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Sitting Quotes

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I was just sitting on the train, just staring out the window at some cows. It was not the most inspiring subject. When all of a sudden the idea of Harry just appeared in my mind’s eye  (Sitting Quotes) One day, when I was doing well in class and had finished my lessons, I was sitting there trying to analyze the game of tic-tac-toe... The teacher came along and snatched my papers on which I had been doodling... She did not realize that analyzing tic-tac-toe can lead into dozens of non-trivial mathematical questions  (Sitting Quotes) I was really awful at auditions. There’s something about sitting down and saying into the camera: ‘I’m Nina and this is the name of my agent.’ That makes me just die inside  (Sitting Quotes) When you start creating opinion, and you start creating difference of opinion, you’re doing something. People are actually sitting down and critiquing. A lot of the stuff people hate, they really don’t. They only look at the outer shell. They don’t really get into it  (Sitting Quotes) I am a pretty emotional person. Any act of kindness or unkindness moves me. When I see a romantic couple sitting by the beach, it moves me. I don’t break down or crack under pressure, but I am just sensitive  (Sitting Quotes) Producing, for me anyway, it’s coming up with material. It’s sitting down with you know the likes of Martin Scorsese, Johnny Depp, Michael Mann and talking about a movie and really creating something from nothing  (Sitting Quotes) I carry around a little journal with me, a little notebook and a pen and just write all the time. Not necessarily actually sitting down and writing lyrics, just free-form writing, whatever’s going on in my mind  (Sitting Quotes) People made a big deal out of the fact this is the first time a sitting president has done a late-night show. We tried to have other presidents on, but President Bush went to bed every night at 9:00. And President Clinton always seemed to have other late-night plans  (Sitting Quotes) When you first start out don’t set yourself a lofty goal of sitting down to meditate for twenty minutes. Aim instead for ten minutes or even five minutes - utilizing those few moments when you find yourself willing or even desiring just to take a break from the daily grind to observe your mind rather than drifting off into daydreams  (Sitting Quotes) With ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ it’s not just a tease, especially with the relationships. You’re not sitting there going, ‘God, I wish they’d get it over with and kiss!’ There’s no teasing, they jump right into the action  (Sitting Quotes) When I left the dining room after sitting next to Mr. Gladstone, I thought he was the cleverest man in England. But after sitting next to Mr. Disraeli, I thought I was the cleverest woman in England  (Sitting Quotes) I sit cross-legged on the rock The valleys and streams are cold and damp Sitting quietly is beautiful The cliffs are lost in mist and fog I rest happily in this place At dusk the tree shadows are low I look into my mind A white lotus emerges from the dark mud  (Sitting Quotes) Buddhist meditation doen’t necessarily mean sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed. Simply observing how your mind is responding to the sense world as you go about your business - walking, talking, shopping, whatever - can be a really perfect meditation and bring a perfect result  (Sitting Quotes) Real winning and losing all takes place at the meditation table. This is where the battles are. Winning is stopping thought. Losing is sitting there and being subjected to all kinds of ridiculous thoughts  (Sitting Quotes) We live in a highly industrialized society and every member of the Black nation must be as academically and technologically developed as possible. To wage a revolution, we need competent teachers, doctors, nurses, electronics experts, chemists, biologists, physicists, political scientists, and so on and so forth. Black women sitting at home reading bedtime stories to their children are just not going to make it  (Sitting Quotes) Theres a tremendous amount of work building the apparatus, getting the experiment to work. But sitting there late at night in the lab, and knowing light is going at bicycle speed, and that nobody in the history of mankind has ever been here before - that is mind-boggling. Its worth everything  (Sitting Quotes) Go back in time. Next question go and look at dinosaurs. I would be sitting on a rock looking at a T- Rex, loving life  (Sitting Quotes) My biggest fear isn’t crashing this bike at 85mph and losing my skin - it’s sitting in a chair at 90 and thinking ‘I wish I’d done more’  (Sitting Quotes) It’s always more interesting when you’re doing things with someone you like because you’re much more open to suggesting things. Also, it’s fun. It’s like if you’re sitting with your mates and you’re bantering, or you’re winding each other up and insulting each other in a playful way, but having fun with it  (Sitting Quotes) I had a very blessed journey with the upbringing I had. When you’re working on sets as a stuntman, you have a firsthand account of the dynamics between actors and directors, because you’re working hand in hand with them. You’re not sitting outside the process watching. You become part of the process. You also see your tradecraft and see how movies are made  (Sitting Quotes) You don’t need the iPhone: you have the most exquisite apparatus in the known universe sitting right in your head - the most complex organization of matter in the entire universe. And here are we, feeling a little depressed, feeling like we’re not getting where we need to be, when really you might be exactly where you need to be  (Sitting Quotes) I wrote this script in 2003, when I was a humble college student, sitting in my boxers and writing in my dorm room. And I came up with the idea of writing an action-based ‘Snow White,’ with this kind of Huntsman character as kind of a way in. So, that’s something I’m sort of proud of  (Sitting Quotes) In theory, I always think I should totally go back to school, because I don’t want to start sinking slowly... I want to learn, blah blah blah. Then I think about actually going and sitting in classes and, man, it sounds terrible  (Sitting Quotes) Every time I sit for a song, I feel I am finished. It’s like a beggar sitting waiting for God to fill your bowl with the right thought. In every song, I ask help from Him. Everybody around is so good, so to create music that will connect with so many people is not humanly possible without inspiration  (Sitting Quotes) I could go on and on and on about how we use the word ‘place’ in so many different ways. About how somebody might ask you ‘Where you at?’ And they’re not asking where are you sitting, where are you living, they’re asking: ‘How are you doing?  (Sitting Quotes) Thanks to presidential immunity and executive control of the Justice Department, there are no consequences to executive branch lawbreaking. And when it comes to presidential lawbreaking, the sitting president could literally strangle someone to death on national television and meet with no consequences  (Sitting Quotes) My Roomba’s name is Roswell. There is the moment when you are sitting on the couch and Roomba turns itself on and goes out and starts working. You really appreciate it because it works hard for you, and it deserves some kind of recognition  (Sitting Quotes) I spent my childhood watching every scary movie that Hollywood ever made. And I think that gave me the best education for storytelling. It also made me want to reproduce the scary moments that I felt, sitting in a theater at the age of 5  (Sitting Quotes) It’s based not only on what it played like in the theater, but it’s also knowing that certain things play differently in a home theater environment. You have different expectations when you’re sitting with 700 people than when you’re sitting with your friends or family. It’s just a different world  (Sitting Quotes) I love sports, but I don’t like live sporting events, because I don’t like sitting in the crowd. I like listening to records, but I don’t like going to concerts, because I don’t like standing in the crowd. I guess I just don’t like being in the crowd itself  (Sitting Quotes)
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