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Situation Quotes

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Only those who see that the two sides of all phenomena, visible and invisible, are front and back or beginning and end of one reality can embrace any antagonistic situation, see its complementarity, and help others to do the same, thereby establishing peace and harmony  (Situation Quotes) Just because we go through a difficult situation, it doesn’t mean that the future is predetermined. The future is very much in our hands, in our actions  (Situation Quotes) A person is strong only when he stands upon his own truth, when he speaks and acts with his deepest convictions. Then, whatever the situation he may be in, he always knows what he must say and do. He may fall, but he cannot bring shame upon himself or his cause. If we seek the liberation of the people by means of a lie, we will surely grow confused, go astray, and loose sight of our objective, and if we have any influence at all on the people we will lead them astray as well-in other words, we will be acting in the spirit of reaction and to its benefit  (Situation Quotes) Before I had a son, I used to look at my father’s example: he left me, he left my mother. When I had a son, I got caught in the same situation that his mother don’t want me to see him. I started looking at my father in a different light  (Situation Quotes) You can’t stay married in a situation where you are afraid to go to sleep in case your wife might cut your throat  (Situation Quotes) Focusing on getting the most out of every situation is stressful. Focusing on giving the most in every situation is liberating  (Situation Quotes) The true mark of maturity is when someone hurts you and you try and understand their situation instead of hurting them back  (Situation Quotes) I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength  (Situation Quotes) What you have done causes things to happen. Your situation in life now has been caused, is predicated upon, your previous actions. That is karma  (Situation Quotes) Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory  (Situation Quotes) I would come back to public school for usually about half the year. It was actually better for me to be out of school a lot, because I was two years younger than everybody, which is a bad situation, socially  (Situation Quotes) You don’t want to move toward some utopian literary situation where everybody’s free of all conventions. That’s ridiculous! Conventions are what you need. You have nothing to break down if you don’t have conventions  (Situation Quotes) Being in a war situation is probably the most extreme situation for a human being to be in  (Situation Quotes) The complexity of the situation of having a war going on around you and what that delivers to you is that you have to figure out which side to take  (Situation Quotes) If you ever want to get a sense of your own personal failure, look at yourself trying to get across a point that nobody is listening to and the situation gets worse and worse  (Situation Quotes) I don’t do comedy. I think if a situation is funny you just play it for real and if it’s funny, it’s funny  (Situation Quotes) It’s really not a difficult decision when you reflect on it,... The situation is just so tenuous with where it’s going to hit. You don’t want to take any chances  (Situation Quotes) If you have the personalities down, you understand them and identify with them; you can stick them in any situation and have a pretty good idea of how they’re going to respond. Then it’s just a matter of sanding and polishing up the jokes. But if you’ve got more ambiguous characters or stock stereotypes, the plastic comes through and they don’t work as well. These two characters clicked for me almost immediately and I feel very comfortable working with them  (Situation Quotes) To some of us, hunger was more academic than real, but we must try to develop the ability to feel the urgency of such a situation  (Situation Quotes) I have a theory that women are generally given space and appointed to jobs when the situation is tough. I’ve observed that in many instances. In times of crisis, women eventually are called upon to sort out the mess, face the difficult issues and be completely focused on restoring the situation  (Situation Quotes) We cannot rule out a situation in which a preemptive policy tightening becomes necessary,... Such caution seems especially warranted with regard to the sharp rise in equity prices during the past two years. These gains have obviously raised questions of sustainability  (Situation Quotes) Very beautiful situations have developed using chaos as part of the enlightened approach. There is chaos of all kinds developing all the time... If you are trying to stop those situations, you are looking for external means of liberating yourself, another answer. But if we are able to look into the basic situation, then chaos is the inspiration, confusion is the inspiration  (Situation Quotes) Right mindfulness does not simply mean being aware; it is like creating a work of art. You can therefore trust what you are doing; you are not threatened by anything. You have room to dance in the space, and this makes it a creative situation. The space is open to you  (Situation Quotes) Humans are the only animals that try to dwell in the future. You don’t have to purely live in the present situation without a plan, but the future plans you make can only be based on the aspects of the future that manifest within the present situation  (Situation Quotes) Habit is formed out of memory... We often shape our present situation according to those habitual memories. Instead of starting fresh, we go back to what we’ve done in the past... easier for us than fighting our way through foreign territory  (Situation Quotes) The successful man or woman always looks for the advantage or benefit in every situation and lo and behold, they always find it  (Situation Quotes) A living creature develops a destructive impulse when it wants to destroy a source of danger... The original motive is not pleasure in destruction... I destroy in a dangerous situation because I want to live and do not want to have any anxiety. In short, the impulse to destroy serves a primary biological will to live  (Situation Quotes) We don’t realize that we face a frustrating situation in which we win every battle, but we lose the war  (Situation Quotes) I wish to be of service to the artists of our own day, by showing them how a small beginning leads to the highest elevation, and how from so noble a situation it is possible to fall to utmost ruin, and consequently, how these arts resemble nature as shown in our human bodies  (Situation Quotes) What modern art means is that you have to keep finding new ways to express yourself, to express the problems, that there are no settled ways, no fixed approach. This is a painful situation, and modern art is about this painful situation of having no absolutely definite way of expressing yourself  (Situation Quotes)
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