Sin Quotes

Text Quotes
Sin is not a distance, it is a turning of our gaze in the wrong direction (Sin Quotes)
Now, no matter what the mullah teaches, there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft (Sin Quotes)
Human beings can’t see anything without wanting to destroy it. That’s original sin. And I’m going to destroy it. Death is going to die (Sin Quotes)
Do not think about sin, he thought. There are enough problems now without sin. Also I have no understanding of it (Sin Quotes)
Thoroughly convinced of the impossibility of his own suit, a high resolve constrained him not to injure that of another. This is a lover’s most stoical virtue, as the lack of it is a lover’s most venial sin (Sin Quotes)
In sinning, each man sins against all, and each man is at least partly guilt for another’s sin. There is no isolated sin (Sin Quotes)
Lust is not the worst thing. It is because any day, any time, lust may turn into love that we have to avoid it. And when we love our sin then we are damned indeed (Sin Quotes)
Stress isn’t only a joy stealer. The way we respond to it can be sin (Sin Quotes)
No one expected the preacher’s daughter to sin, but they sure would love to catch me at it (Sin Quotes)
To be a saint is the exception; to be a just person is the rule. Err, stumble, commit sin, but be one of the just (Sin Quotes)
There is no repentance where a man can talk lightly of sin, much less where he can speak tenderly and lovingly of it (Sin Quotes)
I think it’s a sin to sit down and let your life go without making a try for it (Sin Quotes)
To commit the least possible sin is the law for man. To live without sin is the dream of an angel. Everything terrestrial is subject to sin. Sin is a gravitation (Sin Quotes)
To remember friendship is to recall those conversations that it seemed a sin to break off (Sin Quotes)
The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness (Sin Quotes)
Even the incorruptible are corruptible if they cannot accept the possibility of being mistaken. Infallibility is a sin in any man. All laws can be broken and are. Often (Sin Quotes)
Hatred is always a sin, my mother told me. Remember that. One drop of hatred in your soul will spread and discolor everything like a drop of black ink in white milk. I was struck by that and meant to try it, but knew I shouldn’t waste the milk (Sin Quotes)
I closed my eyes and let the music flow through me, cleansing my soul of all fear and sin and reminding me that I am always better than I think and stronger than I believe (Sin Quotes)
St. Paul introduced an entirely novel view of marriage, that it existed primarily to prevent the sin of fornication. It is just as if one were to maintain that the sole reason for baking bread is to prevent people from stealing cake (Sin Quotes)
Whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that is sin to you, however, innocent it may be in itself (Sin Quotes)
A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second; that second for a third; and so on, till the bulk of the society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sin and suffering (Sin Quotes)
There is no sin in not liking to play; it’s a mistake for a boy to be there if he doesn’t want to (Sin Quotes)
There never can have been, and never can be, and there never shall be any sin without pride (Sin Quotes)
Imperfection is inherited, therefore we all sin, but fighting the war of sin is the greatest war of all because we all die in the end no matter how hard we fight (Sin Quotes)
When you start off by telling those who disagree with you that they are not merely in error but in sin, how much of a dialogue do you expect? (Sin Quotes)
In short, a man must be set free from the sin he is, which makes him do the sin he does (Sin Quotes)
Don’t complain about what you don’t have. Use what you’ve got. To be less than your best is a sin (Sin Quotes)
While one is asleep one cannot do anything that is good. Virtue is impossible in unconsciousness, only sin is possible. Unconsciousness is the source of sin (Sin Quotes)
Wakefulness is the only saintliness there is, and sleepiness, unconsciousness, is the only sin there is; all other sins are born out of it. Cut the root, cut the very root! Don’t go on pruning the leaves (Sin Quotes)
The choicest believers, who are assuredly freed from the condemning power of sin, ought yet to make it their business all their days to mortify the indwelling power of sin (Sin Quotes)