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Situation Quotes

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The greatest influence you can have in any situation is to be the presence of love  (Situation Quotes) When conventional tactics are altered unexpectedly according to the situation, they take on the element of surprise and increase in strategic value  (Situation Quotes) The only way we really create change is to enter any situation with the humility to listen and to recognize the world as it is, and then the audacity to dream what it could be  (Situation Quotes) For a few moments, be aware of your potential for change. Whatever your present situation is, evolution and transformation are always possible. At the least, you can change your way of seeing things and then, gradually, your way of being as well  (Situation Quotes) If you want to know what you are here to do, how you can be more loving, or how to get through a difficult situation, my answer is always meditate. The difference between prayer and meditation is that when we pray, we are asking for something, and when we meditate, we are listening to the answer  (Situation Quotes) My assignment is to take my situation and to use it to help others who feel hopeless and/or helpless because of loss  (Situation Quotes) In any decision situation, the amount of relevant information available is inversely proportional to the importance of the decision  (Situation Quotes) What’s right for most people in most situations isn’t right for everyone in every situation. Real morality lies in following one’s own heart  (Situation Quotes) It is very helpful to have a partner on whom you can rely in any situation. But the problem starts because some people don’t like it that one twin would be president and the other prime minister  (Situation Quotes) If you have made a mistake or committed an inaccuracy there is no need to become annoyed and to think that everything is lost. You have to reorientate yourself quickly and find a new plan in the new situation  (Situation Quotes) Being disabled gave me an immense advantage. People are kinder to you. It puts you on a different level than if you go into a situation whole and secure  (Situation Quotes) Do you know what’s one mistake we always make? Believing that life’s immutable, that once you get on a particular track you have to follow it to the end of the line. But it appears that fate has more imagination than we do. Just when you think you’re in a situation you can’t escape from, when you’ve reached the lowest depths of total desperation, everything changes as fast as a gust of wind, everything’s overturned; from one second to the next you find you’re living a new life  (Situation Quotes) In the formation of such a government, it is not only the right, but the indispensable duty of every citizen to examine the principles of it, to compare them with the principles of other governments, with a constant eye to our particular situation and circumstances, and thus endeavor to foresee the future operations of our own system, and its effects upon human happiness. Convinced of this truth, I have no apology to offer for the following remarks, but an earnest desire to be useful to my country  (Situation Quotes) Is there one specific source that determines correct morality and everybody should follow that? Or should individuals come up with following that source or not depending on their situation?  (Situation Quotes) Start out by celebrating the best in the situation because it allows us to fall in love with it, which connects us to our passion and emancipates the energy  (Situation Quotes) The most powerful tool that I can share with you to transform any situation is the power of blessing with love. No matter where you work or how you feel about the place, bless it with love  (Situation Quotes) One of the greatest handicaps is to fear a mistake. You have stopped yourself. You have to move freely into the arena, not just to wait for the perfect situation, the perfect moment... If you have to make a mistake, it’s better to make a mistake of action than one of inaction. If I had the opportunity again, I would take chances  (Situation Quotes) The anarchists are not promising anything to anyone. The anarchists only want people to be conscious of their own situation and seize freedom for themselves  (Situation Quotes) If you do the best you can, no matter how bad the situation, you probably are going to come out okay  (Situation Quotes) When you accept and appreciate yourself you can handle any situation with class, dignity and respect  (Situation Quotes) Whatever success I’ve had it is because I’ve tried to understand the situation of the player. I think the coach’s duty is to avoid complicating matters  (Situation Quotes) However hopeless the situation appears to be there yet always exists the possibility of putting up a stubborn resistance  (Situation Quotes) Glamour is assurance. It is a kind of knowing that you are all right in every way, mentally and physically and in appearance, and that, whatever the occasion or the situation, you are equal to it  (Situation Quotes) By nature I will find hope in everything. Even if it’s the most incredibly hopeless situation or circumstance. That’s just me... I’ll never be able to see things any other way  (Situation Quotes) There’s a time in your life where you’re not quite sure where you are. You think everything’s perfect, but it’s not perfect... Then one day you wake up and you can’t quite picture yourself in the situation you’re in. But the secret is, if you can picture yourself doing anything in life, you can do it  (Situation Quotes) All dancers are, by and large, a photographer’s dream. They communicate with their bodies and they are trained to be completely responsive to a collaborative situation  (Situation Quotes) These are things I’d never seen before, they were very disturbing and they were very compelling to try and do something to change the situation for the animals. Farm animals are providing us with the food to stay alive, so I think we really owe them a decent life while they are alive  (Situation Quotes) Life is not so much defined by the external situation as it is by the internal one  (Situation Quotes) Prayer is not flight, prayer is power. Prayer does not deliver a man from some terrible situation; prayer enables a man to face and to master the situation  (Situation Quotes) The moment always dictates in my work. What I feel, I do. This is the most important thing for me. Everybody can look, but they don’t necessarily see. I never calculate or consider; I see a situation and I know that it’s right, even if I have to go back to get the proper lighting  (Situation Quotes)
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