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Oh you ordered some pizza. That's funny because I ordered some sits  (Sits Quotes) I don’t care about your fruits. If I fits, I sits  (Sits Quotes) Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits  (Sits Quotes) Black care rarely sits behind the rider whose pace is fast enough  (Sits Quotes) In conversation, everyone sits in confident judgment on the world  (Sits Quotes) When you sit, everything sits with you  (Sits Quotes) On the outskirts of every agony sits some observant fellow who points  (Sits Quotes) Every tub sits on its bottom  (Sits Quotes) This knowledge sits in my heart, heavy as a paperweight  (Sits Quotes) A man sits as many risks as he runs  (Sits Quotes) If the past sits in judgment on the present, the future will be lost  (Sits Quotes) Sits like a man, but smiles like a reptile  (Sits Quotes) Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences  (Sits Quotes) She thinks that happiness is a mat that sits on her doorway  (Sits Quotes) Chaos umpire sits, and by decision more embroils the fray  (Sits Quotes) Flattery sits in the parlour when plain dealing is kicked out of doors  (Sits Quotes) Alone and warming his five wits, the white owl in the belfry sits  (Sits Quotes) A conservative is a man who just sits and thinks, mostly sits  (Sits Quotes) Truth sits upon the lips of dying men  (Sits Quotes) Who riseth from a feast. With that keen appetite that he sits down?  (Sits Quotes) Here sits the unicorn in captivity; his bright invulnerability captive at last  (Sits Quotes) Here sits the Unicorn In captivity, Yet free  (Sits Quotes) Here sits the Unicorn; the wounds in his side Still bleed  (Sits Quotes) I'm not one of those writers that sits worrying about posthumous fame  (Sits Quotes) In a coma, you don't dream, you just hope that someone sits with you  (Sits Quotes) Why Mammon sits before a million hearths where God is bolted out from every house  (Sits Quotes) When a reporter sits down at the typewriter, he’s nobody’s friend  (Sits Quotes) There are some persons on whom virtue sits almost as ungraciously as vice  (Sits Quotes) I don’t like a guy who sits on the couch all day  (Sits Quotes) For three months, a person sits and looks at you, imagining a kiss  (Sits Quotes)
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