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Sitting Quotes

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In this room we’re all here together, but there’s probably a lot of different views, people sitting here thinking, I don’t own any slaves, all the slaves are dead. why am I responsible? My family were immigrants, too  (Sitting Quotes) Usually, I don’t want to sit down and listen to the director gas on about his movie. I just can’t actually imagine myself sitting down and having that much to say  (Sitting Quotes) Universal was absolutely marvelous about sitting down with me and listening to my input. It wasn’t something where they chose a bunch of songs that were best sellers. They did a marvelous job on the packaging. It’s a beautiful tribute  (Sitting Quotes) When you’re bringing in a fairly unknown candidate challenging a sitting president, the population needs a lot more information than reduced coverage provides  (Sitting Quotes) I am sitting in the smallest room of my house. I have your review before me. In a moment it will be behind me  (Sitting Quotes) We’ve been swimming at nude beaches and I love to go skinny dipping, but I’m sorry, sitting on top of a mountain, that’s just, you’re trying to show off or something. That’s ridiculous  (Sitting Quotes) Ever since I’ve left, I’ve been doing nothing but this film and traveling, promoting and doing festivals. So the good thing is that I’m not sitting around pining over whether I made the right choice in leaving. I’m moving and grooving  (Sitting Quotes) I haven’t written an awful lot recently, but I think I probably will start again very shortly. Being so much on the road, when you have a couple of weeks off, you’re likely to avoid sitting at the piano, and taping, and giving yourself more work to do  (Sitting Quotes) Cedric, man, it’s like if I’m working with you, like I’m sitting here now talking to you, I want to get along with you. That’s how I am. I feel like if I get along with you, the work will be splendid  (Sitting Quotes) I wrote that song for my wife, and it’s what some guy who’s sitting under a tree would be singing to the woman of his life, telling her how wonderful she is. To me, that’s more lasting than something that sounds like it belongs on a movie soundtrack  (Sitting Quotes) Everywhere I have sought rest and not found it, except sitting in a corner by myself with a little book  (Sitting Quotes) I’d gone into that restaurant and sat down and the waitress had taken my order and everybody else had seen me with this what must have looked like this creature, this animal, sitting on the top of my head!  (Sitting Quotes) I aspire to know when best to walk or eat, which music I need, and how to keep myself sitting as I am now, stubbornly enraptured with doing practically nothing  (Sitting Quotes) There are a lot of dedicated people out there that don’t get the recognition that we get, but they’re as important as the people that are sitting in the vehicle  (Sitting Quotes) I have been sitting watching that ever since I came back, the continuous variations of light and shadow  (Sitting Quotes) There’s nothing more fun than sitting in a circle playing with people who are really into it  (Sitting Quotes) I’ll just be sitting down having dinner with girlfriends or something and people come up and ruin the dinner  (Sitting Quotes) I suddenly felt the plane go down. I thought we were going to die. I was really scared. I was sitting with my head in my hands  (Sitting Quotes) Here we have been sitting down for a brief moment and you are already asking me if there are pictures of me in my drawers  (Sitting Quotes) Even on the most exalted throne in the world we are only sitting on our own bottom  (Sitting Quotes) I don’t care for success. The ideas sitting in my head are annoyed by, and envious of, that which I’ve already written  (Sitting Quotes) ... A gene might be able to assist replicas of itself that are sitting in other bodies. If so, this would appear as individual altruism but it would be brought about by gene selfishness  (Sitting Quotes) Arnold: I know you’ll find this hard to comprehend, but I want more out of life than meeting a pretty face and sitting down on it  (Sitting Quotes) On life’s list of fun things to do, comes in somewhere below sitting in a tub full of scissors  (Sitting Quotes) I feel so sorry for those poor men sitting up there all day. They must be so cold  (Sitting Quotes) I sit here for hours. It’s like sitting amongst lighthouses, each lighthouse giving you a bearing on lost spaces of time  (Sitting Quotes) If a man, sitting all alone, cannot dream strange things, and make them look like truth, he need never try to write romances  (Sitting Quotes) Some painters, including myself, do not care what chair they are sitting on. It does not even has to be a comfortable one. They are too nervous to find out were they ought to sit  (Sitting Quotes) Everyone flocked to the coast and built. Now the hurricanes have come back, so to speak, and the population is sitting there  (Sitting Quotes) I quite like shutting the door, putting the answering machine on and sitting at the piano for six or seven hours  (Sitting Quotes)
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