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Simpsons Quotes

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Is there a sharper commentary on American culture and the world than The Simpsons?  (Simpsons Quotes) We've got a bunch of new writers now who tell me they grew up watching The Simpsons. It's bizarre, and they're writing some very funny stuff  (Simpsons Quotes) You look at shows like the Simpsons or Larry Sanders or Curb Your Enthusiasm or Seinfeld, they’re really sophisticated shows that we all love back home  (Simpsons Quotes) I had the X rating on my films. Now they do as much on The Simpsons as I got an X rating for Fritz the Cat  (Simpsons Quotes) The Simpsons can go anywhere in the world and not worry about any budgetary issues. However, even when the show has had its run, I think the characters can go on in perpetuit  (Simpsons Quotes) The Simpsons take up so little time that I’m able to do other things as well  (Simpsons Quotes) I’ve met a lot of rock stars when they come to The Simpsons, and almost every one of them I get really freaked out  (Simpsons Quotes) I was very, very into animation when I was growing up. The Simpsons is still my favorite show. I have a really strong connection to it  (Simpsons Quotes) I don’t like that The Simpsons are spokespeople for Burger King and MasterCard and Butterfinger. In the first Gulf War, I was really upset that the Simpsons characters were being drawn on tanks and bombs. But those are things that I don’t control.  (Simpsons Quotes) You look at shows like The Simpsons or Larry Sanders or Curb Your Enthusiasm or Seinfeld, they’re really sophisticated shows that we all love back home.  (Simpsons Quotes) I’ve always just loved drawing and loved cartoons. Growing up, I loved Disney films, I loved The Simpsons, and I was a big fan of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes and the way that they would have weird fantasy and then down-to-earth funny character comedy.  (Simpsons Quotes) I’m not into those shows like hey everybody, gather round the TV, let’s watch The Simpsons! I’m not one of those guys: I gotta get home, man, Family Guy’s on! I gotta race to my TV before I miss the episode of Family Guy! I’m not one of those guys.  (Simpsons Quotes) This sounds crazy, I know, but you can make a billion dollars - very few people do - but you can make a billion dollars on a product. It can be Lion King, it can be Simpsons, it can be Family Guy, who knows what it is. Or you can make zero. But you can’t make a billion dollars if you don’t own it.  (Simpsons Quotes)