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Sins Quotes

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Thou wilt not chronicle our sand like sins; for sin is small, and mean, and barren. Good only is great, and generous, and fruitful. Number the mountains, not the sands, o God!  (Sins Quotes) And I think my sexuality was heavily repressed by the church, by the, you know, the design of the mortal sins  (Sins Quotes) Most fear stems from sin; to limit one’s sins, one must assuredly limit one’s fear, thereby bringing more peace to one’s spirit  (Sins Quotes) No man could be equipped for the presidency if he has never been tempted by one of the seven cardinal sins  (Sins Quotes) I often remembered also that I had been told, that we shall have as many devils biting us, if we go to hell, as we have unconfessed sins on our consciences  (Sins Quotes) No one was ever saved because his sins were small; no one was ever rejected on account of the greatness of his sins. Where sin abounded, grace shall much more abound  (Sins Quotes) One of the great benefits of organised religion is that you can be forgiven your sins, which must be a wonderful thing. I mean, I carry my sins around with me, there’s nobody there to forgive them  (Sins Quotes) Any bull market covers a multitude of sins, so there may be all sorts of problems with the current system that we won’t see until the bear market comes  (Sins Quotes) We can only write well about our sins because it is too difficult to recall a virtuous act or even whether it was the result of good or evil motives  (Sins Quotes) There are people who are suffering beyond description. They are innocent people, they didn’t bring this upon themselves. They are the victims of the sins of other people. And while it’s hard to see, it’s important to understand that these people exist  (Sins Quotes) Jesus died to forgive our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?  (Sins Quotes) Brethren, it is easier to declaim against a thousand sins of others, than to mortify one sin in ourselves  (Sins Quotes) If youre a reporter, the easiest thing in the world is to get a story. The hardest thing is to verify. The old sins were about getting something wrong, that was a cardinal sin. The new sin is to be boring  (Sins Quotes) Such sins, even if they do not kill all grace in us, do harm, nevertheless; and though they are only venial in themselves, they make us apt, ready, and inclined to lose grace and to fall into mortal sin  (Sins Quotes) I have committed many sins in my life. But stealing money from the government, from the people, is not one of them  (Sins Quotes) Every man is responsible only for his own acts. The sons do not inherit the sins of the fathers. But can we say: that was long ago, they were different?  (Sins Quotes) Therefore, sins of sex are punished in this life to a greater degree than some other sins  (Sins Quotes) Behold, I am become a reproach to thy holy name, by serving any ambition and the sins of others; which though I did by the persuasion of other men, yet my own conscience did cheek and upbraid me in it  (Sins Quotes) As somebody once said, we’re not punished for our sins, we’re punished by them  (Sins Quotes) Most of the vices and mortal sins condemned today correspond to inclinations that were purely adaptive or at least harmless in primitive man  (Sins Quotes) There is always so much talk about the sins of the fathers but it is the sins of the mothers that are the most difficult to avoid repeating  (Sins Quotes) We know all their gods; they ignore ours. What they call our sins are our gods, and what they call their gods, we name otherwise  (Sins Quotes) I am a firm believer in living as if there were no such thing as a secret. If we hide our sins and live in darkness, we will never get the healing we so desperately need; in fact, if it is hidden so well that we don’t even recognize it, we may never even find forgiveness  (Sins Quotes) I always think of my sins when I weed. They grow apace in the same way and are harder still to get rid of  (Sins Quotes) Sara could commit adultery at one end and weep for her sins at the other, and enjoy both operations at once  (Sins Quotes) Crimes, sins, nightmares, hunks of hair: it was surprising how many of them has something to dispose of. The more I charged, the easier it was for them to breathe freely once more  (Sins Quotes) To love, for us men, is to clasp one woman with our arms, feeling that she lives and breathes just as we do, suffers as we do, thinks with us, loves with us, and, above all, sins with us  (Sins Quotes) Anxiety is the poison of human life; the parent of many sins and of more miseries. In a world where everything is doubtful, and where we may be disappointed, and be blessed in disappointment, why this restless stir and commotion of mind? Can it alter the cause, or unravel the mystery of human events?  (Sins Quotes) Animals used to provide a lowlife way to kill and get away with it, as they do still, but, more intriguingly, for some people they are an aperture through which wounds drain. The scapegoat of olden times, driven off for the bystanders sins, has become a tender thing, a running injury. There, running away is me: hurt it and you are hurting me  (Sins Quotes) By presenting a faithful and honest record of my experience as a mother, I hope to show both my readers and my children how truth can redeem even what you fear might be the gravest of sins  (Sins Quotes)
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