Sincere Quotes

Text Quotes
He was a decent enough guy, but he was always at his worst when he was trying to be sincere (Sincere Quotes)
God, I felt certain, did not mind that I didn't press my hands together to pray. I was casual, but I was sincere. I knew that god existed as the correct answer inside my chest (Sincere Quotes)
My introduction, implicitly echoing Oscar Wilde's remark that all bad poetry is sincere, grants the benign social decency of [Stephen] King's fictions (Sincere Quotes)
The moderate are not usually the most sincere, for the same circumspection which makes them moderate makes them likewise retentive of what could give offense (Sincere Quotes)
Men that would blush at being thought sincere, and feign, for glory, the few faults they went; that love a lie, where truth would pay as well; as if to them, vice shone her own reward (Sincere Quotes)
There is no man so friendless but what he can find a friend sincere enough to tell him disagreeable truths (Sincere Quotes)
People are far more sincere and good-humored at speeding their parting guests than on meeting them (Sincere Quotes)
An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry (Sincere Quotes)
Every war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence, and every war is sold to the public by professional liars and totally sincere religious maniacs, as a Holy Crusade to save God and Goodness from Satan and Evil (Sincere Quotes)
Sincere friendship towards God, in all who believe him to be properly an intelligent, willing being, does most apparently, directly, and strongly incline to prayer; and it no less disposes the heart strongly to desire to have our infinitely glorious (Sincere Quotes)
I do all the evil I can before I learn to shun it? Is it not enough to know the evil to shun it? If not, we should be sincere enough to admit that we love evil too well to give it up (Sincere Quotes)
Is it not enough to know the evil to shun it? If not, we should be sincere enough to admit that we love evil too well to give it up (Sincere Quotes)
I have relationships with people I'm working with, based on our combined interest. It doesn't make the relationship any less sincere, but it does give it a focus that may not last beyond the experience (Sincere Quotes)
It's a little silly to finally learn how to write at this age. But I long ago realized I was secretly sincere (Sincere Quotes)
The rule of friendship means there should be mutual sympathy between them, each supplying what the other lacks and trying to benefit the other, always using friendly and sincere words (Sincere Quotes)
The only justice is to follow the sincere intuition of the soul, angry or gentle. Anger is just, and pity is just, but judgement is never just (Sincere Quotes)
A sincere and steadfast co-operation in promoting such a reconstruction of our political system as would provide for the permanent liberty and happiness of the United States (Sincere Quotes)
No lover, if he be of good faith, and sincere, will deny he would prefer to see his mistress dead than unfaithful (Sincere Quotes)
When you return to your homes rise up to the height of a generation of men worthy of a free Government, and we will carry out the great work we have commenced. I return to you my sincere thanks, soldiers, for the honor you have done me this afternoon (Sincere Quotes)
The best explanation I can give of what it is, is this: it is what God does through a rare combination of these qualities found in his people: Passion for his presence; a deep craving to reach the lost; sincere integrity; spirit filled faith; down to Earth humility; brokenness (Sincere Quotes)
Table talk, to be perfect, should be sincere without bigotry, differing without discord, sometimes grave, always agreeable, touching on deep points, dwelling most on seasonable ones, and letting everybody speak and be heard (Sincere Quotes)
Leave off the 'financially'. Let the financial be the result of honest, sincere desire to be and live so that others may know the way also. Good gives the increase (Sincere Quotes)
John Currin's exaggerated realism and his twisted women kept me off balance, never knowing if they were sincere or ironic or some new emotion (Sincere Quotes)
Two may talk and one may hear, but three cannot take part in a conversation of the most sincere and searching sort (Sincere Quotes)
The best of life is conversation, and the greatest success is confidence, or perfect understanding between sincere people (Sincere Quotes)
Sincerity is the luxury allowed, like diadems and authority, only to the highest rank... Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins (Sincere Quotes)
Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins. We parry and fend the approach of our fellow man by compliments, by gossip, by amusements, by affairs. We cover up our thought from him under a hundred folds (Sincere Quotes)
My definition of an educated man is the fellow who knows the right thing to do at the time it has to be done. You can be sincere and still be stupid (Sincere Quotes)
It has God for it's author, salvation for it's end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for it's matter: it is all pure, all sincere, nothing too much, nothing wanting (Sincere Quotes)
No one judges the mistakes of love - so long as they are accompanied by sincere repentance - no one judges them with more understanding than a woman at once irreproachable and sensitive (Sincere Quotes)