Single Quotes

Text Quotes
Genius can do much, but even genius falls short of the actuality of a single human life (Single Quotes)
The most difficult part of dating as a single parent is deciding how much risk your own child’s heart is worth (Single Quotes)
At your next dinner party, try playing the following game. Challenge everyone around the table to produce a single drug that can cure people of an illness, other then antibiotics. If you come up with anything, stop whatever you are doing and call me (Single Quotes)
Life can change in a moment, so we must appreciate every single day we are given (Single Quotes)
There isn’t a single one of us who hasn’t harvested either the positive or negative effects of a simple choice of behavior (Single Quotes)
In my opinion, the style of a player should not be formed under the influence of any single great master (Single Quotes)
The explosion of a terrorist’s single nuclear device in a major metropolitan center would trigger an unparalleled humanitarian and environmental disaster. An accidental military launch of multiple warheads could result in a worldwide nuclear holocaust. Medical researchers and military analysts forebode grim consequences (Single Quotes)
While nothing is more uncertain than a single life, nothing is more certain than the average duration of a thousand lives (Single Quotes)
If there is a single trait in our character that has historically set us apart from other nations, it is our determination to limit the authority of those who rule over us (Single Quotes)
Every single one of us possesses the strength to attempt something he isn’t sure he can accomplish (Single Quotes)
For somebody who has injured their brain, every single thing they say and think will be the subject of their own questioning (Single Quotes)
I want to believe in a personal God who looks after me and my loved ones and knows every sparrow that falls. But the suffering of one single child, or more likely, millions is evidence against that belief. The one question I want to ask god: how do you explain or justify the suffering of a child? (Single Quotes)
I do not have a single white note on my piano; my elephant smoked too much (Single Quotes)
I have always believed that a single talented analyst, working very hard, can cover an amazing amount of investment landscape, and this belief remains unchallenged in my mind (Single Quotes)
God is busy with the completion of your work, both outwardly and inwardly. He is fully occupied with you. Every human being is a work in progress that is slowly but inexplicably moving toward perfection. We are each an unfinished work of art both waiting and striving to be completed. God deals with each of us separately because humanity is a fine art of skilled penmanship where every single dot is equally important for the entire picture (Single Quotes)
To reduce risk it is necessary to avoid a portfolio whose securities are all highly correlated with each other. One hundred securities whose returns rise and fall in near unison afford little protection than the uncertain return of a single security (Single Quotes)
No single food will make or break good health. But the kinds of food you choose day in and day out have a major impact (Single Quotes)
Stick with the people who love you and don’t spend a single second on the rest. Life will be better that way (Single Quotes)
Each day befriend a single fear, and the miscellaneous terrors of being human will never join together to form such a morass of vague anxiety that it rules your life from the shadows of the unconscious. We learn to fly not by being fearless, but by the daily practice of courage (Single Quotes)
The stories we love may not always fit neatly into a single time line, but they will always matter (Single Quotes)
Each day the memories weigh a little heavier. Each day they drag you down that bit further. You wind them around you, a single thread at a time, and you weave your own shroud, you build a cocoon, and in it madness grows (Single Quotes)
I was saying yes because when you’re in love, the world is full of possibilities, and when you’re in love, you want to take every single one of them (Single Quotes)
I believe that everything has a purpose and that everything a person does will come back to haunt or save him. Life is like a mirror in which everything we do is reflected back to us. We might not be able to recognize the reflection, and at times the image may be hidden. We may take years to see it or it may not even be visible during our lifetime. But it all comes around in the end. Space is as infinite as our actions are timeless. We are all part of the same invisible story, all travelling in a single continuum (Single Quotes)
Being single doesn’t mean your weak. It means your strong enough to wait for what you deserve (Single Quotes)
All the days that you wake up you have one job and that’s to get better, every single day (Single Quotes)
Never oversimplify yourself by using a single word or category to describe who you are. Take the time to tell your story (Single Quotes)
Give your child a single valuable idea, and you have done more for his education than if you had laid upon his mind the burden of bushels of information (Single Quotes)
Imagination is a danger thus every totalitarian regime is frightened of the artist. It is the vocation of the prophet to keep alive the ministry of imagination to keep on conjouring and proposing alternative futures to the single one the king wants to urge as the only thinkable one (Single Quotes)
Air pollution is terrible for our children. Every single scientist, every single doctor will tell you the same thing: Air pollution damages our children’s brains, their hearts, and their lungs (Single Quotes)
Get masters of families to do their duty, and they will not only spare you a great deal of labor, but will much further the success of your labors. You are not like to see any general reformation, till you procure family reformation. Some little religion there may be, here and there; but while it is confined to single persons, and is not promoted in families, it will not prosper, nor promise much future increase (Single Quotes)