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Situation Quotes

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My mother’s incredibly giving, almost too giving at times. And, my dad is a real logical person. He’s got logic for every situation. They’ve been married for 24 years, so there was that stability, also. I really learned to think on my own at a very young age  (Situation Quotes) We live in an increasingly sophisticated world that makes it difficult to make simple comments on stuff. There are too many people on both sides of the border who are taking advantage of circumstances and the situation  (Situation Quotes) A threatened nation can react to uncertain dangers solely through administrative channels, to the truly embarrassing situation of perhaps overreacting  (Situation Quotes) From a moral point of view, there is no excuse for terrorist acts, regardless of the motive or the situation under which they are carried out  (Situation Quotes) I’m not a rock star. Sure I am, to a certain extent because of the situation, but when kids ask me how it feels to be a rock star, I say leave me alone, I’m not a rock star. I’m not in it for the fame, I’m in it because I like to play  (Situation Quotes) Treat everyone the way you would want to be treated... this can be applied to any situation  (Situation Quotes) Now we are in a situation in which for a significant part of the industrial world too much could become a danger, especially too much of the things which are really not good for us in such large quantities  (Situation Quotes) So when I made some money, I didn’t have any idea how one handled such a situation because no one in our family ever had any money  (Situation Quotes) Time is the most important thing there is. That is the only element that you can’t withdraw from the situation and still have the situation exist. Everything depends on time  (Situation Quotes) Well it seems to me, that all real communities grow out of a shared confrontation with survival. Communities are not produced by sentiment or mere goodwill. They grow out of a shared struggle. Our situation in the desert is an incubator for community  (Situation Quotes) Fighting hard to protect yourself and your relatives is good for your genes, but when captured and escape is not possible, giving up short of dying and making the best you can of the new situation is also good for your genes  (Situation Quotes) There are situations in life to which the only satisfactory response is a physically violent one. If you don’t make that response, you continually relive the unresolved situation over and over in your life  (Situation Quotes) I think every girl needs to love herself, regardless of anything. Like if you’re having a bad day, if you don’t like your hair, if you don’t have the best family situation, whatever, you have to love yourself and you can’t do anything until you love yourself first  (Situation Quotes) Nobody’s profitable at this moment, because recession is on; advertising dollars are down, and expenses are way up. So that kind of belies the situation that you would expect, because the ratings are way up everywhere  (Situation Quotes) Total ghettoization, because they were in charge of public housing, the local council, and they deliberately located people in a ghetto situation in order to ensure that they maintained control  (Situation Quotes) It’s much easier to write when you’re sad. But you can end up isolated and depressed because you almost need to put yourself in that situation to have that angst to write from  (Situation Quotes) And whenever I’m in a situation where I’m wearing the same as 600 other people and doing the same thing as 600 other people, looking back, I always found ways to make myself different, whether it be having a red lining inside of my jacket, having red shoes, it hasn’t changed  (Situation Quotes) If that many people recognize how hard I go every night and what I put into my game, to make myself and my team better, it means a lot to mean. I’m fortunate; I’m blessed to be in the situation that I’m in right now  (Situation Quotes) I have always loved to use fear, to take it and comprehend it and make it work and consolidate a situation where I was afraid and take it whole and work from there  (Situation Quotes) In the place where I was a child, there were no artists and there was no art, so I really didn’t know what that meant. I think I thought it meant that I would be in a situation different than the one that I was in  (Situation Quotes) A big part of letting go is recognizing when it is time to stay in a situation and when it is time to move on  (Situation Quotes) Hopefully, nations will refuse to accept a situation in which nuclear accidents actually do occur, and, if at all possible, they will do something to correct a system which makes them likely  (Situation Quotes) New developments in weapon systems during the 1950s and early 1960s created a situation that was most dangerous, and even conducive to accidental war  (Situation Quotes) Not that I wouldn’t have been equally happy to see the old buddies and see it all start up again that way. But this was more of a work situation, and a very good one  (Situation Quotes) It’s less about the physical training, in the end, than it is about the mental preparation: boxing is a chess game. You have to be skilled enough and have trained hard enough to know how many different ways you can counterattack in any situation, at any moment  (Situation Quotes) But, right now, the situation is that almost all of my writing is out of print  (Situation Quotes) When I was put in a situation where I’m going there, you have to look at the team and the possibility that hey, we can probably do some good things over there  (Situation Quotes) A lot of times when you go through a very traumatic situation and it’s emotionally difficult to deal with you come back spiritually stronger. It changes you in a way  (Situation Quotes) Well first of all you have to make the character strong so that people can follow that. And then hopefully that character can integrate with the background of the social situation that people can recognize  (Situation Quotes) There were mornings when I just didn’t want to get out of bed. But once again, I’m in an adverse situation and having to deal with something new and learn how to do it  (Situation Quotes)
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