ll find a throne; and whatever, or whoever, is on that throne is what’s of highest value to you. On that throne is what you worship (Simply Quotes)
I don’t come taking millions of pictures. I spend time with them and simply observe. If you wait long enough those amazing images will come (Simply Quotes)
It’s very possible that advertising business models will simply never do as well on mobile devices as those oriented around transactions (Simply Quotes)
There is nothing wrong with anger. Anger is a beautiful emotion, as valid and rich as joy or laughter. But you have been taught to repress your anger. Your anger has been condemned. If anger is unexpressed, it will slowly poison you. The key is to know how to express your anger. Do not throw it out onto any one. No one is responsible for your anger. Simply express your anger. Beat up a cushion. Go for a run. Express your anger to a tree. Dance your anger. Enjoy it (Simply Quotes)
The downside of skepticism: it can easily turn into an arrogant position of a priori rejection of any new phenomenon or idea, a position that is as lacking in critical thinking as the one of the true believer, and that simply does not help either science or the public at large (Simply Quotes)
Many people do not know that they can strengthen or diminish the life around them. The way we live day to day simply may not reflect back to us our power to influence life or the web of relationships that connects us. Life responds to us anyway. We all have the power to affect others. We may affect those we know and those we do not even know at all... Without our knowing, we may influence the lives of others in very simple ways (Simply Quotes)
When you learn to take responsibility for yourselves, then you will start taking responsibility for the planet. The planet is being destroyed by your abandonment of responsibility. You assume that you own the planet. And ownership confers upon you the right to do as you like. You do not own this beautiful planet. You are simply a guest here (Simply Quotes)
One antidote for sexual truancy lies in simply teaching youth the wonder, the miracle, the reverence for the creation of life itself. Life is a divine creation. You don’t take chances with creation (Simply Quotes)
Your discovery, as best as I can determine, is that there is an alternative which no one has hit upon. It is that one finding oneself in one of life’s critical situations need not after all respond in one of the traditional ways. No. One may simply default. Pass. Do as one pleases, shrug, turn on one’s heel and leave. Exit. Why after all need one act humanly? (Simply Quotes)
Real filth is the one inside. The rest simply washes off. There is only one type of dirt that cannot be cleansed with pure waters, and that is the stain of hatred and bigotry contaminating the soul. You can purify your body through abstinence and fasting, but only love will purify your heart (Simply Quotes)
Even without his robes an arahant is recognized simply by the effect his metta has in a crowd (Simply Quotes)
If you can observe your own experience with a minimum of interference, and if you don’t try to control what you experience, if you simply allow things to happen and you observe them, then you will be able to discover things about yourself that you did not know before. You can discover little pieces of the inner structures of your mind, the very things that make you who you are (Simply Quotes)
I am simply not interested in the pots and pans affair, and neither can I bring myself to be interested in the same. I have such great cooks in the family that I would rather manage the other affairs and leave the kitchen to those who know it best (Simply Quotes)
If you’ve ever really been poor you remain poor at heart all your life. I’ve often walked when I could very well afford to take a taxi because I simply couldn’t bring myself to waste the shilling it would cost (Simply Quotes)
Usually when painters use photographs, they enlarge and copy them and simply make a large, boring painting of a large, boring photograph (Simply Quotes)