Sinful Quotes

Text Quotes
Sin is a dangerous toy in the hands of the virtuous. It should be left to the congenitally sinful, who know when to play with it and when to let it alone (Sinful Quotes)
You can’t have virtue without sin. What I’m after is having my characters’ virtues defined by how they operate in a very sinful environment. That’s how you test people (Sinful Quotes)
If you were not a sinful, polluted, helpless, and miserable creature, this Savior would not be suited to you, and you would not be comprehended in his gracious invitations to the children of men (Sinful Quotes)
A Christian is nothing but a sinful man who has put himself to school for Christ for the honest purpose of becoming better (Sinful Quotes)
People are no longer sinful, they are only immature or underprivileged or frightened or, more particularly, sick (Sinful Quotes)
New York... Babylon-on-the-Hudson, sinful, extravagant, full of the nervous hilarity of the doomed (Sinful Quotes)
I live by the spirit so I don’t gratify all them old sinful desires that never satisfy (Sinful Quotes)
I’m selling my soul to Hollywood Records. I love you like a love song baby, a sinful, miracle, lyrical. He ate my soul. He’s Lucifer. I’m torn I’m selling my soul to the rhythm because I’m become so possessed with the music he plays. I chose a path and I’m not looking back (Sinful Quotes)
Purge me from every sinful blot; My idols all be cast aside: Cleanse me from every evil thought, From all the filth of self and pride. The hatred of the carnal mind Out of my flesh at once remove: Give me a tender heart, resigned, And pure, and full of faith and love (Sinful Quotes)
If the Word truly became flesh, then God had not only a mother, but also a grandmother, cousins, great-aunts, and weird uncles. If the Word truly dwelt among us, then he was part of a family that, like most, was fairly dysfunctional, a mix of the good and bad, the saintly and the sinful, the glorious and the not so glorious. And this is such good news for us (Sinful Quotes)
True repentance is no light matter. It is a thorough change of heart about sin, a change showing itself in godly sorrow and humiliation - in heartfelt confession before the throne of grace - in a complete breaking off from sinful habits, and an abiding hatred of all sin. Such repentance is the inseparable companion of saving faith in Christ (Sinful Quotes)
Whether you realize it or not, your ongoing battle with unbelief drives all your sinful thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions. (Sinful Quotes)
It is God alone who can subdue and govern the unruly wills of sinful men (Sinful Quotes)
I’m not saying dating is sinful, and I’m not saying a guy and a girl should never spend time alone together. I’m saying let’s wait until we can be purposeful, so there’s a reason behind our relationship, and we’re not just stirring up passion for the sake of a good time. (Sinful Quotes)
With arms outstretched on the cross. Jesus took holy God in one hand and sinful man with the other and brought the two together. (Sinful Quotes)
I never thought that sex was wrong, sinful, dirty. When you take away the thought of things being dirty or forbidden, then you can really enjoy your sensuality. (Sinful Quotes)
God tells me that I need to provide for my family, discipline and teach my children, and love my wife as Christ loves the church. If I don’t do that, I’m being unfaithful and sinful. (Sinful Quotes)
Economics that hurt the moral well-being of an individual or a nation are immoral and, therefore, sinful. (Sinful Quotes)
I’ve never known about anyone being helped by being told how wretched, miserable, sinful, and evil they are. (Sinful Quotes)
I’ve never met anybody who was helped by being told how wretched,miserable and sinful they are (Sinful Quotes)
God created a good world that was subjected to futility because of the sinful, treasonous choice of the first human beings. (Sinful Quotes)
The eternal Son of God became the sinless son of Man that the sinful sons of men might become the beloved sons of God. (Sinful Quotes)
Benjamin Franklin and the whole idea of a new attitude to money: Time is money. He invented that idea. Before that, time wasn’t money in the same way; in the medieval age it was regarded as sinful for money to be the object of your life. (Sinful Quotes)
Chained inside the carriage is a sinful woman. When we set the carriage afire, her flesh will be roasted, her bones will be charred: she will die an agonizing death. Never again will you have such a perfect model for the screen. Do not fail to watch as her snow-white flesh erupts in flames. See and remember her long black hair dancing in a whirl of sparks! (Sinful Quotes)
My pride and immaturity caused me to make things more of a struggle than they had to be. I can always blame others or circumstances, but the truth was that my own sinful pride led to more stress than anything else. (Sinful Quotes)
Jesus is coming back for a church without a spot or a wrinkle. His righteous blood covers the spots and the wrinkles of those who believe unto righteousness, allowing once sinful men to be holy. (Sinful Quotes)
There are many reasons why vulnerable young people join militant groups, but among them are poverty and ignorance. Indeed Boko Haram - which translates in English, roughly, as ‘Western Education Is Sinful’ - preys on the perverted belief that the opportunities that education brings are sinful. (Sinful Quotes)
I think it’s sinful to give the audience material it knows already, whether the material is about race relations or the car culture or the depiction and placement of a candy bar. (Sinful Quotes)
Repentance means to have a hearty, thorough, change of mind and it includes the idea of rejecting and renouncing the sinful, filthy lifestyle you’ve been living. And for the most part, fags cannot repent because they’re proud of their sin. (Sinful Quotes)
Repentance is replete with radical implications for a fundamental change of mind not only turns us from the sinful past, but also transforms our life plan, ethics, and actions as we begin to see the world through God’s eyes rather than ours. That kind of transformation requires the ultimate surrender of self. (Sinful Quotes)