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Sins Quotes

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I’m getting very old and my bones ache. My sins are deserting me, and if I could only have my time over again I’d take care to commit more of them  (Sins Quotes) In a civilized society, all crimes are likely to be sins, but most sins are not and ought not to be treated as crimes. Man’s ultimate responsibility is to God alone  (Sins Quotes) The moment someone chooses to trust in Jesus Christ, his sins are wiped away, and he is adopted into God’s family. That individual is set apart as a child of God, with a sacred purpose  (Sins Quotes) The seven deadly sins: Want of money, bad health, bad temper, chastity, family ties, knowing that you know things, and believing in the Christian religion  (Sins Quotes) The Lord opened the understanding of my unbelieving heart, so that I should recall my sins  (Sins Quotes) Confess your sins to the Lord and you will be forgiven; confess them to man and you will be laughed at  (Sins Quotes) There are only three sins - causing pain, causing fear, and causing anguish. The rest is window dressing  (Sins Quotes) I have been a man of great sins, but He has been a God of great mercies; and now, through His mercies, I have a conscience as sound and quiet as if I had never sinned  (Sins Quotes) How heavy is the toll of sins and wrong that wealth, power and prestige exact from man  (Sins Quotes) The only reason Christ submitted himself to the horrendous experience of bearing the sins of the entire world is because his death provided the only way for reconciliation with God  (Sins Quotes) The aim of the law is not to punish sins, but is to prevent certain external results  (Sins Quotes) God does not treat us as our sins deserve, man treats us as our sins deserve  (Sins Quotes) Over the city lies the sweet, rotting odor of yesterday’s unrecollected sins  (Sins Quotes) I am in process of bringing all my sins to light for the purpose of getting rid of them. We never know how rich we are until we break up housekeeping!  (Sins Quotes) Love is such a priceless treasure that you can redeem the whole world by it, and expiate not only your own sins but the sins of others  (Sins Quotes) Prayer is the converse of the soul with God. Therein we manifest or express to Him our reverence, and love for His divine perfection, our gratitude for all His mercies, our penitence for our sins, our hope in His forgiving love, our submission to His authority, our confidence in His care, our desires for His favour, and for the providential and spiritual blessings needed for ourselves and others  (Sins Quotes) Sex and commerce are fine things, but man cannot live by Viagra and the Dow Jones alone. A life led collecting things and experiences in pursuit of happiness is not necessarily a bad life, but it’s not a good life either. Too often, the Democrats act like the Party of Lust, and the Republicans the Party of Greed. Both are deadly sins that eat at the soul  (Sins Quotes) People come to me with their heads held high and announce that they do not eat sugar anymore, as though they have tackled one of life’s deadly sins. My response is to ask them how long they have had this problem and if they have considered seeing a psychiatrist  (Sins Quotes) To my fancy, one looks back on life, it has only two responsibilities, which include all the others: one is the bringing of new life into existence; the other, educating it after it is brought in. All betrayals of trust result from these original sins  (Sins Quotes) Liberals and conservatives disagree over what are the most important sins. For conservatives, the sins that matter are personal irresponsibility, the flight from family life, sexual permissiveness, the failure of individuals to work hard. For liberals, the gravest sins are intolerance, a lack of generosity toward the needy, narrow-mindedness toward social and racial minorities  (Sins Quotes) I think there’s a ton of things about being Catholic that are hard. Going to Church every week is tough. I’d like to go to church, like, every couple of months. Going to confession is hard. Confessing my sins out loud is a very difficult thing  (Sins Quotes) God may not accept a person to forgive him his sins, without an atonement, else he must give free license to sin both in angels and men, and then sin were no sin, and our God were no God  (Sins Quotes) More computing sins are committed in the name of efficiency (without necessarily achieving it) than for any other single reason - including blind stupidity  (Sins Quotes) Our Redeemer took upon Himself all the sins, pains, infirmities, and sicknesses of all who have ever lived and will ever live.  (Sins Quotes) The central dogma of the New Testament is that Jesus died as a scapegoat for the sin of Adam and the sins that all we unborn generations might have been contemplating in the future. Adam’s sin is perhaps mitigated by the extenuating circumstance that he didn’t exist.  (Sins Quotes) 9/11 revealed that those about to die do not seem afraid or plead for forgiveness for their sins, if they think about them at all. They all have one thing in mind - those they love - and they all do the same thing: They call them up - spouses, family or friends - to tell them they love them.  (Sins Quotes) We all have sinned so far in our lives and might continue too but still we all love talking about others sins, Elaborating, exaggerating, laughing, commenting, cursing... And we all enjoy it hahaha  (Sins Quotes) Had we been as free from all sins as we were from gluttony and drunkenness we might have been canonized for saints...  (Sins Quotes) The Devil writes down our sins - our Guardian Angel all our merits. Labor that the Guardian Angel’s book may be full, and the Devil’s empty.  (Sins Quotes) Of the seven deadly sins, anger has long been the one with the best box of costumes. When the guy in the next car rages at you, he’s dangerous. When you rage at him, you’re just. We can usually recognize the results of anger, especially in others, as destructive and evil.  (Sins Quotes)
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