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Since there are so many idiots out there, you may actually start to think you're crazy. You are not. They are idiots

Since there are so many idiots out there, you may actually start to think you're crazy. You are not. They are idiots Picture Quote #1

Since there are so many idiots out there, you may actually start to think you're crazy. You are not. They are idiots

Lewis Black, the renowned comedian known for his fiery rants and no-nonsense attitude, has never been one to shy away from calling out stupidity when he sees it. In his stand-up routines and television appearances, Black often tackles the absurdity of the world around us, pointing out the sheer number of idiots that seem to populate every corner of society.

One of Black's most famous quotes perfectly encapsulates this sentiment: "Since there are so many idiots out there, you may actually start to think you're crazy. You are not. They are idiots." This simple yet profound statement speaks volumes about the frustration many of us feel when confronted with the sheer ignorance and foolishness of others.
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