Single Quotes

Text Quotes
I do not believe that there is any secret or single formula for success, but there are common threads of thought and action that characterize the successful people that I have been fortunate enough to know and observe. I do know, from my own experience, that our chance of succeeding is much greater when we organize and take charge of our lives. When we are willing to make decisions, we aggressively pursue those things in life that are important to us (Single Quotes)
Every single day you’re the result of what you did on the days prior (Single Quotes)
Chile isn’t the biggest, richest or most powerful country in the world, but we should dedicate ourselves to transforming it into the best country in the world. We don’t have a single minute to lose (Single Quotes)
Our … reduceth to a single origin and relateth to a single, and maketh contraries to coincide so that there is one primal foundation both of origin and of end. From this coincidence of contraries, we deduce that ultimately it is divinely true that contraries are within contraries; wherefore it is not difficult to compass the knowledge that each thing is within every other (Single Quotes)
All our science calculates with abstracted individual external marks, which do not touch the inner existence of any single thing (Single Quotes)
A library is the only single place you can go to learn something new, be comforted, terrified, thrilled, saddened, overjoyed, or excited all in one day. And for free (Single Quotes)
I see nothing wrong ethically with the idea of correcting single gene defects through genetic engineering. But I am concerned about any other kind of intervention, for anything else would be an experiment, which would impose our will on future generations and take unreasonable chances with their welfare... Thus such intervention is beyond the scope of consideration (Single Quotes)
I just want to express a generalized and endless feeling of love inside of me directed at every single person who exists or will ever exist (Single Quotes)
The single biggest problem in design is finding out from the client what it is that they really want (Single Quotes)
There are 6 billion people in the world and every single one is a diamond in some stage of being polished. Life is either going to polish you up or grind you down. And the difference between the two lies in how much hope you have, how much faith you have in the fact that you do carry something special on the inside that’s waiting to get out. Many give up, not knowing they were only 10 minutes from triumph (Single Quotes)
When a person disappears, everything becomes impregnated with that person’s presence. Every single object as well as every space becomes a reminder of absence, as if absence were more important than presence (Single Quotes)
There’s no comparison. Veganism is the single most important thing that one can do today (Single Quotes)
In our own time we have seen domination spread over the social landscape to a point where it is beyond all human control. Compared to this stupendous mobilization of materials, of wealth, of human intellect, of human labor for the single goal of domination, all other recent human achievements pale to almost trivial significance. Our art, science, medicine, literature, music and charitable acts seem like mere droppings from a table on which gory feasts on the spoils of conquest have engaged the attention of a system whose appetite for rule is utterly unrestrained (Single Quotes)
When we realize that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise (Single Quotes)
What I don’t like to hear in music is something has not been thought through: that a sound is just there randomly. I want to make sure that every single little noise that’s in my song is there because it’s supposed to be there (Single Quotes)
The night stared me in the face, amorphous, blind, infinite, without frontiers. Not a single start relieved the darkness behind the glass (Single Quotes)
If someone gives you a piece of advice that sounds right and feels right, use it. If someone gives you a piece of advice that sounds right and feels wrong, don’t waste so much as a single second on it. It may be fine for someone else, but not for you (Single Quotes)
Every single person in my life and every relationship I have is distant because all I do is music (Single Quotes)
For most men, time moves slowly, oh so slowly, they don’t even realize it. But time has revealed itself to me in a very special way. Time is a rushing, howling wind that rages past me, withering me in a single, relentless blast, and then continues on. I’ve been sitting here passively, submissive to its rage, watching its work. Listen! Time, howling, withering! (Single Quotes)
There’s an entire universe in every single tweet, and it all really depends on the content as far as how it’s going to spread (Single Quotes)
I can’t point to a single person or incident that changed my life, but the recognition that there is a certain world order, has been consequential. It has empowered me to do things my way. I found an inner truth by which I abide (Single Quotes)
Our approach to reality, our sense of reality, cannot assume that the text of nature, the book of life, is a cryptogram concealing just a single meaning. Rather, it is an expanding riddle of a multiplicity of resonating images (Single Quotes)
Discipline is knowing what to do. Knowing when to do it. Doing it to the best of your abilities. Doing it that way every single time (Single Quotes)
I try and get about eight hours of sleep every single night. And I like to think that I drink more water than anyone, ever (Single Quotes)
To get rich, one must have but a single idea, one fixed, hard, immutable thought: the desire to make a heap of gold. And in order to increase this heap of gold, one must be inflexible, a usurer, thief, extortionist, and murderer! And one must especially mistreat the small and the weak! And when this mountain of gold has been amassed, one can climb up on it, and from up on the summit, a smile on one’s lips, one can contemplate the valley of poor wretches that one has created (Single Quotes)
The single most important key to sex that I’ve yet discovered is conscious rhythmic breathing; the more you breathe the more you feel and the more you come alive. Many of us breathe only enough to survive but not to live fully. Deep breathing is a door to waking up to healing and to more personal freedom (Single Quotes)
The best shooters shoot the exact same way every single time they look at the basket (Single Quotes)
Secular music, do you say, belongs to the devil? Does it? Well, if it did I would plunder him for it, for he has no right to a single note of the whole seven. Every note, and every strain, and every harmony is divine, and belongs to us (Single Quotes)
I broke down. I hid under the bed because I was afraid that somebody was going to come for me. I don’t know who that someone was but I was just so scared. Not a single person at any level of government took any note of me. No one checked to see if I had a place to live or food to eat, and at 14, I found myself basically on my own (Single Quotes)
Sport is a product of human culture. America seems to need football at this state of our social development. When you get ninety million people watching a single game on television, it... shows you that people need something to identify with (Single Quotes)