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Sitting Quotes

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Life’s too short when you find yourself sitting in a car for four hours every day trying to get from East L.A. to West L.A. to Hollywood and then back to East L.A.  (Sitting Quotes) I was watching an HBO special on eating habits and different cultures, and they showed in China how people eat cats ... I happened to be sitting on the couch with my cat, and once I saw that, it just put everything in perspective.  (Sitting Quotes) ...That he’d seen...two people, a young man and a woman, sitting on invisible furniture with their feet up, reading books and eating chocolates.  (Sitting Quotes) Creating a meal for my friends and family, sitting together, eating, laughing and talking - that is when I am so happy. Oh my God, if you could see how much food I make - I am the original Jewish mother.  (Sitting Quotes) I think universities are trying to figure out how we could use what we know about learning to change our education system, but it is sort of funny that they don’t necessarily seem to be consulting the people who are sitting right there on campus.  (Sitting Quotes) If I sit down with an electric guitar, what’s going to come out are Sabbath/Zeppelin type riffs, but if I’m sitting behind a piano late at night, I might write something like ‘Desperado.’ You’re not going to write ‘Desperado’ between a wall of Marshalls and thumping, crushing volume.  (Sitting Quotes) I’m enjoying everything in my life, but I think the element of surprise in show business is what makes us really love it, because one day you’re sitting by the phone waiting to do something or not doing anything, and the next day you’ve got the chance of a lifetime. Those little phone calls don’t come up so often, but when they come up, it’s fantastic.  (Sitting Quotes) There are always going to be hospital dramas because if you’re sitting in an emergency room for two hours, I guarantee you you are going to see something that makes you gasp. That’s where drama comes from.  (Sitting Quotes) When I’m sitting writing, I know that something works if I’ve made myself cry, or laugh, or have a visceral emotion.  (Sitting Quotes) I come around when you least expect me! I’m sitting at the bar when your glass is empty!  (Sitting Quotes) I like the performing. And interviews, even. And the stuff that’s not sitting in a room by yourself with empty paper. But I never loved writing, to tell you the truth.  (Sitting Quotes) I went to university for a year, and I’m not one for schooling and have no enjoyment sitting in a classroom all day and ended up going to live in England for two years, just to travel. I worked in a bar in a hotel for a couple of years and had no intention of becoming an actor. That’s where I met my agent.  (Sitting Quotes) Practise love. Sitting alone in your room, be loving. Radiate love. Fill the whole room with your love energy.  (Sitting Quotes) I was sitting on my mom’s lap across from my father to see Kay Thompson at Ciro’s. And I always remember this energy force, this woman flying around the room and singing these harmonies so everyone went, ‘Wow!’ So I thought, ‘That’s what I want to do.’  (Sitting Quotes) You cannot beat the feeling of sitting on top of the charts. I had almost forgotten what it feels like... It feels great! It is really a very exciting time and I am enjoying the ride.  (Sitting Quotes) Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. The person sitting in the shade now should be grateful for the person who planted and tended that tree. That includes all those benefactors of humanity throughout history that created, invented, financed, produced, maintained and improved all that we enjoy today.  (Sitting Quotes) I’d love to say that every move I make is completely calculated and I’m sitting on a pile of scripts, sifting through them for the perfect role, but the fact is that there are a lot of talented people out there and there’s a lot of competition in our business.  (Sitting Quotes) Your pants are unseasonably bitch. I beg your pardon. Excuse me, madam, but you are sitting on my erection.  (Sitting Quotes) [Donald Trump] not going to be sitting in studio acting as the executive producer of The Apprentice. I think that’s Mark Burnett and that’s the way it’s going to be.  (Sitting Quotes) I had an existential crisis at the Oscars, sitting next to Sean Penn and Meryl Streep, and being like, ‘What am I doing here? I don’t belong here’. I felt like it could all be taken away.  (Sitting Quotes) When the Bond films started, people didn’t travel quite as much as they do now; a lot of people had never been outside of their own country, and certainly sitting in the cinema and seeing these exotic locations - I mean, that movie did great things for India, for tourism. They were very wise to allow us to film there.  (Sitting Quotes) From time to time, I’ve experimented with sculpture or metal design. It’s a good break from just sitting behind the keyboard.  (Sitting Quotes) I never really had the fun teens of exploring the world because I was sitting at home, learning programming.  (Sitting Quotes) There was this wonderful trick of going to the theater with my parents and sitting in the audience under the watchful eye of an usher, and then these other people would come on the stage: They spoke differently and had different clothes and hair. Afterward, they would come back, and they were my parents again. It was magic.  (Sitting Quotes) We’ve got 942 friends on Facebook, but when was the last time we spent an afternoon sitting in High Park with one of them?  (Sitting Quotes) I always had the uncomfortable feeling that if I wasn’t sitting in front of a computer typing, I was wasting my time - but I pushed myself to take a wider view of what was productive. Time spent with my family and friends was never wasted.  (Sitting Quotes) I’ve covered a lot of ground geographically and emotionally and for years I lost my connection with my family. But the best comfort you can have, whether you are on the phone or sitting there in the living room with them, is with your parents, and to me family has always meant protection. When you smile you get a smile back, unconditionally.  (Sitting Quotes) I live in a neighborhood that’s very family-oriented, so I feel like everyone else is sleeping and I’m sitting up, making music. It’s just me. It’s a nice time to be creative.  (Sitting Quotes) Food is about communal togetherness. Our family does sit at the table. I think it’s a great tragedy if a family doesn’t have a table, as there is such an atmosphere of good will and warmth when we have eight people sitting around it.  (Sitting Quotes) Fat people are brilliant in bed. If I’m sitting on top of you, who’s going to argue?  (Sitting Quotes)
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