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Singapore Quotes

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Retrenchment is good for singapore. If there is no retrenchments, then I worry  (Singapore Quotes) If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one  (Singapore Quotes) I’m part Spanish. My paternal grandfather came from Spain via Singapore to Manila. On my mother’s side it’s more mixture, with a Filipino mother and a father who was Scotch Irish-French; you know, white American hybrid. And I also have on my father’s side a great-great-grandmother who was Chinese. So, I’m a hybrid.  (Singapore Quotes) I love cities. New York, Montreal, London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Toronto, L.A... but, I do choose to live in Vancouver. It’s home.  (Singapore Quotes) We have a huge family history with Singapore because we have the duty-free shops in the airports. It’s a very industrious city. It’s beautiful, and Singaporeans have this wonderful desire for, and love of, luxury goods. You can see how well thought out and planned the city is with the best boutiques.  (Singapore Quotes) Singapore is an international city, and it would be a grave mistake to close our doors  (Singapore Quotes) If I go to Singapore, I have friends there. If they came to Zambia, they’d feel the same way. I’ve made connections, and I have friends in many, many countries.  (Singapore Quotes) Countries that are agricultural can, at a low standard of living, sustain themselves. You can be self-sufficient; the money economy is a relatively insignificant part of the total economy. Singapore never was an agricultural country.  (Singapore Quotes) When you brought the digital revolution in, all of a sudden, you could build a country like Singapore and take that country, which had the income per capita of Ghana in 1965, and make it something similar to the United States in one generation.  (Singapore Quotes) This visit [to Singapore] is an occasion to mark the 50th anniversary our bilateral relationship with Singapore, which is one of our strongest and most reliable partners in South-east Asia.  (Singapore Quotes) Singapore was the very first South-east Asian nation to join the global coalition against ISIL (ISIS) coalition, and we’ll work to sustain our momentum in destroying that terrorist organisation.  (Singapore Quotes) China is the big economic engine in Asia, so what happens is, as China growth expands, these countries in the periphery of China, whether it be Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, they end up growing with China because they become big exporters.  (Singapore Quotes) The fact is Qatar, Etihad, Emirates, Singapore, Garuda, all of the three Chinese airlines, Air New Zealand - the fact is that international aviation relies very much upon agreements between nation-states, and it is not an area in which you have free market operations.  (Singapore Quotes) The U.S. has the finest research scientists in the world, but we are falling far behind other countries, like South Korea and Singapore, that are moving forward with embryonic stem cell research.  (Singapore Quotes) The most important thing to keep in mind is the incredible diversity of talent that’s out there - there are so many great actors from all over Asia, from Singapore and Hong Kong to the Philippines and Mainland China, not to mention many great Asian-American actors who are eager for fun and challenging roles.  (Singapore Quotes) In that - and that is my personal view - Singapore delivers the most value, as they think about Formula One as a complete entertainment event, on and off track.  (Singapore Quotes) Like so much in Singapore, admission to the Marina Bay’s casino is hierarchical: Free for anyone with an international passport, costly for locals, off-limits to migrant workers altogether.  (Singapore Quotes) The United States government approaches patient choice in medication as Singapore does free speech: its pronouncements sound reasonable and tolerant until you threaten its prerogatives.  (Singapore Quotes) Freedom of the news media must be subordinated to the overriding needs of Singapore, and to the primacy of purpose of an elected government.  (Singapore Quotes) Thailand has good medical care and even though I haven’t tried it, Singapore is said to have high quality care also.  (Singapore Quotes) Programmes like the BES are what make the difference between a good university and one that is truly outstanding. I believe this programme will be invaluable for the future sustainability of Singapore and the region; perhaps even the world, if others follow our lead.  (Singapore Quotes) The human being needs a challenge, and my advice to every person in Singapore and elsewhere: Keep yourself interested, have a challenge  (Singapore Quotes) You have an impeccable argument if you said that Singapore, Hong Kong, and Tokyo are food capitals. They have a maximum amount of great stuff to eat in the smallest areas  (Singapore Quotes) Because he had a good agent, he had a good contract. Because he had a good contract, he was in Singapore an hour after the explosion. Most of him, anyway  (Singapore Quotes) Facebook is blocked in mainland China, but is used heavily by the rest of the Chinese-speaking world, including Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan  (Singapore Quotes) Getting to places like Bangkok or Singapore was a hell of a sweat. But when you got there it was the back of beyond. It was just a series of small tin sheds  (Singapore Quotes) Our success in Singapore was a Herculean effort by the whole team. Now I am determined to deliver on all we promised. I will be watching like a hawk  (Singapore Quotes) There are things I admire, for example, about South Korea or Singapore. I admire their history, their development and how intensively they have invested in their people and in technology  (Singapore Quotes) Whoever governs Singapore must have that iron in him. Or give it up. This is not a game of cards  (Singapore Quotes) At the end of the day, what have I got? A successful Singapore. What have I given up? My life  (Singapore Quotes)
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