Simply Quotes

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The painter doesn’t try to reproduce the scene before him... he simplifies and eliminates until he knows exactly what stirred him, sets this down in color and line as simply and as powerfully as possible and so translates his impression into an aesthetic emotion (Simply Quotes)
The history of science knows scores of instances where an investigator was in the possession of all the important facts for a new theory but simply failed to ask the right questions (Simply Quotes)
Some people try to paint in my style. Some simply sell pirated copies of my work. Some claim to be my publisher or agent or even my exclusive representative, when they are not (Simply Quotes)
There’s a moment for everyone when you fall into your own shadow and the fact is that it’s your shadow and you’re forced to live in it. And this is nothing to celebrate or not celebrate. It simply is (Simply Quotes)
While the space for artists and curators has increased enormously, maybe, just maybe, that’s left room for too many people calling themselves artists and curators who are simply not up to the term (Simply Quotes)
There are still substantial areas of disagreement,.. you simply have to look at the public statements to see there is a significant gap (Simply Quotes)
If you simply cannot make the right decision, make a decision and then make it right (Simply Quotes)
Art should take what is complex and render it simply. It takes a lot of skill, human understanding, stamina, courage, energy, and heart to do that (Simply Quotes)
Did the poet use red to symbolize blood? Anger? Lust? Or is the wheelbarrow simply red because red sounded better than black? (Simply Quotes)
A young person wanting to become an artist might simply go purposefully and dedicatedly to his or her room with a few books and a thousand blank canvases for four years (Simply Quotes)
... the solution is not to toss youthful offenders into jail or prisons. We long ago recognized alcoholism to be a disease, and abondoned efforts to treat alcoholics simply by locking them up (Simply Quotes)
I am simply unable to understand the value placed by so many people upon great wealth (Simply Quotes)
Simply by making the effort to start something, you will be miles ahead of almost everyone else (Simply Quotes)
I’m not dismissing the value of higher education; I’m simply saying it comes at the expense of experience (Simply Quotes)
There are rainy days in autumn and stormy days in winter when the rocking chair in front of the fire simply demands an accompanying book (Simply Quotes)
It is simply unthinkable that we will ever again send overseas a great expeditionary force of armed men (Simply Quotes)
It is impossible to make a clear cut between science, religion, and art. The whole is never equal simply to the sum of its various parts (Simply Quotes)
It is a great mistake to think that the extremist is a better man than the moderate. Usually the difference is not that he is morally stronger, but that he is intellectually weaker. He is not more virtuous. He is simply more foolish (Simply Quotes)
Growing up isn’t simply getting old... Growing up is when you don’t believe anymore (Simply Quotes)
Enlightenment doesn’t simply mean being in heavenly states of mind. It doesn’t mean being a saint (Simply Quotes)
Enlightenment doesn’t mean you stop being a student. Being a student is a state of mind. Enlightenment simply means that you are everything and everywhere. It doesn’t preclude being a student (Simply Quotes)
There are beings who come into this world, from time to time, not simply with miraculous powers, which we call the siddhas, but with a miraculous awareness that is so strong yet so subtle that anyone or anything that touches that awareness is transformed forever (Simply Quotes)
An enlightened person doesn’t know it all. Enlightenment simply means walking beyond this and all worlds into nirvana, which is beyond knowledge and ignorance (Simply Quotes)
As a teacher you just look at someone and you transmit to them what they need to know. Not simply a thought form, but you transmit an awareness level (Simply Quotes)
The problem is in the type of energy that is directed, either in the act of sex or simply walking down the street or talking to someone (Simply Quotes)
The attention that’s being projected by men who simply watch you walking down the street, in the office, or in bed, in most cases, is going to be extremely destructive (Simply Quotes)
Observe how women defeat each other; whether it’s simply for a promotion, for a husband, for survival, so she won’t be beaten up in a relationship. She has to now fear every other woman because every woman represents a threat to her (Simply Quotes)
One way to develop faith and confidence is simply to practice using it. If I were to ask you whether you’re confident that you can tie your own shoes, I’m sure you could tell me with perfect confidence that you can. Why? Only because you’ve done it thousands of times! So practice confidence by using it consistently, and you’ll be amazed at the dividends it reaps in every area of your life (Simply Quotes)
What I’ve learned over the years is that the path less traveled always makes for a more interesting journey. If you simply do what everyone else is doing, how can you ever expect to excel and create something wonderful and unique in your life? (Simply Quotes)
If you can create a career built on passion, your chances for success, fulfillment, and longevity are far greater than if you take any old job simply for the paycheck (Simply Quotes)