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Sitting Quotes

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And also I didn’t want my future to be just sitting in a room and be imprisoned in my four walls and just cooking and giving birth to children. I didn’t want to see my life in that way.  (Sitting Quotes) I swear, sometimes it feels like there’s this monkey in my head who runs around turning the dials and changing channels on me. One minute I’m sitting around eating chocolate chip cookies and then all of a sudden I’m thinking about bears.  (Sitting Quotes) You should learn to be happy with what you have. Besides, the fact that I’m not a huge star has allowed me to pick and choose the roles I want to do, not the ones some person sitting in a studio office thinks I should do.  (Sitting Quotes) My favorite holiday memory was sitting at home all day in my pajamas during winter break for school watching a bunch of old Christmas movies like ‘Jack Frost’ and ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ with my siblings and parents.  (Sitting Quotes) You know how on Christmas day, the day feels different, even if you’re just sitting in your chair waiting for your girlfriend to put her face on and you haven’t even started any of the festivities yet, the day still feels different. The electrons are fatter and pushier.  (Sitting Quotes) Some of you are sitting at home saying, ‘I don’t need a church to love God,’ and I am here telling you that you are so wrong.  (Sitting Quotes) I think I’m a spiritual person. I don’t really go to church often when services are on, but I like going in when they are empty and quiet, and just sitting there and thinking for a little while.  (Sitting Quotes) My worst image of myself is me sitting on a bed, smoking a cigarette, waiting for a phone call and thinking thoughts that don’t join together.  (Sitting Quotes) I love blackjack. But I’m not addicted to gambling. I’m addicted to sitting in a semi circle.  (Sitting Quotes) I can’t stand it when restaurants don’t have a sense of place in a city. When I’m in London, I want to know I’m in London. When you’re sitting in my joint, you know you’re sitting in Seattle.  (Sitting Quotes) I have such bad memories, sitting in the back of a classroom, being told, you know, everybody is going to read a paragraph, and skipping ahead to my paragraph and being mortified and trying to read it enough times so that I wouldn’t stutter and stammer, getting called on, even in high school.  (Sitting Quotes) By the nature of the sport and the danger we face daily, we are very close knit. Some of us have spent most of our lives together. To give you an example, having spent two decades sitting next to Richard Johnson and seeing him virtually every day, I have probably spent more time with him than I have my family, and he the same.  (Sitting Quotes) I love being domestic: making coffee, just putting on a record, and just sitting, not doing anything. It’s so great.  (Sitting Quotes) I find a ton of inspiration from the artists that I’m writing with, that I’m playing shows with, and that I’m sitting down and having coffee with.  (Sitting Quotes) Our good time is sitting in a coffee shop with a newspaper, writing a line on the back of a napkin. That is the most fun comedians ever have  (Sitting Quotes) People who are busy doing things - as opposed to people who are busy sitting around, like me, reading and having coffee in coffee shops -don’t have opportunities to kind of collect and organize their experiences and make sense of them.  (Sitting Quotes) I used to write in a local coffee shop, but there was another guy, another writer, who kept sitting in my favorite seat. I would show up, and he would be there, and I would get exiled to a couch or something, and it would throw me off my game.  (Sitting Quotes) My friends ask me what it’s like moving from Vermont to L.A., but no matter where I am, I pretty much just end up sitting in coffee shops, thinking about songs.  (Sitting Quotes) I’ve always had rock star envy. Unfortunately, writing is a pedestrian, tame occupation done while sitting in coffee-stained pajamas in front of a computer rather than prowling around a huge stage in sweaty leather pants, so I have to get my kicks vicariously.  (Sitting Quotes) Sergey Brin has said to me, like, 10 times now, ‘Why do you bother doing books? Why don’t you just put all this stuff on the Internet?’ It’s because 10 years from now, my book will still be sitting on someone’s coffee table or in a waiting room.  (Sitting Quotes) I dropped out of high school three days into my senior year because I hated it because New York City public school is a mess. I certainly wasn’t one for sitting in a classroom. Then I went off to college to North Carolina School of the Arts, then quit that after two years.  (Sitting Quotes) I’m a lesbian. Yup. Hundred percent. Hundred percent. I remember being in college, and I had fallen in love with this woman, and I remember sitting in my dorm room saying out loud to myself, like, ‘You have enough problems. You are not gonna let this happen.’  (Sitting Quotes) I’m a lesbian. Yup. Hundred percent. Hundred percent. I remember being in college, and I had fallen in love with this woman, and I remember sitting in my dorm room saying out loud to myself, like, ‘You have enough problems. You are not gonna let this happen.’ You just kinda, like, stuff it away until - well, some people stuff it away forever.  (Sitting Quotes) My father died during open-heart surgery on March 29 of my senior year in college. I was getting set to go to law school. I remember sitting in the waiting room when the doctor walked in. I said to myself, The worst possible thing just happened. What will you do?  (Sitting Quotes) When I’m not working, I’m on the road with my band. Or I’m performing in poetry houses doing spoken work. So I’ve got another passion and another outlet that allows me to be creatively fulfilled and not sitting at home pulling my hair out waiting for the right role to come along.  (Sitting Quotes) It’s depressing sitting at a comedy club all night, waiting to get on to do your five or ten minutes of material.  (Sitting Quotes) Interestingly it’s when you come to the comedy, that’s where a lot of the discussion is. It’s like ten people sitting around talking about what is funny. Is that funny? Is that funnier than that? Is this slightly funnier than this? I guess that’s what it’s like when you’re making a comedy movie as well, you just have to sit around talking seriously about the nature of comedy.  (Sitting Quotes) If you’re sitting around worrying about bills all day, it’s hard to hear the guidance that’s coming from the inside.  (Sitting Quotes) It’s not like I’m sitting at home coming up with some secret beauty plan  (Sitting Quotes) I’m not a natural employer. I live very privately, and we like our privacy at home. To be sitting and talking with your wife or your family and to have somebody walking around and you’re ignoring them, I couldn’t handle that at all. I can barely handle a cleaning lady coming in every so often.  (Sitting Quotes)
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