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It’s easy in a novel to be completely unambiguous about the relationship between animal and daemon simply by stating it outright; whereas you get very few opportunities to do this in an elegant way in a film  (Simply Quotes) To a novelist, fluidity is the ultimate good omen; suddenly difficult problems are simply solved, intractable structural knots loosen themselves, and you come upon the key without even recognizing that this is what you hold  (Simply Quotes) God’s dream for us is not simply peace of mind, but peace on earth  (Simply Quotes) Everyone has a talent. It’s simply a question of good discipline, of the good fortune to have an education that meshes with that talent, and a lot of luck  (Simply Quotes) The difference between a confident person and an unconfident person is simply that the confident person acts on their ambitions and desires and doesn’t let fear of failure stop them  (Simply Quotes) Simply put, the direct power over the money supply is the indirect power over the people  (Simply Quotes) Christ delves far beyond the means of superficiality, not simply because of his immaculate love, but also because he considers the distinct cases of each individual rather than withholding a broadened perception by use of stereotypes  (Simply Quotes) You grow weary of being treated as the enemy simply because you are not young anymore; because you dress unexceptionally  (Simply Quotes) In college, I was always disappointed by lectures that covered social problems but failed to identify what I could do to change them. Part of the problem was that many professors simply didn’t believe they had a role in converting awareness to action  (Simply Quotes) When I played, I never needed the spotlight, nor did I want it. I simply wanted to play baseball and be respected by my teammates and the opposing players  (Simply Quotes) Scientists and artists are the world’s noticers. Their job is simply to notice what other people cannot  (Simply Quotes) Although many of us probably didn’t get a thorough education in the value of a positive attitude, we can teach ourselves. Simply by making a decision to look for the good, happy, and beautiful in all things and all people, you will have completed the first and most important step in learning to accentuate the positive  (Simply Quotes) Never feel dumb. Not knowing who or what is no sin. Ignorance is simply the measure of what you haven’t got to yet. I find writers and works every day that I haven’t got to, haven’t even heard of  (Simply Quotes) Every single one of us already has everything we need to be the happiest person on earth; it’s simply up to us to remember that in every moment  (Simply Quotes) The sad fact is that we’re not educated to be aware and therefore able to question the reality created by our thinking. We don’t realize that we must take responsibility for our thoughts to find out if they are really true, and then set aside or at least acknowledge those that are simply opinion and bias. We don’t recognize that most thoughts are ultimately judgments, and that the truth of any judgment is how that judgment makes us feel  (Simply Quotes) Let us not judge others, because we simply don’t know that had we lived their life, we might be exactly the same  (Simply Quotes) The 1st secret to success is to simply master your ability to get started, to take the first step. If you want to get physically fit, simply pack a gym bag everyday and get in the car. Once you do, where else are you going to go?  (Simply Quotes) We are determined not to take as the aim of our life fame, profit, wealth, or sensual pleasure, nor to accumulate wealth while millions are hungry and dying. We are committed to living simply and sharing our time, energy, and material resources with those who are in need  (Simply Quotes) Cultivating inner discipline is something that takes time; expecting rapid results is simply a sign of impatience  (Simply Quotes) The energy crisis has not yet overwhelmed us, but it will if we do not act quickly. It’s a problem that we will not be able to solve in the next few years, and it’s likely to get progressively worse through the rest of this century. We must not be selfish or timid if we hope to have a decent world for our children and grandchildren. We simply must balance our demand for energy with our rapidly shrinking resources. By acting now we can control our future instead of letting the future control us  (Simply Quotes) This intolerable dependence on foreign oil threatens our economic independence and the very security of our nation. The energy crisis is real. It is worldwide. It is a clear and present danger to our nation. These are facts and we simply must face them  (Simply Quotes) Nowadays almost all man’s improvements, so called, as the building of houses and the cutting down of the forest and of all large trees, simply deform the landscape, and make it more and more tame and cheap  (Simply Quotes) When you are meditating, after you’ve meditated on the yantra or candle flame, simply try feeling gratitude. Sit and feel grateful to existence because you are meditating  (Simply Quotes) There are essentially three stages in learning how to meditate. In the beginning you are simply trying to ignore thought  (Simply Quotes) The first stage of meditation is simply to ignore thought; to become conscious that there is something beyond thought  (Simply Quotes) The world is futile when viewed through the persona of the body. The body is not simply the physical body but it’s the body of knowledge of this world  (Simply Quotes) The idea of self is dependent upon attraction, aversion and memory. Memory is simply a serial account of attractions and aversions that don’t exist now except in imagination  (Simply Quotes) Mind is not simply the collection of aggregate cells inside your brain. If you are only the grey matter, then when that dies, you won’t exist any more. It’s not that easy. You exist forever  (Simply Quotes) Reincarnation is simply changing awareness. What you are reincarnating into are different states of mind. The whole show is on the inside  (Simply Quotes) Reincarnation doesn’t simply mean that at the end of this life you will move on to another life in another body, it means that the spirit of life is continually renewing itself and moving to a higher level  (Simply Quotes)
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