Sitting Quotes

Text Quotes
I think sitting in the car with your parents and listening to music is an essential to growing up (Sitting Quotes)
I consider myself a lyricist first and foremost, but if you get something else out of what I do, that’s fine too. I’m not sitting back here telling people how they have to take my stuff. We just want to play music, and hope that people like it (Sitting Quotes)
Sometimes you can incubate a character and that can take me a month just sitting on it imagining it, doing everything from sketching it to taking long walks, but sometimes you can see the character immediately. A lot of it is instinctive (Sitting Quotes)
I love hitting the stage and I don’t think I could trade that for sitting in the basement making beats (Sitting Quotes)
I like to relax. Spend it with people that I’ve grown up with, or people that I care about, and just relax, sit around doing nothing or sitting on a beach (Sitting Quotes)
Sure I played, did you think I was born at the age of 70 sitting in a dugout trying to manage guys like you? (Sitting Quotes)
Sitting down to eat in our house is about sharing, you know, talking about the day you’ve had, be it in school or work or whatever, so that’s very important to us (Sitting Quotes)
Writing is total grunt work. A lot of people think it’s all about sitting and waiting for the muse. I don’t buy that. It’s a job. There are days when I really want to write, days when I don’t. Every day I sit down and write (Sitting Quotes)
Going to a party, for me, is as much a learning experience as, you know, sitting in a lecture (Sitting Quotes)
I do have a blurred memory of sitting on the stairs and trying over and over again to tie one of my shoelaces, but that is all that comes back to me of school itself (Sitting Quotes)
My room for books and study or for sitting and thinking about nothing in particular to see what would happen was at the end of a hall (Sitting Quotes)
I meet people at book signings. My record now, for signing, is ten and a half hours in one sitting (Sitting Quotes)
When my cats aren’t happy, I’m not happy. Not because I care about their mood but because I know they’re just sitting there thinking up ways to get even (Sitting Quotes)
I love blackjack. But I’m not addicted to gambling. I’m addicted to sitting in a semi circle (Sitting Quotes)
People teach their dogs to sit; it’s a trick. I’ve been sitting my whole life, and a dog has never looked at me as though he thought I was tricky (Sitting Quotes)
If you have enough people sitting around telling you you’re wonderful, then you start believing you’re fabulous, then someone tells you you stink and you believe that too! (Sitting Quotes)
Let me remind you of the old maxim: people under suspicion are better moving than at rest, since at rest they may be sitting in the balance without knowing it, being weighed together with their sins (Sitting Quotes)
I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me (Sitting Quotes)
My philosophy is that if I have any money I invest it in new ventures and not have it sitting around (Sitting Quotes)
Facts are ventriloquist’s dummies. Sitting on a wise man’s knee they may be made to utter words of wisdom; elsewhere, they say nothing, or talk nonsense, or indulge in sheer diabolism (Sitting Quotes)
There’s only one person who needs a glass of water oftener than a small child tucked in for the night, and that’s a writer sitting down to write (Sitting Quotes)
You have to have spent the night at sea, sitting in a life raft and looking at your watch, to know that the night is immeasurably longer than the day (Sitting Quotes)
It is in vain that we get upon stilts, for once on them, it is still with our legs that we must walk. And on the highest throne in the world we are still sitting on our own ass (Sitting Quotes)
I would like to sit still for a while but I’m restless you know and sitting still is only an ideal like celibacy and complete cleanliness (Sitting Quotes)
You’ve got a song you’re singing from your gut, you want that audience to feel it in their gut. And you’ve got to make them think that you’re one of them sitting out there with them too. They’ve got to be able to relate to what you’re doing (Sitting Quotes)
If there was two birds sitting on a fence, he would bet you which one would fly first (Sitting Quotes)
A man who strains himself on the stage is bound, if he is any good, to strain all the people sitting in the stalls (Sitting Quotes)
A gentleman doesn’t pounce he glides. If a woman sits on a piece of furniture which permits your sitting beside her, you are free to regard this as an invitation, though not an unequivocal one (Sitting Quotes)
The problem with books, now that I’ve written one, is that the idea of adaptation is so much easier than sitting down to write something new (Sitting Quotes)
I definitely rediscovered reading for pleasure by devoting such a large swath of my time to sitting on airplanes. I am now painfully adept at removing my shoes so as to have the least amount of foot surface area touching an airport floor (Sitting Quotes)