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Sins Quotes

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The great danger is that in the confession of any collective sin, one shall confess the sins of others and forget our own  (Sins Quotes) We have all our secret sins; and if we knew ourselves we should not judge each other harshly  (Sins Quotes) There aren’t many sins in my bible. Giving up is the greatest one of all  (Sins Quotes) Fifty years ago, teachers said their top discipline problems were talking, chewing gum, making noise, and running in the halls. The current list, by contrast, sounds like a cross between a rap sheet and the seven deadly sins  (Sins Quotes) Sins are indispensable to every society organized on an ecclesiastical basis; they are the only reliable weapons of power; the priest lives upon sins; it is necessary to him that there be sinning  (Sins Quotes) When sins are dear to us we are too prone to slide into them again. The act of repentance itself is often sweetened with the thought that it clears our account for a repetition of the same sin  (Sins Quotes) I’m not a martyr, just a musician who dies for your sins. Oh, that’s what a martyr is? Very well then, I am a martyr, if you insist  (Sins Quotes) May we be as severe with ourselves over our own subtle sins as we are with the vile sins we condemn in others  (Sins Quotes) I’m a big believer in supporting the action on film with the appropriate music. It covers a multitude of sins. It’s gotten me out of a lot of jams, over the years. So, music for me is a very big thing in films and I use it unashamedly  (Sins Quotes) A sense of humor keen enough to show a man his own absurdities will keep him from the commission of all sins, or nearly all, save those worth committing  (Sins Quotes) Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn’t have to mean public confessions  (Sins Quotes) It is much easier to repent of sins that we have committed than to repent of those that we intend to commit  (Sins Quotes) Boredom is... a vital problem for the moralist, since half the sins of mankind are caused by the fear of it  (Sins Quotes) The best men of the best epochs are simply those who make the fewest blunders and commit the fewest sins  (Sins Quotes) Let me remind you of the old maxim: people under suspicion are better moving than at rest, since at rest they may be sitting in the balance without knowing it, being weighed together with their sins  (Sins Quotes) Between these two, the denying of sins, which we have done, and the bragging of sins, which we have not done, what a space, what a compass is there, for millions of millions of sins!  (Sins Quotes) The public scandal is what constitutes the offence: sins sinned in secret are no sins at all  (Sins Quotes) The sinner sins against himself; the wrongdoer wrongs himself, becoming the worse by his own action  (Sins Quotes) Nothing can render affliction so insupportable as the load of sin. Would you then be fitted for afflictions? Be sure to get the burden of your sins laid aside, and then what affliction soever you may meet with will be very easy to you  (Sins Quotes) Of what use is a long life, if we amend so little? Alas, a long life often adds to our sins rather than to our virtue!  (Sins Quotes) Should we all confess our sins to one another we would all laugh at one another for our lack of originality  (Sins Quotes) Fattened in vice, so callous and so gross, he sins and sees not, senseless of his loss  (Sins Quotes) You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you have never had the courage to commit  (Sins Quotes) No human being, when you understand his desires, is worthless. No one’s life is nothing. Even the most evil of men and women, if you understand their hearts, had some generous act that redeems them, at least a little, from their sins  (Sins Quotes) Forgive everyone for your own sins and be sure to tell them you love them which you do  (Sins Quotes) I tell lies sometimes. The last time I lied was a year ago. I absolutely detest lying. You could say that lying and silence are the two greatest sins of present day society. Actually, I lie a lot, and I’m always clamming up  (Sins Quotes) Sometimes the sins you haven’t committed are all you have left to hold onto  (Sins Quotes) In forming an estimate of sins, we are often imposed upon by imagining that the more hidden the less heinous they are  (Sins Quotes) In the deepest sense, the being in a state of sin is the sin, the particular sins are not the continuation of sin, they are expressions of its continuation  (Sins Quotes) Love is such a priceless treasure that you can buy the whole world with it, and redeem not only your own but other people’s sins. Go, and do not be afraid  (Sins Quotes)
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