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Sitting Quotes

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I love writing. It’s one of my favorite jobs. Of the things I get to do, I love sitting in a room and coming up with ideas, and I love going home and pounding them out.  (Sitting Quotes) When you’re writing a novel, you spend four years sitting in your basement and a year waiting for the book to come out and then you get the feedback. When you do work online, the moment you’re finished making it, people start responding to it which is really fun and allows for a kind of community development you just can’t have in novels.  (Sitting Quotes) I would like to be a part of a community of women, and help women be empowered, but I think I’m not necessarily political. I say that because I really hate politicians, so I don’t fancy sitting around and thinking about them all the time.  (Sitting Quotes) I’ve got different ideas of complete happiness. But one is being by myself out in a forest, completely happy. Another is walking with a dog in some nice place. And three is sitting around preferably a fire, but not necessarily, and drinking red wine with friends and telling stories.  (Sitting Quotes) I’m sitting here bored, ... trying to remember that everything is a complete mystery.  (Sitting Quotes) I think games are starting to branch out. It’s not just guys sitting at their computer stations. Games are so fun, that everybody gets into them a little bit.  (Sitting Quotes) Creating the characters is the most creative part of the novel except for the language itself. There I am, sitting in front of my computer in right-brain mode, typing the things that come to mind - which become the seeds of plot. It’s scary, though, because I always wonder: Is it going to be there this time?  (Sitting Quotes) Writing on a computer makes saving what’s been written too easy. Pretentious lead sentences are kept, not tossed. Instead of sitting surrounded by crumpled paper, the computerized writer has his mistakes neatly stored in digital memory.  (Sitting Quotes) I carry an umbrella when I am outdoors and always wear sunscreen, even when I am sitting in front of a computer screen! I never touch coffee or other caffeinated drinks.  (Sitting Quotes) You’ve probably never thought about it before unless you happen to write for a living, but professional writers are doomed to spend most of their waking hours sitting by themselves at a desk, staring at a blank computer screen and waiting for lightning to strike.  (Sitting Quotes) I carry an umbrella when I am outdoors and always wear sunscreen, even when I am sitting in front of a computer screen!  (Sitting Quotes) When I was a kid, I would come home from school, throw my bag, go out to play. My daughter comes home from school, throws her bag, goes to play, but sitting in front of the computer because their definition of play has changed. They don’t go out to play. They play on the computer with their friends.  (Sitting Quotes) Immediate, simultaneous connection between the audience and a performer is crucial to me. It’s why I do what I do. Other things, like recording, are satisfying, but they’re not the same. I love the connection I get with the audience when I’m sitting behind that piano.  (Sitting Quotes) I don’t remember sitting down and saying, ‘This is why I want to be - an actress.’ I just knew. It was never a conscious decision or a revelation.  (Sitting Quotes) My own interest in art was because of my mother. My father didn’t like contemporary art, so he didn’t give her large sums to spend. So, she began buying prints and drawings. During my school days, I remember sitting in on many of the early meetings.  (Sitting Quotes) I love making people laugh. It’s an addiction and it’s probably dysfunctional, but I am addicted to it and there’s no greater pleasure for me than sitting in a theater and feeling a lot of people losing control of themselves.  (Sitting Quotes) Don’t get yourself in certain circumstances or instances, because it’s not a good feeling to be sitting in that chair where you’ve got 12 people that are in control of your life. You have an opportunity to be in control of your life for yourself by the decisions that you make.  (Sitting Quotes) You cultivate the subconscious by meditation, by sitting in silence and by not trying to control your thoughts. Then go someplace where you haven’t been before, or go for a walk, a run, and look for signs of grace-an epiphany, something that comes to you.  (Sitting Quotes) Truth is felt in the heart. This is why your heart should always be your ultimate temple. Sitting inside on a blue altar, is you’re where you find your conscience. This is where all conversations with God stream.  (Sitting Quotes) You get this really cool groove when you’re playing just piano, bass, and drums where everyone’s sort of feeling each other’s space, which is the only way to put it, but it really is true, and everyone’s sort of sitting in their own pocket. It’s kind of jazz-like.  (Sitting Quotes) Corporate America needs to get its act together to see that the education system is changed so it produces what it needs. The educational system that teaches kids to be passive recipients of knowledge worked when most workers were sitting in assembly lines.  (Sitting Quotes) For me, writing something down was the only road out...I hated childhood, and spent it sitting behind a book waiting for adulthood to arrive. When I ran out of books I made up my own. At night, when I couldn’t sleep, I made up stories in the dark.  (Sitting Quotes) The only two shows I watch are ‘Walking Dead’ and ‘Nashville,’ but both just went off the air for a couple of months, so I feel like I have to be productive because I’m not sitting around waiting for the next episode of zombies or mainstream country music.  (Sitting Quotes) I think - I think the real nightmare place now is less Afghanistan than it is Pakistan. I mean, again, Pakistan is this gigantic country, deeply troubled, kind of almost ungovernable, sitting on top of probably 50 or 60 nuclear warheads. Nobody really knows where the warheads are; the Americans certainly don’t know where they are.  (Sitting Quotes) I could never be a country person, sitting around trees trying to write a song. I would rather be in the middle of society, whether it’s growing or crumbling.  (Sitting Quotes) Writing becomes a really good creative outlet when you’re sitting there and feeling creatively frustrated or stilted, but also you then get to write parts for yourself.  (Sitting Quotes) It’s a rare thing when you can read a script in one sitting and you haven’t looked at the watch or you’ve gone to make a cup of tea.  (Sitting Quotes) More and more, modern warfare will be about people sitting in bunkers in front of computer screens, whether remotely piloted aircraft or cyber weapons.  (Sitting Quotes) My dad had a retail business in Leavenworth, Kansas, and there’s a whole bunch of prisons there, so it was a backdrop of my childhood, these ominous prisons sitting off the road.  (Sitting Quotes) Girls love guys who dance, and I’m definitely going to be the first one on the dance floor. Usually, you just see guys sitting around, but I definitely don’t hold back when it comes to dancing.  (Sitting Quotes)
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