Simply Quotes

Text Quotes
I release any feelings of competition or comparison. I simply do my best and enjoy being me (Simply Quotes)
There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion (Simply Quotes)
Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician (Simply Quotes)
If there is some aspect of creation you find you do not enjoy, bless it and simply change it. Choose again. Call forth a new reality. Think a new thought. Say a new word. Do a new thing (Simply Quotes)
Poets are simply those who have made a profession ans a lifestyle of being in touch with their bliss (Simply Quotes)
He was simply and staunchly true to his duty alike in the large case and in the small. So all true souls ever are. So every true soul ever was, ever is, and ever will be. There is nothing little to the really great in spirit (Simply Quotes)
Remember, care is a dimension of love, but simply giving care does not mean we are loving (Simply Quotes)
The number 1 thing that I don’t want to see in a story is when characters exist simply to be proven wrong (Simply Quotes)
At present scientists do not look for alternatives simply because they do not care enough about the animals they are using (Simply Quotes)
If the rabble continues to occupy itself with you, then simply don’t read that hogwash, but rather leave it for the reptile from whom it has been fabricated (Simply Quotes)
Everybody liked better to conjecture how the thing was, than simply to know it; for conjecture soon became more confident than knowledge, and had a more liberal allowance for the incompatible (Simply Quotes)
Democracy is not simply a political system; it is a moral movement and it springs from adventurous faith in human possibilities (Simply Quotes)
Man, biologically considered... is simply the most formidable of all beasts of prey, and, indeed, the only one that preys systematically on its own kind (Simply Quotes)
The church does not simply have a missions department; it should wholly exist to be a mission (Simply Quotes)
At this early stage in our evolution, now through our infancy and into our childhood and then, with luck, our growing up, what our species needs most of all, right now, is simply a future (Simply Quotes)
As soon as one point is removed from the sphere of dogmatic certainty, the discussion may not simply result in a new and better formulation, but may easily lead to endless debates and general confusion (Simply Quotes)
I know my mind is made of matter but I need to know exactly what is the matter at it’s core? Because my heart is just a muscle and simply put, it’s sore (Simply Quotes)
As much as I encourage communication with my readers, I don’t want reviews from them, simply because I don’t need to be hamstrung in the middle of working on something (Simply Quotes)
A lot of people simply don’t realize their potential because they’re just so risk adverse. They just don’t want to take the risk (Simply Quotes)
We live in a moment and a culture when reading is really endangered. There’s simply no way to write well, though, if you’re not reading well (Simply Quotes)
The nature of matter, or body considered in general, consists not in its being something which is hard or heavy or coloured, or which affects the senses in any way, but simply in its being something which is extended in length, breadth and depth (Simply Quotes)
I don’t want people to think that they can attain realization simply by listening to others or by reading books. They must practice what they read and hear (Simply Quotes)
Often, we ignore the fact that our spiritual condition and psychological state of mind are highly affected by what is happening to us physically. Sometimes depression is simply the result of exhaustion (Simply Quotes)
To know how to suggest is the great art of teaching. To attain it we must be able to guess what will interest; we must learn to read the childish soul as we might a piece of music. Then, by simply changing the key, we keep up the attraction and vary the song (Simply Quotes)
Twice two makes four seems to me simply a piece of insolence. Twice two makes four is a pert coxcomb who stands with arms akimbo barring your path and spitting. I admit that twice two makes four is an excellent thing, but if we are to give everything its due, twice two makes five is sometimes a very charming thing too (Simply Quotes)
Sometimes I think that I was forced to withdraw into depression because it was the only rightful protest I could throw in the face of a world that said it was alright for people to come and go as they please, that there were simply no real obligations left (Simply Quotes)
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow or love. Chained by his certitude, he is a slave; he has forfeited his freedom. Only the person who risks is truly free (Simply Quotes)
That is what the highest criticism really is, the record of one’s own soul. It is more fascinating than history, as it is concerned simply with oneself. It is more delightful than philosophy, as its subject is concrete and not abstract, real and not vague. It is the only civilized form of autobiography (Simply Quotes)
There are people who can write their memoirs with a reasonable amount of honesty, and there are people who simply cannot take themselves seriously enough. I think I might be the first to admit that the sort of reticence which prevents a man from exploiting his own personality is really an inverted sort of egotism (Simply Quotes)
A woman might claim to retain some of the child’s faculties, although very limited and defused, simply because she has not been encouraged to learn methods of thought and develop a disciplined mind. As long as education remains largely induction ignorance will retain these advantages over learning and it is time that women impudently put them to work (Simply Quotes)