Simply Quotes

Text Quotes
Without perestroika, the cold war simply would not have ended. But the world could not continue developing as it had, with the stark menace of nuclear war ever present (Simply Quotes)
We do not choose between a life of difficulty and a life of ease. We simply choose for what purpose we will work, sometimes suffer, and hopefully endure (Simply Quotes)
A gift involves sacrifice. If you give away something that you no longer value or want, it cannot be a gift. It is simply a discarded item (Simply Quotes)
Bills are simply invoices for blessings you’ve already received. Pay them with gratitude and circulate prosperity (Simply Quotes)
Books are not like albums, where you can simply download and enjoy your favorite chapter and ignore the rest (Simply Quotes)
I still feel, as I did when I was six or seven, that books are simply the best way to experience a story (Simply Quotes)
There is this assumption that much of what I write is about my life, and that simply is not true (Simply Quotes)
The desire to change the world is a tremendous advantage as you travel down the difficult path ahead because focusing on a lofty goal is more energizing and attracts more talent than simply making a buck (Simply Quotes)
We are all much more simply human than otherwise, be we happy and successful, contented and detached, miserable and mentally disordered, or whatever (Simply Quotes)
I saw I could rhyme words. It came simply to me. But I wrote some pretty horrible songs that I still have on tape (Simply Quotes)
Which always raises the interesting question of whether redheads pursue other redheads in a narcissistic way, or simply, because they have no other choice, as nonredheads aren’t interested (Simply Quotes)
By being persistent, you’re demonstrating faith. Persistence is simply another word for faith. If you didn’t have faith, you’d never persist (Simply Quotes)
Ageing is, simply and clearly, the accumulation of damage in the body. That’s all that ageing is (Simply Quotes)
I can, of course, think what I want, just like everyone else. I simply have to refrain from saying everything I think (Simply Quotes)
... the labor with which we give birth is simply a rehearsal for something we mothers must do over and over: turn ourselves inside out, and then let go (Simply Quotes)
From my years of teaching creative writing, I know that new writers take the setting for granted, as simply a place to set the action, but setting is a vital element in fiction writing and deserves serious treatment (Simply Quotes)
Journalists who are devoted to strictly factual reporting take particular pleasure from satirical news outlets that have the liberty to laugh and even mock the hypocrisy that reporters and editors must simply observe without comment (Simply Quotes)
Alternative medicine plays into this exaggerated notion that you can prevent disease simply by doing the right thing (Simply Quotes)
Many of my favorite films, if someone were to tell me simply what they’re about, I probably wouldn’t be that interested. Plot often has so little to do with what’s at the heart of a film (Simply Quotes)
No longer associated simply with objects and appearances, design is increasingly understood in a much wider sense as the human capacity to plan and produce desired outcomes (Simply Quotes)
God has done more than I could ask or even imagine on more occasions than I could ever recount. His ways are higher than my ways. My ideas simply cannot compete with his (Simply Quotes)
I believe that if something is troubling you, simply start from where you are and take the action necessary to change it (Simply Quotes)
I cannot significantly improve on the assertion that it simply is proper for us, as intelligent members of the universe, to try to look after our fellow creatures, and evil for us to do otherwise (Simply Quotes)
My experiences with gender bias are probably the norm. What I found was that expectations of women were simply lower, and this resulted in being overlooked for certain opportunities (Simply Quotes)
If you’re a painter, it’s simply taken for granted that you’ll spend a lot of time in museums studying great paintings, but if you’re a cartoonist, it used to be very hard to see an original cartoon drawing (Simply Quotes)
I don’t have any interest in changing a system, because the system will simply get bucked back by people who haven’t changed (Simply Quotes)
We perceive no charms that are not sharpened, puffed out, and inflated by artifice. Those which glide along naturally and simply easily escape a sight so gross as ours (Simply Quotes)
Unless we do more than simply learn the trade of our time, we are but apprentices, and not yet masters of the art of life (Simply Quotes)
The absolute things, the last things, the overlapping things, are the truly philosophic concerns; all superior minds feel seriously about them, and the mind with the shortest views is simply the mind of the more shallow man (Simply Quotes)
What occasions the greater part of the world’s quarrels? Simply this: Two minds meet and do not understand each other in time enough to prevent any shock of surprise at the conduct of either party (Simply Quotes)